As I write this, it's Sunday night and time for bed. I returned from my trip to the Big City just a couple of hours ago and I walked for miles and my feet are hurtin' (name that song). Just wanted to share a couple of photos with you before I turn in for the night.

I had to take a pic of these pigeons. And no, I was absolutely NOT on the ground. They were at eye-level. We'd just gotten off the subway in the center of Chinatown, crossed the street and I looked to the left and there they were. It must be a small park that was somehow elevated and in the center of the street.

This was in Greenwich Village, near where we stayed. These tiles were lined all over this fence. I'm sure it has something to do with 911. They're really sweet.

We just liked this guitar.

I have no idea what surprises these bins hold, and I don't read Chinese. But even if I did, I'm sure that some of them have feet. And I don't think I could eat feet. The restaurant where we had brunch on Sunday morning in Chinatown, however, was fantastic. It may have had some of these ingredients in it.
We also visited my son, who was working late at the architecture firm. More on that to come.
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .
excellent photos! Hope the feet rest up tonight!
HUGS Laura
I've never been to New York City but would like to someday. For the time being I can live vicariously through your adventures, Kate.
BTW...Doughboy visited your blog. This evening he said to me "If you love me, you'd make Country Girl's pumpkin pie". No kidding! Shouldn't he be watching football or something better than reading my blog friend's posts?
Not sure about the song about feet, but I right away thought about "These boots are made for walkin' and that's just what I'll do, One of these days these boots are gonna walk all over you." lol
Rest those feet - and I don't mean those edible ones!
It is always neat to see pictures of different places. I have NEVER been to a big city, been on a subway, you name it. I bet it is amazing there.
Sometimes, I think I should pretend like I'm a visitor to NYC so I can see new things.
Thanks for sharing!
New York. I would love to visit...New York City, that is. My son in in Buffalo....cold. Will visit one day before he graduates. Glad you are back. Rest your feet.
Feet for dinner? You say that like it's a bad thing. LOL
Love the photographs Kate. Agree about the contents of the boxes - I once was served ducks' feet in China and found it impossible a) to eat them and b) to find anything on them TO eat!
From the shades of grey in the first photo to the colour, colour and more colour in the following three - beautiful. Pardon the pun, but the guitar rocks!
How can I live so close to this wonderful city and never visit it? Shame on me!
Ha! The first thing I thought of when I saw the pigeons photo was how you must have looked, laying on the ground to get that shot! :)
Have you ever read Calvin Trillin on the food in Chinatown? Really funny. I think the name of the book is Third Helpings.
Take care! Glad you had fun;)
Great shots. Always nice to get a different perspective. I love that guitar. For me, it's the colour.. beautiful shade of green. For my son, he'd love it just because it is a guitar.. on which he might be tempted to play "Beast of Burden." ;)
An interesting collection of photos, Kate. It's great to see such differing things through your eyes. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks, all. And to Hilary: Finally! Someone got Beast of Burden by the Rolling Stones.
Unfortunately, I have had the song wedged into my cranium bank for the past couple of hours ever since I saw Hilary's comment. Why do I do this to myself?
~ C.G.
...Ackky! Who could eat feet? Seriously now... ;o)
...Sorry to hear your dogs were barkin', hopefully they feel better today... :o)
...Love the guitar too - that color reminds me of lime sherbert...yum! :op
...Blessings dear girl...
...Wow! Great job 'Hilary'! I would've never guessed that in like a kazillion years!... :o)
Oh.My.Gawd. I have the SAME photo of the SAME Chinese stuff outside the SAME shop ...
Glad it was a nice weekend .. it was horrendously cold Sunday afternoon.
My kind of place!
Great photos of the big city!
Ha! I'd be frightened of those bins...way too scary.
I enjoy the eclectic collection of photos in your post. Admittedly, I have missed stopping by regularly, but soon things will be back to normal...what ever that was!
The pictures look beautiful. Glad you had so much fun. :-) Rest up those feet and try to get them back to the shoe size they were on Friday.
And as for Chinatown experiences, I remember one time walking past a Chinese grocery when I was in San Francisco and there were buckets outdoors full of crabs. The Chinese women were trying to get them out but the crabs were fighting back. It was pretty funny to watch all these women very gingerly stick their hands in the buckets and hear them all individually going, "ow......ow!.......ow.. ow..........ow!" Ha ha ha.
CG ~ I love the images you included in your walk around town ...the cards on the fence were really unique and the shades of guitars a marvel you are so talented hope you have recoperated!
Nice shots. You'd be surprised what you might eat if it were cooked correctly. I mean, I wouldn't prepare duck's head soup but it was mighty tasty last time I had it.
can't wait to see more photos. Looks like you had fun. Love exploring places with my camera.
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