I love sharing my photography with you, I really do. But sometimes, I almost feel – oh, I don’t know – pressure to produce something good every day. I don’t know how else to explain it but I do know that the pressure comes from myself, of course. So tonight I told myself to get over it.
Hence these photos.
Because really, folks, there ain’t much going on at the ol’ manor house tonight.
I leave for work at 7 in the morning and return around 4:30 or 5:00. Then it’s walk time with George for just under an hour, which today was much easier for some reason. And my knees weren’t screaming.
When I come in, it’s time for dinnah and the best part of that is the fact that my husband cooks it for me every night.
Needless to say, this doesn’t leave much time for photography.
When I sat down to dinner tonight, I looked outside and saw that the cardinals had arrived. They always come to the feeders at the same time in the early evening, just before dark. They come in flocks and most of the other birds are gone by then.
We love watching them while we eat and talk about our day and I think they look beautiful against the silvery branches of the dogwood.
I shot about 24 photos through the window during dinner, but 80% of them were duds. Such is life, though ~ and as it turns out, these three were the best of the bunch.
There seems to be a general malaise on several of the blogs I visit and I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s
A. The weather.
B. The disaster in Japan.
C. We are our own worst critic.
D. Famous Amos cookies.
That last one was for me. I’ve taped the giant box shut at school, so I won’t be able to get into them anymore.
Wish me luck, ok?
PS – I’ll be watching Eat, Pray, Love tonight. After Survivor, of course. I love Netflix.
PPS – Happy St. Patrick's Day ~
...Woot! I'm first?! Get. Out! :o)
...FYI - I had to look up "malaise". Yeah, I'ma dork. *giggle*shrug* I do think it's from everything you mentioned minus the cookies. *ahem* I just can't get past what has happened in Japan, my heart goes out to them. It's heartbreaking to watch it over and over on the news and then I feel guilty if I change the channel to hear something else. *sigh* I just ask God to watch over them and help them...just pray to whoever you pray to and ask the same please. :o)
...Lovely photos Kate! I can't get over that you take so many photos and so many are duds. Or is that you being your own worst critic, hmm? I know I never tire of your cardinal photos or any of your photos for that matter.
...Enjoy your evening!
...Blessings... :o)
Ha ha. Goodbye Amos! :)
Your cardinal photos are lovely! We're not complaining! Malaise mayonaise!
Your photos are lovely. I get the same way sometimes there just isnt anything to photograph. I love your blog wether you take photos or not. Have a great day !
Oh how delightful, I just love the contrast and I'm so glad you posted them for us to see! If you happened to use duct tape on the cookies, I could so relate. xo ~Lili
I do think you are a talented photographer...and have often wondered about you posting so many awesome photos in one day. I would be sharing them one at a time...but that will never be my problem.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you though I love your pictures, I also enjoy your thoughts. You articulate them well, while remaining true and real. :)
PS. Maybe you should give your scissors to someone to hold onto tomorrow.
Your photos of the cardinals are stunning. How interesting that your cardinals come in the early evening. They come to our feeders in the early morning. Yes, general malaise seems to be with us since the tragedy in japan.
Love the birds - cardinals are my favorite. In fact, during one of the snow storms, we had 8, yes, 8 males in our backyard at one time - amazing.
I hear you about the malaise. Nothing going on right now. But we're going on a cruise soon and then I'll have lots to blog about.
Never feel any pressure. Everything you post is beautiful and so thoughtful. I am amazed you do as much as you do! Thanks for sharing!
what the heck are famous amos cookies???
i know i know i know.....i know how you feel!!
that self induced pressure....arrghhh
and is this the first time for eat, pray, love ?
omg....love that book....love that movie. i'm waiting for it to come out on demand so i can watch it a second and a third time :)
It's Netflix in this house every night of the week. Just watched Mother and Child... a bit depressing but with a happy ending.
Oh, and my photos pretty much are what they are. Not a lot of specialness added to them because I find it too time consuming.
I love the striking beauty of the red birds against the more subtle tones of the dogwoods...another peaceful photo for a chaotic world...
I enjoy just seeing your world each day...no pressure :)
I think that it is "E. all of the above." It's hard to get too hyped up over anything when such a disaster has occurred; most of us have heard of SADS; that sugar low is a real bummer; And I know we are all our own worst critic...
Your pictures are great and even just a quick snapshot from someone as good as you is amazing. your eye knows just how to capture the right image... and I'm sure I speak for all who come to your blog: I appreciate your taking the time to share!
I am feeling A, B, and C! Bah! I will often take many photos when I have the time so I have some "in the bag" for the days when I just can't get new shots in. Even what you call just the "OK" photos - well they knock my socks off. I start a photography class at the end of this month. I am going to try and do a whole month just taking good photos and not doing any post production - hmm we'll see how it goes!
PS: I just wanna add that I love Netflix, too. I bought one of those little devices (79$) to watch any "streaming" selection on my TV (don't have a wii or playstation).... who needs cable! It saves me 79$/month.
Wonderful photos, as always. I agree on all counts of 'malaise.' I seem to be rising above it somewhat, but it still lingers. Enjoy the movie! I'm holding out until 3-20 when it goes 'live' (streaming) on Netflix. Or at least I'm going to try & be patient! -Tammy
Netflix is the bomb (ok, yes I went old school :)) The weather is wonderful here- what one can see through the pollen - it has a resemblence to a dust storm when the breeze blows through. I have watched very little about Japan in the last couple days. That has been a wise decision.
You pictures are wonderful - love the cardinals!!
Your pictures are truly vibrant and beautiful.
Funny, I thought that George might be your husband who you were going for a walk with.
Your bird portraits are always just beautiful. Thank you for that!
All one can do is send positive thoughts/wishes/prayers/vibs out into this scary world we live in...and I'm doin' just that! xo
Hi Kate, Yes, the winter doldrums are affecting so many people and the overall state of the world right now. Please don't feel pressure to produce on this blog. Even if you post once a week it is a treat for all of us. I just can't get over those beautiful red cardinals. They brighten my day. Thank you. Take a break when you need to. Enjoy the movie.
Is it okay if I share your robin photo on tumblr? It will link to your blog, and credit your blog as a source. Please let me know!
Kate your pictures are always beautiful, but I don't think any of us expect you to "produce" something every single day. I understand that pressure though and sometimes when I post a photo I think...oh gosh that's not a great picture, but then I think, well you can only do what you can do!
Happy St. Patrick's Day, and please give me a full report on Eat, Pray, Love. I read the book and LOVED it. Since you are now my personal Gene Shalit, without the funny hair and mustache, I look forward to your review!
Tell Famous Amos to quit taunting you!
Kat :)
I don't have a robin photo. But thanks for asking.
Famous Amos:
I watch the movies, streamed and DVD, right on my big screen Dell which I have hooked up to the laptop. That way my husband can still watch the TV. It's so romantic here.
And thanks everyone. I came here to take this post down and saw all the comments, so I left it up. You always surprise me.
~ C.G.
that's what I meant. Hahaha. I can't believe I confused the two, since I see them every year in my backyard as well. Anyway, are you okay with that? Sharing your photo?
Such glorious splashes of brilliance!! Love those birds. I think you just need more cookies! LOL, but really there is just too much going on in the world and the weather that is wearing everyone out. Malaise is only to be expected. This too shall pass as they say, whoever "they" are. Hang in there and keep snapping - we really are our own worst critics and if you take these photos out a month from now - who knows? ~chris
Kate, I think we all feel that way these last several days. Anything you post is a comfort. Hope you take good care of yourself. xo
Once again, yes. So there. But still, I love these pictures, the red on the grey is stunning. Some days are just like that.
I adore the cardinal pics. I had 6 male cardinals that were wild and crazy this morning at the feeders. All the females just sat in the trees and watched. I think the boys were showing off.
I too feel great sadness for Japan.
Debbie from Illinois
Just dropped in to see what's happening in your world! I have been having the mullygrubs...just kind of 'yuck'. But seeing the cardinals and George put a smile on my face. You know we all love visiting with you, but sometimes we have to take a break and regroup...so don't beat yourself up about posting if you just aren't feeling it! We will love you through it! I'm with you on what is happening in Japan! My heart is breaking for them...it's devastating! May God be with them!
Hugs, Jeanne
You are kidding me, right? I LOVE those photos! And who cares if you had to take a lot to get a few keepers... I recently deleted like 15,000 photos from my hard drive. I kid you not.
Thanks for all you post -- we don't expect you to be brilliant every day, but we just love to pop in and see what is going on with you... :)
And yes, still praying for Japan...
Oh, I look forward to your posts everyday .... no matter what the material. I always find your writing peaceful and expressive. And, of course, your lovely pics.
I so know what you mean about the pressure of posting daily! I know it's my own doing putting something out there daily. Some days, it comes so easy, other days, not. But on the days that the words flow easily, those are sweet days.
Happy St. Patty's Day!!!
You never know--those Famous Amos may be keeping you posting and shooting those birds and George...
Maybe posting does give you more than you know...if only it's your 'folks' coming by to visit.
Well, I wish we had Cardinals where I live in California. They are such a stunning bird! I would love to see one in real life in it's own environment:) Love the photos.
Hello dear Kate...
Just wanted you to know I dropped by for my fix of Lovely, which you never fail to offer despite being affected (like us all) by the Awfulness in Japan at the moment.
It has been crazy (as you know) in my world and I love that you take the time to comment at my place even when I have been unable to let you know I have visited with you.
Sorry again to have missed you on my US visit.
PS We have Tim Tams - be thankful THOSE cookies/biscuits are not widespread in America (yet).
We are our own worst critic ... hmm, who could that be???
I love how the Cardinals are still traveling in flocks, though I suspect that will come to an end in the next couple weeks or so. Coupled with the red barn in the background they look phenomenal.
Hope you can get outside today for a few minutes and enjoy the warmer weather!
Malaise: (ma laz') noun. (1) A vague feeling of bodily discomfort,"lack of Famous Amos cookies" as at the beginning of an illness "withdrawal symptoms from lack of Famous Amos cookies".
(2) A general sense of depression "do I really feel like getting dressed and drive all the way to the store for cookies" or unease. "what if they're out of Famous Amos cookies"
Most certainly D. LOL!
Don't sweat the small stuff, it's something we all go through from time to time, so as they say in Jersey "forgetaboutit"
Love the cardinals, even though there's not a female in the flock!
Lovely photos dear!
I feel sort of schlumpy myself Kate and it IS the disaster in Japan and the working all day and the M&M's that were left over from my granddaughter's visit this weekend. But your cardinals picked me up...I love them...so jelous that you have so many. I have a pair that stops by every day but I haven't had the time to shoot them so I just stop and admire them on my way out the door. Good luck with the famous amos temptation today... :)
Love the photos and love cardinals!
Loosing an hour of sleep does not help the malaise either!
Oh, I feel it too!!
I think your cardinals are wonderful! Three in one tree is quite a treat if you ask me :)
I really enjoyed your blog post, i always got good, relevant and useful information from your new and unique posts, i m sure your blog will keep us continues update. Thanks for providing us such useful information.
The pictures "aren't all that?" Oh please, really? They're gorgeous! We're still so grey and brown up here in Massachusetts - I'd be going wild to see a bright splash of red on these humdrum and barren trees. Those cardinals (and the pictures themselves) are amazing!
Gosh girl....these gray tones with the sparkeling red of the birdies are amazing....don't tell me there not your best...doesn't matter at all. And guess what somedays just need to be filled with mostely notting around the house to talk about. That gives you the energy to cope with the days that are too full.
Be well. Hugs D.
How can you go wrong photographing a bright, beautiful cardinal! I thought they were great shots. Lucky you to have such a great husband that cooks dinner. Mickie
Any photograph involving a red cardinal has my vote every time.
I was am going to read it, I downloaded it to my Nook app on the iPhone ... and I am thinking I need to check Netflix for ER's first season ... we didnt start watching it then ... LOVE those bird shots they are simply superb .. and I think about you and how your blog posts are always perfect .. perfect length, not too wordy (like mine) and how judiciously use the photos you take ... vs me peppering my post with little images that arent very wonderful ... GAH ... you need to come in and we need to go get more photos .. no, I need to come down there ... we'll talk
OK, it's Blackie THEN the cardinals, in that order..........
These are absolutely GAWjus!
I cannot choose a fave here but the red barn seems perfect.
Enjoy St. Pat's day today......wear purple tomorrow, don't forget it is St. Urho's Day!!!
When the redbirds all congregate in a tree, they remind me of XMAS ornaments.
Love the pics! The birds are so beautiful! I have the same thing happen when I take photos... maybe 2 out of 20 are acceptable in my mind. Yep, I'm my own worst enemy.
love that movie...your photos are great...you are your own worse critic...cause we all love stopping in to see what your up too...
I agree, I've been in a bit of a 'funk' lately. I didn't blog Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. And I love blogging, but I just thought I didn't have much to say.....not that I ever do. For me I think it's the sorrow I feel for the people in Japan. Everything else just doesn't seem important, although I know it is. As far as Famous Amos is concerned, I say "pull the tape...cookies are meant to be eaten and enjoyed."
the wanna be country girl - Caroline
I bet your worst photos are better than my best! Learning Photoshop is like learning a new language!
Thank you for sharing! Lovely as always....
Just curious, have you seen the live webcam in the botanical garden in VA? Google wvec eagle cam. There is all kind of info but there were 3 eggs. The last one hatched today. Some awsome sights....might lift your spirits for a minute? I am addicted. Been watching it since Sunday.
Jerry, I laughed out loud.
Anonymous, sure you can post the cardinal. I'm fine with it as long as you link back. And seriously, thanks for asking.
I'm still reading my comments. I cannot believe you guys. You seriously rock.
~ C.G.
now I feel bad for missing this.. for not being here to tell you how incredible you are.
because you are.
this space exudes beauty and life and has a soul .
Your photos and words reveal an inner something that captivates and connects and inspires.
I'd like to add E. to your list and my E. is
E. Fiscal year end at work....yeech
I had to go back and read your post today - I know exactly how you feel...I often feel the same way about my day. I carry my camera around with me everywhere and only want to use it but work gets in the way...and then I end up getting home after 6. Until this week, the daylight hours were gone and I was left using a speedlight in my house. But these photos are beautiful!
Hi Kate:
Your cardinal photos are just the latest additions to your ever-stunning images. I love the red of the birds (and the barn) against the snowy, grey branches of the trees. Beautiful. Thanks for sharing them.
Hugs from Florida,
Hi Kate, Well, these are wonderful photos! We don't get cardinals here so they are a treat to see. Yes, I think your thoughts on the weather, Japan and being our own worst critic are very pertinent. (As for the cookies, we just make sure not to have any in the house, sniff. We have no discipline with snacks except to not allow them in the house.)
Wishing you a peaceful and fulfilling weekend.
here's the thing - you like me have a job, we're not the lucky ones that get to jet off to fun places at the drop of a dime or have the day to explore. please never apologize for that. i love your work regardless...besides, haven't you heard that the best light is before 8:00 in the morning and after 4:00? *smile*
I'd be thrilled if those were my photos. They're great.
Yes, Japan, it's on everyone's minds.
I'm just getting over the flu...during which I not only didn't have the energy to read blogs but I didn't have the energy to eat either! LOL I knew I was sick! Anyways it is always good to get back to seeing your photos...and you know I love Miss Blackie:)
hello .. i love famous amos cookies and you .. thats all:)
I just got back from staying at my mom's for a week, following her eye surgery, so I've been out of touch (she has no internet access!) and I feel really out of touch with "blogger world." It is dreary and raining today, as all the LA Marathon runners slug it out on the streets. The finish line is just a few blocks from me.
I am getting caught up with blog reading and enjoying a cup of roosbois tea.
Anyway, we don't have anything even close to cardinals at the beach in Southern California, so every time you post photos of them it is a HUGE treat for me!! Thanks.
Your bird portraits are always just beautiful.
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