I took this photo last weekend of how people in the city go out to get their tree. We've got tree farms near us that we could visit, and there are big lots where trees are sold. But in the city, this is what you have available.
And you don't want to go too far because you have to get it back to your apartment. And you can't take it on the subway. So you walk. And you keep on walking.
I saw a lot of people lugging their tree down the sidewalk, laughing and I remembered a story my son told me around this time last year.
His roommates and he went out for a tree, stopping at several different tree selling areas along the sidewalk until they finally came to find the perfect tree at the right price. But, alas, now they had to walk it all the way home. Now, Christmas trees are bulky and heavy, so it wasn't easy but he said it was fun. And when they finally got to the apartment, they still had to get it up the stairs. And the whole ordeal took a long, long time.
Well, I just read an excellent story over at Woman In A Window, in which she writes about the acquisition of her own tree. And the opposities are so profound that I had to share.
Hers includes a journey through a huge forest, complete with deep snow and chainsaws. I was entranced.
This weekend, I hope to get our own tree and find the ornaments and get some holiday cheer going on in this house. I've got a faculty party to attend tomorrow evening and a dish to make for that. Oh, and a gift to buy for the dirty Santa game we always play.
What are you up to this weekend?
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .
They always show this in the movies, lugging the tree through the city like it's so romantic. LOL!
Well now, I (and I am sure that Annie, Nurse Nancy and MPM) would like more details on this dirty Santa game. Particularly if it doesn't involve scrubbing floors or toilets or doing laundry.
Looking at your photo reminds me of the movie "The Bishop's Wife" - the coloring of the photo and the trees propped along the sidewalk.
Unfortunately, after several tree disasters (we trees that we cut ourselves so I know they were fresh cut) we opted for artificial. So we can now start decorating after Thanksgiving for our Open House - which is what I will be doing tomorrow night.
Enjoy your weekend. I hope you can find your ornaments and they didn't suffer from your recent move.
We used to go up the moors and 'liberate' a tree ourselves. We did this for about 5 years running until these trees got too big. Then I changed to a different area where the trees were smaller, more our size. I sawed away and proceeded to drag it back to the car.
However, in this bit of unknown territory, I hadn't realised what lay under the foliage and lo and behold... I fell waist deep into a bog!
So ended my Christmas tree stealing days!!
I now buy them each year like any other normal person.
Ok, I gotta ask more details please about the dirty Santa game!! Inquiring minds want to know. If it's an actual dirty Santa game check out any Hasting's stores in your area.
This weekend I work at the barn, and have a Christmas Party to attend for my full time job. Busy busy! I love the picture you took, and the feel it gives. Living in the city is a whole different experience from living in the country.
Yup, Ellen is so very correct - I do need more detail on your dirty Santa game...sounds so like something I'd like!
I'm still waffling between fake...real...fake...real...(sigh)
I've read WIAW's tree-hunting tale and yes, the contrast is quite startling. Country vs city life.. always different and enlightening.
That picture is moving. The vintage effect draws the photo even closer to my heart. And even on concrete lugging a tree that far, two people joined by a pine, well that's an adventure to remember as well.
(I'm overwhelmed by your kindness. Stop that! I'm all verklempt!)
Fun Blog! Don't you just love your Nikon! And your George looks like a real friend. I'm adding you to my blog list.
Not having anyone to do my lugging with/for me, I gave up real trees a long time ago. This week is the week I get up in the attic and get down the trees - plural. I make a small cluster of real-looking pines and decorate them with nests and redbirds and gold and red ornaments. I love my little fake forest. :)
We also have dirty Santa at our office gathering. That's Tuesday. I must shop. Soon. Since I'm working literally all day and half the night tonight, that leave little time. Oh well...rushing around makes it feel more like Christmas!
Tomorrow, I take the hour's drive to my nephew's church where they put on one of those big Christmas extravaganzas. He's the technical director and responsible for the multi-media part. Aside from the warmth of the music and sentiment, it makes me so proud to see his handiwork.
So! It's a busy week for me, too!
When I lived in NYC, getting the tree was always so much fun! It was taking it down to the street after that was not! I hope you have a very festive day;)
Dirty Santa isn't really dirty, but it does involve stealing, so hence the name.
You've probably heard of this game before and it's a fun one to play at large holiday parties. Everyone who wants to participate is told to bring a gift and a price range is set. Ours is only ten bucks at the faculty party.
You put the gifts under the tree. You count the gifts. If there's 20 gifts, you make 20 slips of paper and put them in a hat. Then everyone draws a number. To have the last number is the best (I think) because most of the gifts have been open. Number one chooses a gift and opens it. Number two can either steal the gift number one opened, or they can choose to open a wrapped gift. Then number 3 goes. Same thing happens. There are rules. You can find them here http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/95506/dirty_santa_a_fun_gift_exchange_game.html?cat=7 and some people don't like playing because it can get mean. I don't play mean, though. If I can tell a person really likes the gift they have, I'm not going to take it. But if I don't like that person, well that makes it different.
Ha! I'm kidding.
Or am I? It's just a fun game. And Treasia, I know you were hoping that Santa did something really dirty. Sorry to disappoint!
Oh what a wonderful photo, Kate! Last year was the first time we did not go and cut our own tree -- my husband was recovering from surgery. I bought one artificial tree that was too small, and then a second that was just right. but my daughter really wanted a real tree, so we eventually ended up with three trees... I have to say that the artificial ones are so much easier to deal with!
Yeah - like in When Harry Met Sally, right?
We are going to get our tree this weekend sometime, but we are going to the already-cut place up the road I think, instead of going to cut our own this year. The snow is up to my tushie and I have a ton of cookies to make and Larry is out hunting right now. Probably we will go tomorrow after church.
Loved Woman in a Window's tale - thanks for sending us there!
We had my husbands company party last night and a church one tonight. This Monday I am having my annual sing-a-long at my house. Tis the season to PARTY.
Hope yours are a ton of fun.
Lovely photo, Kate. After many years of lopsided trees, sap in the carpet, and pine needles everywhere, we now have an artificial tree. Is it just me...or does anyone else feel sad about all the unbought trees reamining on tree lots after Christmas?
As the holidays draw nearer, my weekends become busier. Doughboy and I completed the bulk of our gift shopping yesterday. I still have gifts to sort, box, wrap, and pack for shipping to families living in other areas. This year we made a decision to buy only for grandchildren. Now that there are 8, that is still a lot of gift buying.
My company's party was last night. It was a lot of work for me since I was on a team that organized the event. It involved arriving early, greeting each of the 200 guests, giving each guest their gift bag, validating parking tickets, and providing instructions for getting their photo taken by the professional photographer. After dinner, it was back to work again drawing names for door prizes. Doughboy and I left early and breathed a sigh a contentment when we settled our sore feet into bed. Ahhhhh....
p.s. I LOVE your new header
I have a fake tree, but my sister goes out every year and gets a fresh tree. I do miss the smell, but it's just so darn easy to pull it out of box.
I finally put up our Christmas tree this weekend. With only one kid around, it was strange...
Now I'm going to have a nice glass of wine and sit and admire it.
Love the city tree shop! And The Bishop's Wife also came to mind. I love the little ship in the city where the professor and Julia buy their trees.
We have yet to get a tree since we have been in NYC. Too expensive and such a hassle. We get creative and make our own "tree". Someday...
We have gone to cut our own trees and purchased one off of a lot many different times. But it has always been a real tree and we almost always put it up the first weekend in December. We play the dirty Santa game as well at our office holiday parties. Fun stuff.
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