Saturday, November 21, 2009

A sunset, a border collie, a barracuda and a good movie

Does that sound like a good recipe for a lovely evening, or what? Well, except for the barracuda, that is.

First, the sunset.

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My husband took all of these photos early this evening while I was sitting inside relaxing and reading blogs. This is the hickory tree out front.

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Next, the border collie. He’s on the front porch basking in the last rays of the day.

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Yes you are, you beautiful dog.

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This is the barracuda. You can see it, can’t you? My husband really liked this one.

And last but not least, the movie. Last night my sister came out in order to take me for a procedure at the hospital today. (All is well and hopefully the whole gallbladder thing is but a memory). I thought it would be fun to watch a movie with her, and when I was at the local WalMart yesterday afternoon getting some supplies, I saw the Disney-Pixar movie “Up”. And it didn’t take long to decide whether or not to buy it. I’ve been wanting to see this movie since it came out.

We watched it after Survivor last night and I wasn’t surprised at how much I enjoyed it after all the wonderful things I’ve heard about this film. My favorite character is Dug the dog, who does a perfect impression of our George when he sees a squirrel.

Hope you have a wonderful day, my friends. It’s always good to have you stop by and I’m grateful for your visits.


From the Old InkWell said...

Barracuda - maybe...but I see a blue heron. Have a wonderful weekend.

Caroline said... the title. Can't wait to see UP...I bought it for my kids for xmas. Have a wonderful weekend!

Tom Bailey said...

At first I thought the branch had duct tape on it. Great pictures!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I loved the movie Up. I took my kids to see it in the theater a while back. Two thumbs up!

Michelle said...

Great pictures. I just *puffy heart* your pictures of George.

Gail said...

Catchy title and wonderful pictures. Have a great weekend.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Hard to say which is more beautiful - the sunset or George . . . Glad to hear you are well. Have a great weekeknd.

tj said...

...Oh my stinkin' heck I want that movie! lol... That movie so caters to the little kid in me...*giggle* Thanks for sharing that, I'm gonna go out and buy it this weekend... :o)

...Love the photos too and I'm glad to hear that all is well with you Miss Kate... :o)


abb said...

Love that drift wood! Glad you're doing so well - and that Char's with you as well as George & the hubs...

Shelley said...

That driftwood does look like a barracuda! George is handsome as always. I've really been wanting to see that movie UP - looks like a great movie to watch over the holidays.

tainterturtles said...

I'm so glad you could enjoy relaxing tonight. How nice that your hubby took pictures. Your doggie looks relaxed too.

Dessa said...

First of all, that sunset shot is gorgeous. Second, I have been wanting to see Up, too, and since you have given it such raving reviews I shall procrastinate no longer and shoot on over to Netflix and get it cued up.

Golden West said...

Hi Kate,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. The historical pictures come from a variety of sources - mostly the Library of Congress at and when I have time to just explore, I google libraries around the country to look at their photo collections. A few good ones are the public libraries in Los Angeles, Denver and San Francisco, and the National Archives has a fabulous collection.

I enjoy your photographs a lot - that dog of yours has personality to spare!

Best regards!

Deb said...

Long neck goose...yep, that's what I see. do you have any ink spots around? LOL

Immigrant Daughter said...

The Border Collie is a favorite of mine. The can run and run and never get tired,

Sweetpea said...

A lovely evening indeed! Sure wanted to be on that porch with George (guess I'm a little dog-biased).

Question CG, if you have a moment: was George ever "camera shy"? Reason I ask is, my dawg seems to always know when I point the lens in her direction...and she doesn't like it much. Makes it soooo hard to catch any of those special moments. So I thought if George was ever shy, maybe you could offer me a tip or two on what to do - cuz he sure gives you the looks now! sigh.

Thanks for another swell post!

JamaGenie said...

Could be barracuda, could be an alligator, but a great photo either way. The sunset photo is fabulous, as are the ones of George. Kudos to your husband for all! Hope all turns out well with your gallbladder.

Country Girl said...

Thanks all. Yes, Up is a great little movie.
And Sweetpea, about George not being camera shy: We've had him since he was a puppy of 8 weeks and he got quite used to me with a camera in my hand. Maybe that's the secret? He's never been afraid or shy of the camera. Maybe we were just really lucky with it all.

~ C.G.

Mental P Mama said...

I love that movie! Hugs to you;)

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling well. I loved that movie too. Our pups are obsessed with squirrels!

Anonymous said...

It was certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thank author for it. I like such topics and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read more soon.

Deb said...

It sure does sound like the perfect recipe for a wonderful evening ... George is adorable ♥

Scriptor Senex said...

I'm not sure it's a barracuda. I think it might be a crocodile.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

That sounds like a perfect evening, barracuda/heron included. I"m so glad you made out ok at the hospital.

Daryl said...

It does look just like a barracuda

UP was wonderful .. it made me cry .. a lot .. I do not understand how this was considered a kids movie

Russell said...

Sounds like a good combination! I have not seen UP but have heard it is very good.

When I saw the barracuda in your title I thought it MIGHT be referring to a car! Plymouth made a Barracuda car in the 1960s to early 1970s that was fairly popular.

But, yes, I certainly do see the barracuda in that branch! Interesting.

Take care and give George a pat on the head for Bailey and me!

Anonymous said...

LOL, love the title!! Sigh. George is so handsome!!

I heard UP makes people cry...I hate movies that make me cry...

The Weaver of Grass said...

Not sure exactly what a barracuda looks like, but boy - that tree trunk is pretty scary!

Anonymous said...

Every time you would write about George watching the squirrels, I thought about the movie Up. I'm so glad you watched it and enjoyed it! It's such a great movie!

Country Girl said...

Oh, Krista that's hilarious. And I had no idea about the squirrel thing and the movie.

~ C.G.

Jo said...

I took the Munchkins to see UP in the theatre, and it was the most beautiful movie I had ever seen. The scene where the house lands in South America, I could hear everyone in the movie *gasp*. The 3-D effect is wonderful.

My favorite is Dug the dog too.


Anonymous said...

It IS a good movie. We got such a hoot out of it and will most likely watch it over and over again as we do all of the Pixar movies. Isn't the kid adorable in it?

The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes

Skogkjerring said...

I loved the movie Up also, but we saw it at the wrong time. We had viewed my mother's body and my dad thought a funny animated film would cheer us all up. Little did we know the story line of the man who lost the love of his life and how she left him a message about thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one...I looked at my dad and told him mom was talking too him...she knows he loves children's movies and this was her way of saying goodbye, I'm sure of it and I think he was too...we were all in tears...but yeah..Dug gave us the laughter we needed also otherwise I think we would have had to see this movie another time...
I'd be worried if I was you Kate, your husband is becoming as good as you with his photography!!!
Hope your gallbladder problems are a thing of the past my dear...knock on wood it's going ok here..the worst is not knowing what will bring on the attacks..but I'm being somewhat careful...had rice krispie treats tonight..that's semi ok isn't it?? ;-)) Have a great evening!!

suzanna said...

Sounds like a great evening!

A Scattering said...

BUT IT'S A TALKING DOG! (We watched it tonight, loved it and Dug too)

Marilyn said...

wonder what George would say if he had a collar.....that dog is so photogenic.
Glad you seem to be better.

Anonymous said...

barracuda, yep i agree! the movie up, i agree! have a wonderful weekend!

Sweetpea said...

CG - Thanks so much for responding about the camera shyness issue. And as I think about it, I think you nailed the problem right on its very head! I adopted my woofer from a rescue org. when she was about 2 years old. She knew NOTHING, not even how to play with a toy, go up stairs or jump into a car. She was (and I reiterate WAS) fearful of many things.

So I've decided to approach this camera shyness the same way I approached her other fears - positive reinforcement! I'm gonna take this picture taking pastime and turn it into ***all things good & wonderful*** for her. Hopefully, I can teach her to LOVE IT when I aim "that dang black thing" (her words) in her face. Stay tuned :>}} And thanks again!

Char said...

I want to see that movie too. I have a broken limb I call the gator. :) love the sense of whimsy with the name.

beautiful shots as always my friend.

MaggieGem said...

As always a great post, always love the pictures of George! UP! looks great and I'll just going to have to get that movie to watch with my daughter, we're both suckers for dogs and Disney!

Maggie @

The JR said...

I bet it tickles your husband pink when you use his photos on your blog.

It does with my hubby. His chest puffs out and I can see him beam when he reads the post.

GailO said...

Your husband has gotten very good with that camera!...I love the barracuda shot too:)

I can't wait to see Up...what I am wondering is it appropriate for a 4 yr old to see? I was going to take my grandson to see it when it was in the theater but then I heard it was sad so I put it he is a little older but I still question if it is something he should see...what do you think?

glad you're feeling better:)