As in three orange and three blue pictures for you today. I love all this color.
So there I was, sitting on the front steps having my last cup of coffee and taking pictures of squiggles on pumpkins (yet again) for my files. I’ve already had several of them printed at and had taken them to school to use as office decorations for Halloween. I wanted to replenish my files for next year’s decorations. This year’s photos have been promised to several of my co-workers.
Anyway, it’s a long explanation and while I was thinking all this, a ladybug came along and began crawling up the pumpkin.
It was crawling around very quickly, as if it were on a mission. I think its mission was to get to the top of the pumpkin as soon as possible.
I could barely keep up with it using my lens.
It was so quick that this is the last photo I caught of it before it flew off.
Please try to contain your excitement.
:: ~ ::
I’ve been cleaning the entire day and am enjoying a well-deserved glass of ice water in my Tervis tumbler. It keeps the water nice and cold. I’ve been cleaning extra because we’re doing something we rarely do here at the manor house on the hill.
We’re having company.
Now, I love company. I’d have people over all the time just like it was when I was growing up. Our house was one of the most popular on the block. But my husband is pretty much the total opposite. And not surprisingly, his parent’s home is very quiet. In fact, when I began dating him (I was 19), one of the things I loved the most was how quiet and peaceful it was at his house.
He’s looking forward to our company tomorrow, though. They’re friends that we’ve known since we were teenagers and my husband and I went to high school with one of our visitors. It’ll be so good to see them all.
This next set of three was taken by my husband. He was checking out what’s going on with the morning glories that are covering much of the garden fence.
They were changing colors in the weather.
I thought they were beautiful enough as they were, so I’m posting them SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera).
And speaking of cameras, and I know this is wrong of me, but I have been lusting after something a little . . . more. But after I looked at prices of the Nikons I was really interested in, I decided that it’s just going to have to be sort of like an unrequited love. Unless I hit the lottery sometime soon.
Ok. I’ve lollygagged enough for now. I’m off to the licorice store to pick up supplies and to the grocery store for fixin’s for my favorite apple cheese crisp for tomorrow’s dessert.
Happy Halloween, everybody. Thanks for stoppin’ by today.