Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vignette #2: White

The snow has continued to fall quietly all morning. I found myself sitting in the breakfast nook, concentrating on a jigsaw puzzle, when I glanced out the window and saw how beautiful everything had suddenly become. So before I could talk myself out of venturing out there (it was still snowing), I quickly bundled up, grabbed the camera and was outside.

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I continue to be fascinated with the clothespins. I just like ‘em is all. I like the vintage wine action at Florabella, too.

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The patio off the breakfast nook.

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And sigh some more.

Standing at the edge of the wood, all I could hear was the tiny pellets of sleet hitting the snow. Then it would turn back into flakes. Yesterday my husband told me that “the outer loop is back open again.” I asked him which one, around DC? Baltimore? What was he talking about?

Then he told me, “no . . . the outer loop around the property.”

Ah! Now I see. Well, unfortunately it’s filled in again with the snow, but I could see where he’d already started making the path again.

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More birds, although it’s getting to the point where the glass is so covered with snow and moisture that getting a decent photo is next to impossible.

Above, a male ‘slate-colored’ or ‘dark-eyed’ juncoe awaits a turn at one of the feeders.

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A white-throated sparrow covered with snow pellets.

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Oh, why hello.

I’ll continue to check in through this storm. As I write, George is asleep on his couch. He and his master were out all morning shoveling and walking. I can hear him dreaming and yipping in his sleep.

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Two friends have had their submissions posted in Pioneer Woman’s shallow depth-of-field photo assignment and I was so happy for the both of them. Sprucehill and Bush Babe’s entries can both be found by clicking the links to their names. Many of the entries are nothing short of amazing, so be sure to check out some of the beautiful photography this assignment offers.

Way to go, my friends!

Until later then,

PS ~ Forgive me for posting so often. It helps keep me from going cuckoo for cocoa puffs.

All photos taken with a Nikon D80


Mental P Mama said...

Wine is the antidote.

Marla said...

I love the snow pictures and the birdies too. I can just feel the quietness of the snow. I love that. Blessings and stay warm. Marla

Leenie said...

Such beauty! Glad you stepped out into the woods, "lovely dark and deep." Hope your old trees can handle the weight of this new storm. You are doing an amazing job of capturing the birds. I can see they are wearing their down jackets. Stay warm and hope the lights stay on for you.

Anonymous said...

Love the "path"..and those clothespins!..Actually your first post of them is my favorite.

There is a picture I just took and posted to my blog so you could see an inspiration you gave me. Can you believe, in all my 44 years.. I always drank my tea out of the coffee mugs, reserving our teacups for company during holidays... for what reason??... when you blogged about your favorite teacup (dragonfly) I said.. how beautiful that looks..why don't I ever drink my tea out of the tea cups in the cupboard...

Well now I do..and the tea tastes so much better! Well atleast I like it better that way. Thanks for the insight :-) It's the little things, you know...

The JR said...

Beautiful. But, I don't want any of it down here! Great captures. That little bird kinda looks mad.

Tiffany said...

1. The lighting is just lovely in these photos!

2. Post as often as you want! Post more! I love 'em all!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

I'm so glad you ventured out despite the pellets. You captured some amazing shots!! Post away - who could be annoyed with such beauty?

Scriptor Senex said...

Love the sparrows and the one from under the tree. What a great angle that is.

Carolynn Anctil said...

Beautiful, indeed. It looks so peaceful with the blanket of snow over everything. I love your bird photos, those are excellent.

Randy said...

Your pictures are beautiful, breathtaking. Thank you!

Deb said...

it looks so cold there....nice of you to venture out and show us your lovely photos...

Anonymous said...

all your photos are so amazing, but the shot with the curly branches in the foreground totally captured me!

stay warm.

My name is Riet said...

Kate, your snow pictures are fantastic. And what a lot of snow. I love the birdpictures too. So clear. And keep posting, I am sure we all love your pictures.
Take care and keep warm.

Low Tide High Style said...

Great photos and the one of George is too cute! Congrats to your friends who won! Stay warm!

Kat :)

Unknown said...

Love the abundance of photos...especially love the branch hanging down almost seeming to touch the fence...smiles

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

great pics kate! but i am done!

Linda said...

Post away! I always enjoy looking out your windows:) BTW; LOVE the (third?) shot with the snow ladened branch and the curving fence line! Very 'quiet' and peaceful.

HA! Word verification = slicks

Gayle said...

Love the armchair tour of all things snow. Your dark eyed junco looks a lot like our black phoebe. Love the little tuxedos that they wear. Major difference is that our phoebe forgot to comb his hair!

D.K. Wall said...

Absolutely beautiful. We are so windy (70mph gusts), that we have not had time yet to just enjoy the beauty of it all.

beth said...

I love the snowy photos...since they aren't coming from my yard this time....

and the possibility of going a bit nuts with all the snow and cold and being inside....

oh, I've played that game before...and I like the advice from mental p ! or whine....nope, lets just stick with the wine....enough of it and you'll feel like you're in hawaii :)

Anonymous said...

That sparrow does not look happy that you interrupted him! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Great minds think a like! I have been taking pictures of birds all day! Thanks for the shout out!

Kay on south coast of OR said...

I have been keeping in good touch with my niece in Woodbridge, VA..She's been shoveling !! Has to try to get to Dulles tomorrow to fly to Rome...(FA with UAL).
It is a beautiful scene back there for all of you, but not fun I'm sure.
Dry here , three gorgeous days of sunny days , today dry but no sunshine. thinking of you all. Kay in Oregon

valerie@composition-life said...

Wow - don't apologize for posting so often, I know I love to see the images you capture from your part of the world. It's always a joy to walk thru your world with you!

Sharon said...

I know you like your job, but I could get used to becoming a full-time blogger. You don't need to eat, right? ;)

Infrequent Flyers said...

So beautiful to look at, but glad I don't have to be out in it! I love the snow on George's nose!

Brenda Pruitt said...

These photos are just awe-inspiring! Love the snow clustered to the tree branches. We don't that kind of weather here. Keep the home fires burning and your toes warm!

Mary @ Framed and Tagged said...

As usual your photos are awesome!!!
The bird pics are so clear!...what lens do you use? I have a D90 and it doesn't produce clear shots. What am I doing wrong?

BB said...

Oh thanks for the mention Kate... I am still reeling!

The shot of the branches reaching down to the fence... Holy Moly, I might have to order that one!!

Cheryl said...

Wonderful pics, it's amazing what the eye and behold!

Keep on posting, reading blogs after a long day at work is my get away and your pics are relaxing!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Beautiful photos! So peaceful looking...

becky up the hill said...

I love your posts. Each time, I rejoice that you still have power! Can you tell I'm a little obsessed with that fact. To many powerless days and nights I guess. Love that little sparrow, I think he is tired of the snow. He appreciates the seed, but he is a wee bit hungry for a bug or worm. lol....Stay warm!

Christine said...

So beautiful. The wind on the prairie never allows one a chance to see anything like that here. *sigh*

Carol E. said...

Gorgeous photos! I esp love the tree branch with fence in background, and the shots of the sparrow.

Donna S. said...

Love the sparrow butt. And all of your postings!!! Stay safe & warm

Gail said...

Your snow pictures have such a peacefullness about them. I can imagine that you have a little cabin fever, while I long to have some cabin fever.

When the children were home, we would always have a puzzle going during a snow day.

Mary said...

Yes I have used Vintage Summer on my snow photos -- I love the tones.

It all looks really beautiful, Kate. Stay warm and safe! :)

Anonymous said...

Have I said before how healthy the birds look in your photos? Now, I know why. You feed them well!

Each day's snow is more beautiful. The views from your windows look so pleasant. I realize the reality of the cold but the beauty is exceptional.


tainterturtles said...

Wow, I did not know that the White Throated Sparrow winters-over in Maryland....that's my favorite bird song, "Pure sweet Canada, Canada, Canada."

In Wisconsin, the White Throated Sparrow only lives in the Northwoods during the summer months.

Thank you for the beautiful close-up.

Cloudia said...

Your snow posts have really made me FEEL the storm! I can smell the snow...and a damp George LOL...

Aloha, Country Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Lori said...

I'm a relatively new follower but already a huge fan of your work and George! I agree that your pictures beautifully convey the peace and beauty of the snow. Keep 'em coming because I'll never have that view from my kitchen window here in Florida.

Hilary said...

What a beautiful collection of photos, Kate. You live in Paradise. I love those clothespins too. :)

Sweetpea said...

Over here, we're cuckoo for clothespins...and snowy KEEP POSTING cuz we are vicariously living a snowy life thru you :>}}

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

This has been some winter so far, hasn't it? We got over a foot of snow here in NY today.

Your photos are always lovely! I love the shot of the bird looking at you. This weather is so hard on them!

Julie Harward said...

Post away my friend...I love them! I cannot believe the snow you are getting (or) the beautiful photo's you are taking!!! Love every bit of it! So nice of the hub to break a trail for you! Take care...Come say hi :D

tea4too0 said...

I am so taken back by your photos.
I am enjoying your snow and the birds are great. I especially loved the birdie butt. The one I really like is the tree branch and fence. Hoping you have power all through the winter.

Skeletalmess said...

Wonderful captures, being a snow lover, I find these shots lovely eye candy without the calories.

wildbanshee said...

The bird looking at you seems to be saying "Must you always have that thing attached to you face".
Please continue with the photo's.
I've taken out my camera and am taking more picture's of my animals.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

So that is what those birds are! I have them all around here and had no idea what they were...white throated sparrows. I love the yellow eyebrows they sport.

Your property is beautiful. I wasn't brave enough to venture out yesterday...we will try it today.

Daryl said...

I love those shallow depth of field shots .. I did one of Rose last nite ... the new 35mm lens is awesome.. as are you bird pix .. the 'you lookin' at me' shot has some attitude

Nurse Nancy said...

I love the peacefulness that snow brings.

Deb said...

You never need to apologize for posting!

Maria said...

Beautiful photos and I love the expression on the little birds face. I think he wants you to turn the heat up.

big hair envy said...

Snow is SO much prettier when it's at YOUR place!!!

Hope you're able to make it to the city this weekend. I'm just SICK that we won't be there:(

Diane said...

Beautiful shots Kate! I love the desaturation!

Unknown said...

I feel like I am walking through a wonderland! It is so beautiful, who cares what the rest of the world is doing, I think I could be held up in that neck of the woods for a VERY LONG time! love it!

abb said...

What is it about snow on the nose? Stella-dog always has snow on her nose when she's outside! Hope you see the end of your driveway today.