You see, the cat enjoys toying with us. For example, she will go to one of the doors and she’ll meow until someone comes to open the door for her.
And the moment the door is open, she often runs the other way.
We both find this very annoying.
The dog would never do this.
The conversation that I had with my husband yesterday went like this:
HIM: You wouldn’t believe what your cat did today.
ME: If I can believe that you hung a bird feeder from a fishing rod in our backyard today, I can believe anything that the cat did, Andrew.
HIM: Well, I went upstairs after lunch like I always do, to take a nap. And do you know what happened?
ME: I can only guess.
HIM: Well, just as I was about to fall asleep, just at the moment I was almost sound asleep, I felt something land on the bed. And then, I heard something right in my ear. It was her and she was meowing loudly. RIGHT IN MY EAR.
ME: So, did you throw something at her?
HIM: No. She wanted out. And I was just about to fall asleep, and I had to go all the way downstairs and open the door for her to go out. And then, do you know what the little &*^$%er did?
ME: She ran away, didn’t she?
HIM: Yes!
ME: Why don’t you just throw something at her next time? That’s what I do.
HIM: What? I’m not going to throw things at the cat.
ME: I throw pillows at her. They don’t hurt her. And then I yell t little. If you notice, she never asks me to go out, if I’m lying there falling asleep. If she does, she’ll get a pillow in the face.
HIM: What happens if you run out of pillows?
I never run out of pillows. All it takes is one. Or two, if I miss the first time.
Honestly, I love my kitty cat. But I am not letting a kitty cat get the best of me.
No cats were hurt in the making of this post.
And I really am not mean.
But I will throw pillows if necessary.
Respectfully submitted,
Photos processed using Nelly Nero’s Shabby Suitcase action and a Kim Klassen texture. The Nelly Nero actions are free, as are many of Kim Klassen’s textures.
Free Nelly Nero actions
Kim Klassen Café
I have severe asthmatic allergy to cats, otherwise I would so have a stash of pillows next to me at all times.
( beautiful cat btw)
Oh, God, I love the look on Blackie's face.
Ha! and she's prancing!!!!!
my daughter throws things at our schnauzers when she is sleeping and they bark...usually a pillow or flip never does any good....
Love this post. Our kitty kitty does exactly the same thing and I throw pillows at her as well. He even tries to herd us each evening to the bedroom so he can retire for the night. He, as well, waits beside the bed to be lifted up. So funny. He has trained us well! I plan to blog one of these days about all his quirky behavior!
Happy Wednesday,
We don't want or need a cat. Life is puuuurrrfectly fine without one.
Ha.. I throw pillows too.. unless I have a squirt bottle handy. ;)
That demanding to go out and then deciding to go the other way is classic. This is one of my favourite expressions of that indecision...
Good cat capture! I know you've said before she doesn't like having her picture taken.
I'll be honest and say I've had a few cat fights with my cat as well. Sometimes she will be mean for no reason. Then when a big wild cat does something to his or her trainer and they are trying to figure it out, I am like..they are animals and in particular cats..'missing the mom gene' so funny, our cat used to swat my husband to make him go to bed.
Nice photos.
Our cat doesnt go out side, she is an indoor cat, to many strays around here and alot of outdoor cats end up as road kill I wouldnt want that for our kitty, we live in a small but spaciouse country village. I can quite understand the pillows being thrown though lol . Have a great day !
Great photos of Blackie...she sounds like a character!
If you have never seen the Simon the Cat animations on You Tube, you must take a look. I think this one is one of the best:
I think you'll appreciate this!
Reason 689 why I'm a dog person, which is kind of ironic given my name...! ;-)
Kat :)
"Your cat" LOL! ELPH & I have that same conversation. And you aren't mean! You are the Alpha Female :-D
I totally rule the roost at my place :)
i don't always comment, but most days you make me smile. Today you made me laugh.
My mother used to use a water gun on our cat....doesn't take too long to get the message....smiles.
LOL! I bet I've done worse than pillows lol. Cats irritate me beyond belief unless they are absolutely quiet and not too close (allergic). :)
Hahahaha, we have six cats, it's craziness, but all but one have learned not to wake me when i am sleeping, cause there will be flying pillows involved. And I'm working on that last one, he's learning! My husband lets them all do whatever they want.
And you really crack me up.
I'm right there with you! We've never had cats but my grandparents do and I always say the cats have them trained. There's a kitty door next to the human door and the cats won't go through it because if they meow enough someone gets up to let them out! CRAZY.
Blackie is beautiful though. I found a black cat at the SPCA which I love and her name is Skittles. This means she is destined to be mine. Too bad I can't convince my roommates of this!
I did not grow up with cats. I am a dog person. Cats have grown on me, though. And seriously they live to annoy us and be the one in control.
And incidentally, substitute "4 year old daughter" for "cat" in the above scenario and you pretty much describe some nights at my house. (except I haven't thrown any pillows at her......yet)
thanks for the chuckle...your drama with your cat reminds me of a cat I had once that used to do the same thing....changed her mind about going out or coming in...took a run for it.
Fun entry
i would throw pillows, too....actually i do. sometimes they hit my hubby.
Yes, every cat I've had has done the same thing! It's apparently a cat's prerogative to change their mind--maybe it's a little too chilly, or it's misting outside--who knows! Also, have you noticed how cats love to hinder? Like you are writing a list, or typing away on the keyboard and before you know it there is a tail under your nose?
Cat games... there's a bunch of them. Mine goes out, walks around to the (glass) kitchen door and waits to be let in, meowing like crazy. When you get up, go to the door and open it, he walks the other way.... he'll do it two or three times, annoying the heck out of my husband. (cracks me up...)
one MUST win this particular battle with kitty!
If I'm on a bathroom run I don;t mind shaking out a treat, and enjoy petting your head in the darkness to hear your tiny reply. but wake me out of a sound sleep and you are a BAD KITTY!
Aloha to you
from Honolulu!
Comfort Spiral
How long have you had this precious cat and you're just now telling the poor guy your technique?
Good to know if I ever get a cat..What happens if you throw a pillow at Andrew?
I so resemble this post. Got 2 of them here.
The problem is the cat thinks we are here only to do their bidding. The dog thinks he is here to do whatever we want. Cats rule, dogs drool (and I have 2 cats, 3 dogs)
oh my...have 5 cats, they all seem to think we are only here for their needs...husband is willing, i am NOT. down to one dog and he barks and needs to go out a few times a night...i pull 'that' pillow over my head. thank you are you note about the pink is still a disaster, both state and federal....poor tiny house. my hidey hole.
Ugh! Those darn cats! And they know exactly what they're doing too:)
Of course they don't hurt! Cats and pillows go together like....
something I'm sure! :)
LMAO!!!!! Oh thanks for that (sorry it's at youe expense)...god I would be so pissed (I covet my nap time). Cats are suck stinkers! You should buy a few small throw pillows that are for kitty. :))))
This doesn't surprise me, Blackie is just making sure you people will serve her anytime she wants...typical aristoCATS...hahahaha...A dog wouldn't ever do that because a dog serves his's the opposite with a cat which is why they aren't my favourite animal either, I prefer being served rather then serving.... ;-)
I am afraid all cat lovers have this kind of behaviour to contend with - mine tries very hard to trip me up if he wants milk!
He hung a bird feeder with a fishing rod? Oh, Kate. Please tell me it was far enough away from the lobster buoys to at least not look like a freak show.
The lobster buoys by themselves were quirky and, yes, a bit out of place, but playful, in a cute sort of way.
But combined with a fishing rod bird feeder? Freak show, I'm afraid.
I have mentioned before how EXACTLY like our Middy is your black cat. We currently have a mouse plague. And the cat? Demanding tinned food. I am getting very deaf when she meows for a top up.
...*giggle*snort* at CBW's comment up there... ;o)
...Yeah, cats can be a real pain in the bum with all that I-want-out-now-I-want-in nonsense. We have two cats and it's aggravating because they never, never want to go outside at the same time. Once one goes out then the other always waits about 5 minutes and then shows up wanting out too. Gah! :o\ Seriously, I think it's a plot on their part to drive me insane. Little do they know, it's a short drive...*giggle* :o)
...Great photos of Miss Blackie!
...Blessings... :o)
You crack me up! So does your cat!
I have three,,,they do the same thing!
I wish I could throw a pillow through the bedroom door to stop Jack from his MOOOOOOOOOORE HELLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOO routine at 5 in the morning. He has the most amazing hearing .. he will stop his caterwauling but if I turn over he hears it and starts again! I swear. Rose instigates it, I am sure of it. Miss Goody Four Paws...
Toonman claims if I wouldnt talk to them they wouldnt carry on so when I am in the kitchen getting their bowls washed and refilled with food. How can I not talk to them? They are under my feet, in my face and demanding ...
Wonderful! And such gorgeous shots too
Funny post Kate. Cats are so persnickety but are one of my favorite animals. Farmer....not so much.
my cat would have then proceeded to stand just out of pillow range and cried until you got up to chase it...and then, since you're up, you might as well do what they requested.
cats - seriously - they are not pleasers.
Found you through PW website comments, lovely blog - newest follower.
Hi Kate
These are beautiful photos - I know from experience how hard it is to take a good one of a black cat - they just become dark blurs. You are so clever and you clearly love your kitty if you can take these! Cats are different from dogs - they exist on a different plane. Lovely in another way - but yes - infuriating sometimes. K x
I LOVE the convos you have with your hubby! Too funny!
And Blackie is a BEAUTY!
We have two cats that do exactly the same thing, drives us nuts.
Lovelovelove your blog! I'm a new follower ;)
By the way, I awarded you the Stylish Blogger Award on my blog, you can check it out here:
We actually have something we have dubbed "The Anti-Kitty Device." It's the hose to the vacuum cleaner, which we sometimes keep by the side of the bed, to shake when the cat starts wailing at the bedroom door in the middle of the night.
Sometimes, it actually works.
And isn't that a good excuse to not vacuum... ;)
Very funny! "a pillow in the face" -- I like that. I need to try it on my kitty cat.
Truly the most annoying creatures put on this earth!
How very exotic this one looks . What a stunning beauty. I have two that are white with black spots and one has a bit of orange. They are just babies and I might have to keep them all in the barn and not part with them.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
i have a very cheeky ginger cat that likes to wake me up very early in the morning by jumping up on the bed and meowing very loudly! i have thrown a few pillows myself...although i do love him and his sister dearly.
me too..its in the cat owners bill of rights !! beautiful cat though!!
tell him to get a squirt bottle and put it next to the bed.
Oh WOW, your cat is so smart and has learned who he can't mess with! That's so funny! ~Lili
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