Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A little less conversation, a little more action

Well, at the bird feeders at least.

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Because it’s a snow day and because I got very little some cleaning done I’ve allowed myself to play with some of the new actions I’ve acquired.

I had to remove photos from my etsy site that contained textures that I hadn’t known were not available for commercial use. I now have textures that are in accordance with the law, baybee. The photo above will replace one of them and is available for sale in an 8x10, which is actually a 10 x 8.

The photo below is just something I was playing around with today. A male cardinal was putting forth a valiant effort at extracting every last sunflower seed from this feeder.

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Both of these photos contain textures from Joy St. Claire’s Modern collection, available for sale at this [link]. The one at the top also used a free one from SheisPrettyStock [link].

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George loves snow. And frisbees. And my husband.

Kudos if you know the artist that sang the song in the post title. No cheating. I can tell, you know.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


KathyB. said...

Just beautiful! So glad you are 'legal' now!

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

Lovely texturized photos, Kate :) Look at all your snow - WOW! Almost all of our snow has melted and the forecast has temps in the high 70's this weekend. Woo hoo!

BB said...

Go ELVIS!!!! I am humming the song as I read your post...

I ADORE these photos - they are as far from my post today as humanly (camera-ly?) possible. I must try these actions (in my copious spare time!).

Jealous of your pretty snow...

Anonymous said...

I would have to do a lyric search.... brain not working this early in the day.... lol

The cardinal photo is WONDERFUL! Love the little red guys.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Mary said...

LOVE the photo of your husband and George -- perfect! And why is it that snow always looks nicer when it is somewhere else? ;)

Jill of All Trades said...

Oh oh oh I love the cardinal. Very cool.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

love the george and hubby shot and of course elvis is getting a bit less conversation and a little more action please LOL.

Ellen said...

Isn't that the theme from "Las Vegas?"

Of course you know that I love the cardinal picture. We're cardinal junkies in my house.

The picture of your husband and George is great - such good pals.

Flea said...

Man! We just don't seem to be in line for snow AGAIN this year! Lucky. :)

Your cardinal shot is gorgeous.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

That Cardinal shot is spectacular! Such color and to be caught with wings moving...great!

Anonymous said...

Not many Elvis fans here!

Down here in Memphis our snow is gone already! Bummer.

Love your actionized pix. (it is SO a good word...because I say so!)

Mental P Mama said...

That cardinal shot is glorious. He is very determined. And George? I cannot get enough of him;)

abb said...

Last photo is wonderful - well, all of them are.
Jerry Lee Lewis?

Carin said...

That's Elvis and it is now stuck in my head, complete with his little accent/drawl thingy. Great pictures. i always enjoy seeing cardinals as we don't have them here.

Also, Toby Keith sings A Little Less Talk, a Lot More Action, kinda close.

Skogkjerring said...

Hi Miss Kate-

I know you explained once why you never see your husband's face in photos but I think it's kinda funny, reminds me of that neighbour on that Tim Allen sitcom that ran a few years back- you never saw anything more then his eyes...it was one of the great frustrations in that program...hahahaha...in the photo with George your husband is facing the camera but the snow hides his face..the great mystery man!!! hahahaha!! But I loved the photo of George chasing the frisbee..we have a frisbee we bought in anticipation of Jenny's arrival- I throw it and the lionesses just look at me like- now what??? hahahaha..I'm really hoping to have a lot of fun with that frisbee and Jenny when she comes on Saturday!!! ;-)) Have a great day!!!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Lovely, lovely, lovely how you've texturized the birds!! Both photos are wonderful. My favorite photo, however, is George, hubby and the Frisbee.

Daryl said...

Elvis babeeee .. Elvis .. and it was used as the theme for the now defunct TV series Vegas ..

Anonymous said...

Yeah well THESE LOOK MUCH BETTER! Yahoo...they are gorgy dahling.

Anonymous said...

ELVIS. This song was used on "Everybody Loves Raymond" for the first dance song when Robert and Amy got married.

Love your photos... and your husband's.

Amber said...

These are great pictures!!! Hope you have been doing well. Ive been here off and on, more off than on.

Char said...

gorgeous work!!

ELK said...

birds and elvis all in one post.... you are a true artist with the lens Kate!

Anonymous said...

I just love the picture of the goldfinches ! I still have my feeders up, but have not seen any in a couple of weeks. I guess they have moved on farther north. We have a multitude of cardinals tho. One sat in the top of the cypress tree a few days ago and sang to me ...PRETTY ,PRETTY,PRETTY,PRETTY,PRETTY. I used to think that was an irritating sound ! Over and over and over again! Now I love it because it signals the beginning of spring and the mating season for the birds and other wildlife. Mockingbirds make this sound also, they are mocking the Cardinals.It took me a number of years to realize this. Lovely pic's .. Love, Doris

Anonymous said...

It looks like George had lots of fun in the snow. My border collie Sadie gets lottle balls of snow stuck to the fur on her belly when she plays in the snow. I always feel really sorry for her when she comes in from playing.

Delwyn said...

Morning Kate, looks as if you have covered yourself fairly well with those credits given...from now I wouldn't think you need to link the sheisprettysite, maybe just credit her somewhere...
I like what you have done, I experimented with spraying walnut ink onto transparency, then painting transparencies...then photographing just about any surface...to use as a texture.

Raph G. Neckmann said...

Beautiful photos! The textures look great with the images. The snow shot looks so full of movement too.

Here we have (hopefully) no more snow! The sun has been shining and some of the early giraffodils are out already.

Anonymous said...

OMG, you are rocking the texture stuff. I think the new legit ones are even better than the inadvertently Bonnie'n'Clyded ones!

The snow one yesterday is GREAT!
The goldfinches at the feeder are GREAT!
And I am going to forward the pileated woodpecker to my friends at Oregon Ridge Nature Center, they'll be ecstatic.
Have been away a couple of days working on the TS newsletter, done,almost done, happy! What a treat to see these new textures. You are just doing such cool things since the first couple og baby steps!

Anonymous said...

ps, A little less talk, a little more action used by country star Toby Keith. Didn't know Elvis had started that!


Chere said...

Love it, love it, love it. The photos are just wonderful. Well, I am not in sloppy Atlanta anymore but have my feet up in the sunshine state of Fla.

Country Girl said...

Welcome to Bush Babe. Cool pic, too. I realized that I had originally stated that this was a female cardinal so I fixed it tonight. When I wrote the post, I'd been working on a female cardinal in PS2. That's probably what happened. Yeah.

Thanks all. So glad you all stopped by today!

~ C.G.

Sue said...

The cardinal picture is just amazing...I love the texture too on this one..

Woman in a Window said...

Beautiful, beautiful. And I swear someone was just singing that in the background...maybe my husband...maybe American Idol? Or maybe it was just in my head.

Egghead said...

As usual those photo are beautiful. I love the cardinal. We don't see those here so I am loving the bright red. Hope you are doing well...I have been thinking of you a great deal today.

Hilary said...

Gorgeous cardinal photo.. and that last one is just wonderful. It looks like such happy play time.

olivia said...

Those are gorgeous! Gorgeous!

rebel said...

Elvis and I love your pictures.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love your photos! I especially love the snow, George and your husband. It shows the snow day in all it's glory!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm all about the finch photo. That is just gorgeous with that texture!!