Today on the Photography tab on PW’s blog, I read a post by Jessica Claire, whose work I adore. A highly sought-after wedding and portrait photographer based in California, her images are taken in natural light and they’re nothing short of magical. Jessica’s challenge for the month is for readers to give up the flash – at least during the daylight hours. What you need, she says, besides a camera that allows you to control when the flash goes on and off, is light - whether it be from a window, your open door, or outside in nature.
And a subject who will sit still.
She goes on to ask that readers post their results in the comment section, and they’ll highlight a few to share. Here’s the post:
Give up your flash for Lent, by Jessica Claire
It’s not hard for me to give up the flash because I rarely use it.
Remember, it’s all about the light.
Late this afternoon, on a cloudy day, I shot these photos when I went for my walk. I knew I needed more light, so I chose my 50mm 1.8D lens. This lens lets in a lot of light and I love it.
And George loves to pose, you know. The cat would never stay still like this.
I shot the photo above on the Aperture Priority mode, using the widest aperture. I processed it with one of Red Leaf Studio’s Vintage Soft Actions, called ‘Ceres’. I also used a texture called ‘Brushed Topaz’ from the Florabella Collection. I thought it made the red barn really pop.
I shot this on the Program mode, also processing with the Ceres action. In fact, I think I used Ceres on most of the shots here.
My husband has been preparing the garden area and planted peas the other day. I know, you’re super excited.
Shot in the Aperture Priority mode, if I remember correctly.
This is George’s angel pose. I mentioned yesterday that he’s driving my husband a little bit crazy with his antics at nighttime.
He wants out.
He wants out at 1 AM. And then he wants out again around 4.
We don’t know why. But we do know who gets up – and it’s not me. George knows who to ask. (I would tell him to Go Lie Down). But my husband’s afraid there might be an accident, so he does the dog’s bidding.
And then complains about it the next morning.
So that’s all it is.
The wind is beginning to howl and the rain is really coming down. It’s supposed to pour all day tomorrow, but you know what? It’s March.
This is what it does in March ~
Have a beautiful day, all. Thanks for stopping by.
I saw that challenge at PW's blog. I never use my flash, so I can give this up no problemo :). Love these photos Kate!
I love pictures with natural light...I've never been a fan of flash. I am however a HUGE fan of rain and I'm so jealous of your month of March rains. Get some cute rainboots and take a walk for me!
Your photos are lovely, especially the NY photos. I would give anything to have my pic taken by the IMAGNE mosaic. The word alone is symbolic for a generation of hippies!
Thanks for the dose o' George. He is such a beauty... Sorry about the night raids tho. Our 5 take turns getting us up at any hour for potty runs, upset tummies, coyote prowls, water drinking (one refuses to drink from the indoor water dish and must be let outside to do so). UGH!
It always amazes me how George looks so human in every photo. And your husband is such a push over... I'd be right there with you, in bed, asleep. :)
Cabin Fever in Vermont
George is so beautiful! Before we lost our Mellie she would occasionally need a nightime breath of fresh air. I was always leary of those springtime skunks! Yikes!
Just came back to say how much I can't stand Russell on Survivor. Last week, he was voted out and sent to Redemption Island. He's now up against Matt in a challenge to see who stays and who goes. Part of me wants him to win because then I'll see him next week and can hate him some more.
What is wrong with me?
Sounds like George is getting in a bad habit! I never use flash either.
Glad you had a good trip to NYC! I am off to Ohio tomorrow.
I in all kinds of swooning love with that last photo.
Just had to add that I can't stand Russell on Survivor either! At our house, we refer to him as "the bandy legged troll". He does make the show interesting, however repulsively.
A dedicated non-flash user here, so no problemo...
Love all these shots, especially the last one. Beautiful! And I somehow missed the last two installments of your NYC pix... they were wonderful!
Hope you don't get too much rain. I saw we are supposed to get 2-3" in NJ. God I hope the cellar doesn't flood again... :(
These photos are very nice. Like you, I seldom use flash during the day.
HaHa! I hear you re Russell:) Don't tell me anything else though because I have to watch the show o hates I am watching idol...he will watch that.
I very rarely use my flash too because they always come out so terrible...Maybe what I should do is use it a little more to learn what I am doing wrong. For now I am just loving my newish 50mm 1.4 incredible in low light...
Has George been checked for diabetes? This was our first sign - coupled with increased water drinking.
Always love your photos.
Loverly photos...
Hasn't started raining here...yet...but itsa comin'!
And tell that Georgie-Boy to behave his nightime self!
Hello, I read your posts all the time,but rarely comment,anyway,
I was wondering about George...
None of my business but if this is a new thing that he is doing, he may be ill in some way. Much as you love him,you might to have him seen about.
I love your posts and your gentle humor...
I really think George is fine. He always gets up around 4 to 4:30 and my husband lets him out. The past couple of nights, he's been getting up again, around 1. No increased water drinking. He actually naps most of the evening and we tend to think he is probably just bored.
We'll keep an eye on him. No worries yet.
i love that last shot! i love love love it.
Beautiful photos, Kate! I'm not a fan of flash either; it just makes the subject look so unnatural. I haven't figured out all of the details about my camera...nor how to add the textures. I always love the pictures of George but the last picture of the barn and trees is really peaceful to me :)
men just have a harder time being firm with the kids, don't they!
Love your site! What an amazing place you reside in! Thank you for sharing!
Once you go flashless....there's no turning back!
It seems I use flash a lot because I don't get out enough--gotta work on that. Can't get enough of George pictures here, or scenes around the Country Girl compound. Glad your husband is the "one who letteth"George in and out that early. I used to have a cat who woke me up because he was a "morning cat" and a "late night" one, too. Why we didn't just let him stay out all the time, I do not know. Cats can make complete fools out of their humans.
Gorgeous shots Kate, I rarely switch programs on my camera but you're inspiring me to try!
If George is suddenly restless at night, he might either A. have eaten something that is causing him to have temporary diare and he is such a good boy he knows he needs out. B. He might have a urine infection which keeps him from holding it all night. Either way if it continues over the weekend, I'd have a vet take a look at him. Might be nothing but usually when the gang here wake at night it's one of those things and usually it goes over, if it doesn't I have a vet check it out.
Have a super day!
I never use flash if I can help it.. natural light is so much better.
Love that last image...
I never use a flash either,I just change lenses or change my settings as well. Lovely photos! Have a great day!
Handsome is a good boy and will get up and go out the doggie door if necessary at night, but the click click of his toes always wakes us up anyway, as does the slap slap sound of the doggie door. Rowdy, on the other hand, whines at the side of the bed, but that's unusual.. he usually sleeps through the night like a good little boy.
Lovely 50mm shot!
Love the shots...nice to see George and not looking forward to the rain up here today.
My dog does the same thing, and my husband does the same thing. I tell the dog to go lay down and he does. My husband gets out of bed and grumbles.
It's raining here, too but the snow is melting. I saw the "give up your flash for lent" post at PW and I have to say that someone commented about how that was a disrespectful title, and that made me laugh.
george is so handsome. i bet he missed you!
Mine too and it's me that has to let the dog out.
My husband is dead to the world when he's sleeping. But the funny thing is you can whisper his name. He wakes up and sits straight up.
I NEVer use my flash. Loved all your New York photos.
Lovely photos and enjoyed the glimpse of garden. Rarely do I use the flash, it's just so to speak.
George has either a prostate issue or a girlfriend ..
I never use my flash either :)
Maybe there is a nighttime squirrel enticing George to come out and play.
Raining buckets here today.
Love you last picture. The trees with no leaves.........beautiful. I never use the flash, even inside at night. I hate the flash that much. If I can't get the shot I want without it, I'll do without the shot.
the wanna be country girl - Caroline
It's a rare day that I ever use the flash anymore. I'm waiting for the day when I finally try to learn about shooting outside of the comfort of the auto feature though. And hey, early peas you say? Yes, yes that it very exciting to me! I think a certain handsome dog has his master wrapped around his paw so to speak :) xo ~Lili
George is SO handsome...I grew up on a farm and we always had border collies. They have the cutest puppies ever!
I love your NYC shots, I'm going to look at the rest of them. My Schnauzer would want outside a million times a day, finally when he went to the door, I'd say, "You were just out there, your're NOT going out again!" Or, during the night when I knew darn well he didn't need to go out, I'd say, "You go lay down!" and he'd slink back to his bed. Gosh, I sure miss him, he died quite a few years ago. George looks quite regal.
Oh yeah, I love not using the flash. I like natural light... just looks more... natural.(smile)
just found your blog. LOVE your photography. Totally jealous you can get your pooch to sit still so long. Checking out your prints for sale now...would love to get a series set of pieces for my very bare living room wall.
I much prefer to use natural light. These are gorgeous examples. And that 50mm f/1.8 is one of my favorite lenses.
Ah, yes. The morning antics. Our cat, Luna, does the same thing. Fortunately, we both know there is no going out on the agenda. She eventually settles down and gives in another shot in an hour or so. *smile*
Sounds like George has your husband exceedingly well trained. *grin*
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