Friday, March 27, 2009

A soupcon of this, a soupcon of that

I thought I’d throw in another vocabulary word today that Rich doesn’t know. For those who don’t know, or are new to this blog, Rich is my co-worker and he used to be my biggest fan. I’m not sure he’s my biggest fan anymore, but I’m ok with that. He’s the one who suggested I put a site counter on my blog just over a year ago after I’d been blogging a couple of months. He loves the funny stories about my American flag underwear, me accidentally farting in my handsome chiropractors face, and all the hall of shame posts I’ve done. But I think his favorite is the one where I explained my hatred of flies. And you won’t believe this, but I got an e-mail from a company today who wanted to link their powerful fly killing insecticide to that very post.

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I think it’s hilarious. I also think this industrious little squirrel is hilarious. He thinks he’s all that and a bag of chips just because he’s figured out how to shimmy down the rope to get to the bird seed.

I also think I love my hairdresser. Yes, I do love my hairdresser. And I love the salon I’ve been going to since last December. It’s a fantastic place and they make me feel like I’m somebody. I mean, I already know I’m somebody, but they’re so great there. The wine is also good, and I promise I only had one (large) glass. I also love the shampoo girl. She gives a head massage and I’m always afraid I’m going to start groaning. Sort of.

I also love a nice hot bowl of Campbell’s tomato soup after a long drive home from the hair salon on 95 in the pouring rain. I love Progresso soups, too but we didn’t have any in the cupboard tonight.

Remember my stovetop from 1968? Well, last week another burner went. My husband took it apart but we’re pretty sure they don’t make the parts for this one anymore. So he went out to the WalMart and bought this handy little number for only $35. We can use any pot we want on it and we now have four burners. Life is good.

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Sorry this post was all over the place but it’s a soupcon full of a lot of things. There you go, Rich. A link for you.

Until tomorrow, dear friends . . .


Shawn said...

so glad you are feeling the joy in things again! Now I'm off to find out about your fly phobia...

Unknown said...

Very funny post! Farting is pretty much always funny!

Country Girl said...

But farting in the face of a chiropractor who looks like George Clooney? Oh, it's mortifying, I tell you!

~ C.G.

Ellen said...

Still love those pink countertops.

Farts are always funny - I don't care if they are in the face of the handsome chiropractor or while sitting in church. They're just funny. My brother and one of his son's had a farting contest at my father's 75th birthday celebration. We didn't know it until my nephew shoved a chair cushion into my brother's face to prove that he was ahead in the contest. We're just like that.

abb said...

I do hope you linked to that fly killing company...

Woman in a Window said...

Huh, Rick and I have something in common. Thought it was soup can at first.

Do you think my supercuts hairdresser would mind if I showed up with my own wine? It might take the edge off all those harsh lights.

You so do not fart!

Laura ~Peach~ said... hair dresser Tony, will laugh when shampooing my head... because I am in total bliss and could not care less who else knows it... think that famous scene in when harry met sally LOL... tony just blushes a bit and keeps on working his magic... oh how I love tony... and I get to go see him this coming week. sighsssssss

Hilary said...

Gee my neighbour cuts my hair for me. Maybe I should be brining her wine..

Shelley said...

Your salon gives you wine?! I'm going to have to have a talk w/ mine and find out what's the hold out! LOL! Had a good chuckle at your "fart" story. (It can't be be more mortifying than the one I did in an elevator full of business people one time. And I had 28 floors to think about it. Yikes!!!!)

Char said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, wine. that squirrel is hilarious!!!

oh no about the chiropractor - I'm not sure if I would have been able to go back to him after that.

Skogkjerring said...

First of all that squirrel who thinks he's all that "and a bag of chips" looks like his rope is about to bust in the second photo..THAT would be funny to see ol' smarty pants bringing down the bird seeder..
Farting in front of a chiropractor who looks like George Clooney!! Geez...I felt your humiliation on that one- sure hope you have other Chiropractor's to choose from where you live..might be hard to make conversation with "Clooney" after that little incident ;-)
Have a super day!!

Kristina said...

Ha ha, you crack me up! I also have a cute chiropractor, and I've often been afraid of doing exactly what you did!

Treasia Stepp said...

you sound so much happier today and this makes me happy. Sorry your stove burner went out but hey you got the next best thing.

Now I musta missed the post about farting in your chiropractors face and must have the link for that one. It has got to be funny.

Country Girl said...

Amy, they'd already chewed through the other rope to bring the feeder to the ground so they could get the seeds easier!
And I love the search tool on blogger. All you have to do is go there and type in a word like "chiropractor" and it will come up with every post that has that word in it. There's only one post on my blog that has that word, though.
Have a great day, all.

~ C.G.

ELK said...


Mental P Mama said...

That is a soupçon of this and a soupçon of that. And I believe I'll have some tomato soup for lunch;)

Tess Kincaid said...

Love your handy dandy cool new burners!

Daryl said...

But you never said what sort of soupcon did you have since you were out of Progresso ... ???????

Anonymous said...

I have not read those posts but now I need to! *giggles*

Anonymous said...

Ok I found it, I am still wiping the tears off my face cause I was laughing so hard! Too funny!

I am glad you made him do the exercises again, just to see him do them :)

High Desert Diva said...

I love posts like this...

Jo said...

Campbell's tomato soup is heaven on earth. If you want to be really decadent, make it with cream. Cream of tomato soup -- and saltine crackers.

Hmmmm... you have given me an idea.

cottage farm villa said...

So happy to see you back Kate!!! Thanks for the giggles and chuckles...I missed the "farting" post!~ You are a silly one! ...just like that squirrel you captured!!

Enjoyed this soupcon "trace, little bit" post!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the stove picture I am LMAO!! I am still your biggest fan so don't you forget it !!!! You really need to re-post the Chiropractor one again for those who missed it the first time and for us that need a good laugh again. Your killing me!!!

Deb said...

you had a good day yesterday, didn't you? glad to hear that...and I love your funny little stories.
and it is why i don't take yoga anymore...the farting thing and all...i get so relaxed that i know its' coming and then have to tense up and well, that defeats the whole purpose of yoga.
i wish i found a salon like yours. i don't feel so special at my new one...but i guess i can keep looking

Deb said...

and oh...Dr. Oz says everybody farts at least 13 times a

hermomsometimes said...

Kate have you ever tried looking on the internet for parts for you cook top. I bet you could find what you are needing.

I'll have to look up the fly phobia blog.

Oh and I love the photos your huband takes of George and the landscapes.

Mary said...

"All that and a bag of chips?" I love that!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I had to laugh at the squirrel one. My daughter didn't want the squirrels stealing her birdfood greased the pole. Yep..and then sat there on the deck..watching as the poor little things slipped and slid..licked their paws and tried again. The next morning she said they were back on top eating away. Farts? Wha'd I miss?

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Ooooh...ok. Well, I always head straight for the bright colored pictures and the little animals. Does that tell you anything about me?? LOL Of course it does!!

GailO said...

...still laughing!