FOR TODAY New Year's Eve,
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Outside my window, I see stark tree branches against a pale blue sky.
I am thinking about the year to come and hoping it'll be better than the last.
I am thankful for pretty much everything in my life, especially for the chance to be able to spend a bit more time with my husband.
From the kitchen tonight, I'll be making Pioneer Woman's Monday night stir fry. Yeah, that's right. I don't care that it's not Monday.
I am wearing a pair of Lucky Brand trouser jeans, a favorite old sweater and a pair of Roberto del Carlo foldover ankle boots in wine.
(Unfortunately, I'm kidding about the ankle boots. But they WOULD look really cool with what I'm wearing.) I'm also sorry I fib so much.
I am creating absolutely nothing at the moment. And I'm not ashamed of it.
I am going to continue to enjoy my time off from work this week.
I am reading The Ghost by Robert Harris.
I am hoping for a lot of things but will have to accept that I can't have them all. It would be nice to have one or two of them, though.
I am hearing yet another football game in the background. It used to bother me, but right now it means my husband is still around. I really don't mean to sound moribund. That's a link for Rich.
Around the house my holiday decorations continue to cheer me.
One of my favorite things is driving. Ok, it's crazy, I know. But give me a wide open road and a sports car with a lot of power and well, it's just plain fun, I tell you!
A few plans for the rest of the week include visiting Karen & Adrienne, taking in a movie and lunch with KathyJules, packing up the holiday decorations and having my mustache removed. I am totally kidding about the mustache; I just wanted to make sure you're all still with me.
Here is picture thought I am sharing
It's always the season . . . for solid decorating advice.
This is my very first entry in The Simple Woman's Day Book. It all began with a visit to Drivin' 55, a blog I visit daily. If you'd like to participate, visit this site but please note that the blog is on vacation for this week and will resume next Monday.
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

What a lovely post! And a wonderful idea as well. Don't mind me as I head on over to check it out.....
Come to think of it, one thing I depserately need for 2009 is a good day planner. 2009 is going to be a busy year! Oi.....
What a marvelous idea! I love your post, Kate, and have been over to Driving 55 and to Simple Woman to see more. While I don't normally make New Year resolutions, participation in this meme is going at the top of my brand new list. It will be good for my soul.
I too am thankful for almost everything!
Kate, You got me laughing.... Very funny about the mustache and the ankle boots! Wishing you and your hubby a very Happy & Healthy New Year. ~Cheryl~
I wish the mustache part wasn't true for me, but with dark hair....
All the best to you and yours in 2009!
I will visit my dear friend Drivin 55. I too could use a good day planner. My dear husband is already planning 2009 for us. Wish I could fit into Lucky jeans. That is my goal for the coming year. Wishing you and your husband a Happy New Year.
Dear Kate: I wanted to stop back by to answer your question on my blog about the mosaic..... it is on bighugelabs.com
Have fun! If you have any other questions, let me know :) ~Cheryl
New Year always bring us special pleasure.
Let all your greatest wishes come true.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009, Patricija
Lovely post, Kate! I know exactly what you mean about driving. Since having kids 14 yrs ago I've been driving sensible automatic transmission cars. I was just thinking yesterday how much fun a small, sporty straight drive car would be about now!
I typically shun resolutions at the New Year. I rarely follow through with my goals, then beat up on myself for my failures. I would dearly love to fit into Lucky jeans and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Otherwise, I am very happy and content with my life. Yes, I believe I am a Simple Woman. Having read your post, I checked out the web site and plan to participate. Is that actually a goal? Baby steps...small baby steps...
Lucky Brand jeans come in sizes 00 to size 34, just so's you know, ok? I'm somewhere in between. So don't be frettin' 'bout the fittin'. I am so NOT thin. k?
I'd have to agree with you about the open road and a good engine...exhilarating! Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, bloggy friend!
"I'm also sorry I fib so much..." You totally slay me! I nearly lost my tea all over the keyboard on that one.
My resolution is to cherish each moment of the new year, and to make it count for something... and to lose 20 lbs.
Wishing you joy.
LOL...Lucky jeans...I'm glad you set the record straight there...but you should have left it alone...we were all thinking you were a slim size 10 with a skinny butt! You didn't have to be so honest, Kate!
Nicely done on the Daybook. How did the stir fry turn out? Hopefully, I will complete the Christmas box by Friday so I can mail it to you.
Happy News Years to you and yours...and may some of your wishes come true this year.
Thank you so much for the Roberto del Carlo intro .. of course I had to Google them.... damn Kate they are nice boots/shoes and a pair on sale in brown suede is tempting but I promised myself I would behave. Vet visit we just took Gus to cost about the same as the boots on sale...
Happy New Year .. and thank you for your friendship
I think I need to sit and do this one. And I don't have a mustache either;)
You are hilarious. Happy New Year--Amber
I love this. I will head over to check it out.
Love this Kate - so much that I did it too!
I agree w/ the cat. :-) i will be stoping by the daybook site as well! Happy NY!!
You are completely hilarious! Good luck with the moustache! Ha! Don't forget the beard.
what a lovely idea..
Wishing God's blessings for 2009, Kate
I love it! And what a great idea. I'll have to join in sometime too. Thanks
I favorite thing in the world is driving on country roads in my convertable! We both have cardinals in our header;) Happy New Year to you as well;)
OK, first you had me by the nose with the boots and then again with the mustache. I was really hoping with the mustache for some advice, but alas, your were joking. (Are you sure you were joking?)
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