Hello. George here. Mom is letting me do the post tonight because she says she is bogged down with filling out more paperwork for disability for my dad. And she's doing another pill chart for the week for my dad. So she's busy. And now she is watching Survivor with dad.
I think she does too much with dad and not enough with me. I think it should be all about me. I've been bringing her every single toy in my toybox and she has just been dropping them, or not throwing them far. I like it when she throws them far. I like it when she throws them and they land on the furniture and then I jump onto it and bounce off like a ball. I like bouncing all over the place. I don't need caffeine to make me excited. I was born excited. When I sleeps, I sleeps good. And when I plays, I plays really good. Well, time to go. Mom is typing this for me because well, you know why.
Luv, George.
P.S. Mom says she will be back tomorrow. And she says to say "Until tomorrow, my friends." There, I said it.
Hi George! You're a sweet boy, and you're lucky to have such a wonderful mommy and daddy!
You're a good dog, George.
Oh I get all choked up reading dog stories....I love George!! Give that dog a kiss on his nose for me...Sue.
George has good manners, he has obviously been raised well. And how about Survivor tonight? I'm rooting for Bob and Sugar and Matty - any one of those. :-)
George, you just must meet Benny one day. You two would get along like a doghouse on fire!
Edward here. I know what you mean, George. My mom has been way too busy with Christmas stuff. We haven't been on a really long walk in two whole days! Can you believe that??? We had a party here tonight and I got lots of attention, so that was good. I'm hoping that since the party is over now, I can get my walk tomorrow!
Good to talk to you!
What a good boy!
I just love that George!
lol I love it! What a well behaved pup you are George. You and Tika would get along famously!
Gee thanks George for keeping us up to date on what's going on. One day, Mom will throw that ball further for you and so will Dad. :D
Sorry George but unless she fills out the paperwork your food bowl might remain empty.
George, you should have your own blog!
Oh George (sigh) I wish you lived nearer - you sound just the dog for me! Signed Tess (Border Terrier)
Hi George. Kady here. My mom is typing this for me because...well, you know why. My marriage proposal still stands and I promise that were you to move to Georgia to live with me, we could play and be bouncy everyday. With my all white fur, we would look beautiful together. Love you Georgie!!
Awww George you are so stinking cute.
Dear George,
You can just come to mama's. She will love on you.
Hey, George, are you sure your name isn't really "Tigger?" "The wonderful thing about tiggers, is tiggers are wonderful things..."
Hi George!
You are so nice to post for your mommy. I knew you were a good dog.
We love you.
George, you're adorable!
Hey George, if you ever feel the need to spend time in the city, we'd be happy to play with you ... our mom and dad spend way too much time sitting on the couch trying to take pix of us being 'cute' ...
Gus n Rose
ohhhh George you so make me smile I so wish I could come play with you while mom works :)
This is such a fun post. Good job George. Great cadence, great repition. You really know how to convey yourself to screen George. (But I sense a little bit of sadness under there too George and I hope that the new year renews your balls bouncing. Um George, I meant that in the cleanest of ways.)
Awww, George, I wish I could give you a great big hug!!!
Hi George (and your Mum), I haven't dropped by for a while but glad you haven't lost any of your cuteness!!!
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