Well, that post title encompases a lot, right? I just wanted to thank a couple of people who have sent me awards lately and one of them I'd completely forgotten about. (Sorry Shimmy). As I sit here in my favorite spot in the living room, I need you to know that George says hello. And he's saying hello with a mouth full of toys. He wants me to play, you see, so he goes to his toy box, fetches a couple of toys and then gingerly lays them next to me. I throw the toy, he fetches it, and well there you have it. Geez, he is such a cute dog.
And now, on to the awards . . .

Shimmy Mom passed this award on to me for being her blogger friend. She wrote: "You are one of my longest, non-family, followers, and have always left encouraging comments, even whenmy life has seemed hectic and my posts were dumb. You were the first "blogger" that I considered a friend.
Secondly, I wish like anything, that I could do more for you than type, right now! And please know, that you are in my prayers everyday!"
Thanks, Shimmy! That's sweet. Honestly, it made me feel better right away.
And just the other day, EmmyRedneck over at Musings of a Minnesota Girl sent me the Butterfly Award for the coolest blog. Thanks, Emmy!
The rules for this award are to post it on your site, linking back to the person who gave it to you. And then to nominate ten other blogs, link to them and let them know they have an award. Well, even though that sounds like a lot of work, I'm going to get on it. Really, I am.

So here are some blogs that I personally think are pretty cool. And please note that if you don't see your own blog here, I'm sorry. It's not that I don't think you're cool. It's just that I am an air head. And I can only name ten. And some days, I can only count to ten. You know how it goes.
3. Parvum Opus
4. As My Days Are (need google translator)
8. Quiet Life
So go forth and multiply, my friends. You're all cool.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
And finally, yesterday I got a haircut. At a new salon. ** Gasp ** And I just don't know how to tell my former hairdresser that I've cheated on her, and that I may plan on continuing to do so. Hell, it's not just a plan, it's how it's going to be from now on. This new salon is quite a drive from my house, but they made me feel like a million bucks. And even though it costs a bit more, I couldn't believe how much I liked it.
I didn't think it would be "me", you know, going into a high class salon in this blue-blood town (honestly, that's where it is). But as I sat there with the latest issue of Architectural Digest, and a giant glass of chardonnay (compliments of the house), I decided that not only was it me, but that I could get real used to this very quickly.
My thanks to the friend who turned me on to this place. You know who you are. And I owe you one.
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .
Oh the magic of Chardonnay can eliminate all fears of a new hairstylist j(or most any other change in your life).
Congrats on your awards and finding a hairstylist that you like.
you make me laugh soooooo much!! glad that it worked out for you :)
OMG I totally know what you mean... I have 'cheated' on my hair girl too... And I just dont know how to tell her. Lol! So maybe I wont. Ahhh!
I love my hairdresser and I won't cheat on her because it took me so long to find her. I've been with her for over 10 years now and she's seen me through long and short, straight, and curly, tucked and untucked. It's wonderful to find a hairdresser you like who can do your hair to complement your features - and to get a glass of Chardonnay, well that's just too good to be true. I get special coffee....
Girl, you know how to get a hair cut! Everyone needs a little pampering - and a lot more often than we realize. Cheers!
Sounds like a very relaxing time getting your hair cut- you deserve a little relaxation.
What a great feeling a good hair cut is eh? It is worth the guilt of changing if you feel good about it. Just part of the nature of things. Glad you feel good about it and wine? Wow!
Kate, you rock! :*
LOL, you can always tell her you decided to grow it long -- real long ( =Crystal Gayle ...heh ;-)
Do we get a peek at the new haircut? Pleeeeese? :) Thanks for the laugh this morning, and for the award, too. Have a great weekend!
I have a similar problem. Recently my hubby tried a new saloon, he usually just goes to the barber shop or family, and the hair dresser gives head massages to all her clients. He liked her so much he made and appointment for me that same day. I ended up taking my oldest daughter in. The next day we took the two youngest in and EVERYBODY loves her. The problem is our usual hairstylists are family. Both hubby and I have cousins that do hair and we are almost afraid to see them this holiday with our new do's that they didn't give us.
Congrats on you other award. It's very pretty, I haven't seen that one before. I love Little Red House, but I don't think I've read the others, so I better go get visiting.
Have a great weekend
Thank you so much, Kate, for thinking my blog is worth such a neat award! I am in excellent company .. off to stick it on my sidebar!!!
This must be the week/month of new hair adventures .. my friend Carole (http://tmbbi.blogspot.com/) went to a high end salon and has now kissed off her former 'stylist' ... she too plans on being pampered rather than aggravated about her hair/color going forward.
I am sure you look Mah-vel-ous .. and I like the new header!
Awww. Shucks. Now on to the important stuff. Chardonnay in the seat while getting hair cut is one of life's best pleasures. Your old hairdresser will be fine. This thing happens all the time. Are we going to be treated to a picture of the new do?
A good haircut can make all the difference. And a haircut with a glass of wine? What's not to love!
Going to a new stylist can be a touchy subject--my mother stayed with the same one for years and believe me she needed to change!!
My friend just broke up with her hairdresser, she called and told her...it happens but the hairdresser does snub her in town when she sees her...hilarious huh?
I am at your house right now, you are in the big city. I read this and busted out laughing! Obviously I need to know where... I wanna go! By the way your key board sucks! Bob and your love muffin are inspecting every inch of the structure of the house. They have been at it for some time now. I did not bring anything to eat and your fridge I find challanging......I'm gonna have to get very creative! oh, the tree trimmers are trimming your trees as I type. Have fun!
Now a glass of anything alcoholic might just get me through my next evisceration, um, I mean haircut.
And thank you, thank you for offering me that award. (I feel a little shy about them. I wish I had a drawer to keep them in and I could pull them out late at night to look at them, to fluff the ribbon, but mostly they just make me feel so good. Thanks.)
Whatchuetalkinbout, Acorn? My keyboard does not suck. My keys are just a little bit worn. You should know where the letters are. And I apologize for not having wine in the frig, it was the one thing I forgot.
~ C.G.
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