Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Romance and holiday lighting

First, I’d like to say that your reaction to yesterday’s post surprised the heck out of me. I had no idea when I wrote the story about the strange-but-true Christmas tree whether or not it would look CRAZY to others.

My husband does some really sweet things sometimes and he didn't seem too surprised when I told him I’d written about the tree and the few photos I’d posted. He was surprised, however, that most people found it romantic. You see, he doesn’t even know he’s being romantic. He just knew I wanted a tree.

Which makes it even better, of course.

A few people have written asking me where I purchased the lights that I posted [here]. I’m also including a few more photos of them.

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I bought these beautiful light strings online from Smith & Hawken more than 5 years ago. I bought the string of large globes first and the following year, I purchased the smaller strand. Smith & Hawken doesn’t sell either of these anymore, and in fact their website is not even available, which surprised me. I did find some interesting Smith & Hawken light sets on Ebay, however. So if you’re really interested in finding them, you could check there.

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I love white lights. Especially when they’re rather unique.

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I love having you visit, too. What kind of holiday lighting do you prefer?

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Ellen said...

White lights and lots of them!

Betty said...

I like your lights because they are differant.I like white and blue lights.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

Sugar Creek Beads said...

I am really enjoying your wonderful lights and display on the mantels. Since I am moving after the holidays I am not decorating much this season but I will be stealing your look next Christmas. Lovely. Jeanne

Caroline said...

Your mantle lights are so pretty... I bet the room just glows! I spy a new cardinal on your header???

Anonymous said...

I love them all, truth be told.. but these are incredibly beautiful. I'm going to google search and see what I can come up with...

Deb said...

I meant to put lights on the mantle, but honestly, I am not in the mood. I've done enough decorating and that's that.
Down in the dumps? Yeah, a bit. I'm waiting for a break of some kind.

Mary said...

Love those lights, Kate. And I'm definitely a white light girl. :)

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I love all lights, the colored ones, the blinking ones, the white ones, all of 'em. Those white ones on your mantle, though, are exquisite.

ELK said...

they are stunning and so warmly photographed kate

Country Girl said...

Caroline, you are the first to notice the cardinal on the header! I placed him there two days ago and was waiting to see if anyone would notice him.

Thanks, all. I love hearing which lights you enjoy. Even when I'm down, the little lights are cheerful.

~ C.G.

Sweetpea said...

CG, I am a fan of all *white lights* too...wonder why that many of us seem to be cheering for the "WHITE LIGHTS".... that is a word most individual to each of us, taking many forms...

abb said...

Well, if I'm honest, I prefer holiday lighting that someone other than me puts up. (Bah humbug!)

Unknown said...

They are beautiful!

Skogkjerring said...

Good morning! I don't know what happened but I posted yesterday also and it didn't come through, it was a really lovely post about a very lovely act on your husband's part...I even showed that post to my honey and he thought it was a funny tree..he didn't get the romantic part either..I don't think guys in general get that like we do!!
The lights are lovely, have a super day! Hugs from Norway :-)

Annie said...

Kate. I love all Christmas lights. Especially those put there with love. Your tree was very special, how lovely for your hubby to do that for you! He is very sweet!
It is so lovely to be the recipient of something special, when we ourselves are a bit low. It sure is contagious!

BB said...

Gorgeous - missed the last post and just read it. Lovely... sweet. Christmassy for sure.

Bit of a contrast to MY latest post, that's for sure!
PS Love white lights - little tiny bud lights are the best for me... or the 'real' ones up above on an inky black bush night!

Anonymous said...
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Anke said...

I'm a white lights kind of gal, but hubby likes colored lights. As a compromise we take turns. This year I got my white lights... :-)

Daryl said...

those are lovely but I have this thing for those blue lights .. hey. I am a Jewess ... I dont do Christmas trees or mantle decor other than a menorah in which BTW I use/put blue candles

ToonMan is romantic .. he isnt sentimental but he is romantic ..

Anonymous said...

Your lights look beautiful.

I'm more of a coloured light person myself. I have them all over the place! And five sets on the tree in the lounge.

CJ xx

Carolynn Anctil said...

I'm a small, twinkling light type. Understated and sweet. The lighting, not me. *wink*

Give your husband a hug from me. He holds out hope for single women like me.

Scriptor Senex said...

My favourite lighting - at every time of year - is candles. We use Christmas as an excuse to have dozens of them all over the place. Not something to have on a tree, of course!

Merisi said...

I googled and got the sad news that Smith and Hawken has folded last summer! I loved their catalogues and stores in the DC area. I have several beautiful glass ornaments, hand-made in Germany, which are among the most beautiful I ever saw. I usually waited for their sales, but these glass ornaments were a good value and one had to purchase them immediately, the great ones went so quickly!
I am also a white Christmas lights kinda girl. My trees is gaudy already with the colored glass ornaments.

I have looked around the stores here for unique glass ornaments. There are plenty, but none that "speak" to me like S&H's.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Here in UK Kate there has been a fashion for a few years to have blue lights - I hate them. They don't remind me of Christmas at all. In some of our towns they string tiny white lights in the trees on the sides of the road and they look absolutely lovely. I love your unusual lights, I have never seen any like them over here.

The JR said...

I love them. Very pretty.

Anonymous said...

Your husband doing that for you was so romantic...thoughtful...loving... caring and self-less...doing something just for YOU. I long for a man to do things like that for me!

Mental P Mama said...

I love those....I love all kinds of lights. All kinds;)

Cloudia said...

How nice to visit here, C.G.

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Egghead said...

Oh white lights are my favorite and I do love those. But I don't need any more lights so I shall refrain from ebay. So I read your previous post last night but my eyes would not stay open to comment. I just had to say that yes indeed your hubby was quite romantic even though he was not aware of it. Just shows his love for you in knowing what would touch your heart.

Anonymous said...

Oh those are so pretty! I am strickly a white lights girl.