The day started innocently enough.
Actually, it ended the same way. I just wanted to start the story with that line. I was looking forward to this weekend with its promise of beautiful weather and sunny skies and I woke early on Saturday morning, just as the sun was coming into my bedroom window.
I poured a cup of coffee and took my chair out to the place in the yard where the morning sun hits first and I sat and read my book while sipping my cup of deliciousness.
I went back for the camera later. I think my husband is going to pick the lone watermelon today and I wanted to get a photo of it. For some strange reason, none of the others survived.
And it wasn’t because I stepped on any of them.

As I was sitting and reading, a moth that looked just like this landed on my shirt. It stayed for a moment, and then it flew away, probably off to share a stack of pancakes with the butterflies who host parties in the morning glory patch.

I started this book which I won in a contest last week. Thanks Mental P Mama!
I’m still reading Eat, Pray, Love and am nearly finished. It got a little bogged down while we were in India at the Ashram. Not that it wasn’t interesting, especially after Richard came on the scene. I had the book with me last week when we went to see my husband’s oncologist at Johns Hopkins. We were met by a beautiful medical student who promised me that Bali would be the best part of the book and that I ‘needed to keep reading because you will love it’. And she turned out to be very correct.
Because I do love the Bali part.

And then I made pancakes.
And watched my husband fill the bird feeders.
I have always loved his arms.

After some chores, we set our chairs under the dogwood tree and watched the birds as they came to the feeders.
And then I made lunch because we were expecting company.

It was delicious. You can find the recipe here on my other blog.

We sat outside talking for the afternoon. Our friend brought his dog who got along very well with George. And after a while, he said to us, “God, it’s so beautiful here.”
It was so relaxing sitting under the tree and watching the dogs cavort and the birds flittering about. And my husband was happy to have someone to talk about sports with.

I’m not a real sports fan. But my sister is. She’s a Phillies fan in a big way and my husband loves having her here. I used to think it was because she reminded him so much of me (* snort *) but it’s the Phillies thing, man. Plus she’s funny and cool and is a super good cook.
I brought my newest knitting project outside. I’m making a white scarf for someone. Casting on came back to me and I realized I much prefer doing it with one needle than two.

We watched the morning glories begin to fade for the day, and then it was time for our friend to leave.
But he didn’t want to go yet. We could tell.
So my husband and he took a walk around the property, with the dogs following them most of he way, as I took photos of the morning glories folding up.

And I decided that I would make a photo book of these beautiful flowers and give it to someone for Christmas.
It was just such a perfect day. And I’m glad I spent it with you.