Rather than get a tree today, after realizing we just didn't have our hearts in it, we took a ride and I let my husband drive. He does fine as long as we aren't going too far and he remembers the roads. He has a really good sense of direction, which helps too.
We wanted to take George for a walk. Not a terribly long one, but just something that leads down a different path other than the ones we take at home all the time.

Where we used to live, you see, we could walk for miles and miles. In fact, we'd lived on horse farms all our lives and every single one had miles of hiking trails. Where we live now doesn't offer that same sort of thing and people think we're 'isolated' up here on the hill. But we know that we're far from it. There's urban sprawl all around us, and although I'm not complaining about it in the least, I'm just saying that to walk anywhere, you have to get in the car and drive to it.
I'm having a little trouble getting into the Christmas spirit, too. It could be the money thing, but then again, it could just be my heart.

Today, I found most of the Christmas bins from the garage. I'm still missing one and I've decided to call it quits on the search. It's buried deep and I've decided not to let it bother me. In my quest for the Christmas decorations, I stumbled upon a box my husband had packed before we moved the first time back in June. It was a box full of flannel sheets and in the center was the crystal vase of my mother's. It was labeled "hall closet and a vase" which is why I opened it in the first place. I'd been missing that beautiful vase for awhile now and finally it's been found.
Legend goes that it was smuggled out of Poland during the war and somehow it ended up in my mother's parents home and then in her own home. While I was packing up my mother and father's home in Florida for their move to my sister's in California, the crystal vase was the only thing I wanted and was the only thing I took home on the plane with me, wrapped in a small handmade quilt that had been in the family.
So today wasn't too much of a loss.
Happy Birthday to my co-worker, Rich!
Until tomorrow, my friends . . .
Kate....Lovely post.
What a lovely find. So glad to hear that your vase has been located for Christmas.
Your pictures are so beautiful. They make me want to get a better camera and give it a try. But I will practice financial restraint and enjoy your photos instead.
That's a lovely story. Are your ancestors from Poland? Both my sets of great grandparents arrived here about 1900. They were very poor and didn't own any actual objects. I know you treasure that vase. Place it in a special spot, Kate.
I love the story about the vase. Nice that you found it in time for the holidays. Show us a pic and tell us a bit more about your family and your connection to Poland!
Cool vase story...was it smuggled out to keep away from the Nazi's...?
Sorry about the tree, some years it's just not there.
So happy for you that you two were able to take George for a walk. And that you found the beautiful and cherished vase. What a fascinating story about how it got smuggled out of Poland. You know, I'm not putting up a tree this year. It's just too much work for my poor old back plus we're going to my daughter's for dinner. But I did put out some ornaments and things.
Please post a photo of the vase, Kate. It's so important to hold tight to family treasures. I have a few lovely pieces from my grandmother who passed three years ago Christmas Eve. Though they may have little value to anyone else, they are priceless to me because of who gave them to me. I'm so very glad your hubby is doing well amd improving every day. Baby steps...
It was a lovely day on the eastern seaboard, wasn't it? I always love to find new places nearby to hike. I'm so glad you found your vase. Will you show us a picture? Your photos here are wonderful! Don't worry about the Christmas spirit. You don't really need all the trimmings, just each other.
Thank you for telling about walking and looking for the "lost past".
Hope you will get into the Christmas spirit .
I am glad you had that day. And the vase find makes me smile. I have decided to bake today. Hoping that in all the butter and sugar i will find my Christmas spirit, too. Have a nice day;)
Good wishes your way!
What a wonderful discovery!
I have realized this year it is not the decorations that matter it is the fact that we get to celebrate with the ones we love. Everyday is a gift.
Hi Kate..enjoyed your post..I just wish my husband were able to walk our dog..he always enjoyed it so much. He has improved a lot since being put on steriods..they helped with the swelling in the brain that caused his confused state..but since he can no longer take chemo, the cancer will spread again..His brother and sister have taken him to the casinos in Shreveport today.I will sit here and worry until they get back..We just take one day at a time here, as I am sure you do too, and hope for the best.His cancer Dr. said she doubted he would be here Christmas, but I think he will prove her wrong. I just feel so helpless because he still has hopes he will beat this thing.And I guess miracles do sometimes happen..I am not in the spirit of Christmas either..too many other things on my mind..You take care and give George a pat for me..He is so beautiful ! Doris
Hi.. nice post. It's always such a blessing to find things that we hold dear, after a move. Glad that you were able to get out with George & Hubs and enjoy the day. Great photos... wonderful talent!
Hugs to you for a better day~
I've had a hard time getting in to the Christmas swing of things this year as well. Money is in short supply so that throws a bit of a damper on things. I love to spoil my friends and family. I'll have to find other ways to do so this year. I am glad you found the vase you treasure so much. Happy Holidays!
Sounds like a lovely day...relaxing and full of memories!
Oh, what a wonderful background story on the vase. Very special.
I really like the first photo....George stands out in his own black and white way! Looks like you found the perfect place for a walk!
I am so with you. I have no Hanukkah spirit, energy or ooomph .. I have shopped and shipped and made cards (over 70)but did not personalize them for the first time ever ... I have no excuse just laziness
So I am in total emphathy with you ... I wish we could sit down together and share some wine or whine or even a coffee
I am so glad you found the vase, I got a little fa-klempt reading that.
A vase from Poland. All of these stories that fall through our fingers. We could try to capture them all but there's something there in the fluidity of time, we could never keep up. And somehow, sometimes things have just that bit more of intrique when left wondering.
Oh Kate, you found a missing treasure. That's got to be a sign of good things to come.
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