Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The best feeling in the world: your answers

If you haven’t seen me out and about in the blogging world, it’s because I’ve been busy as all get out with the start of school and everything else that’s going on in my whirlwind of a life.

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Ok, I’m lying about the whirlwind thing but I really have been busy.

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I am physically incapable of writing a post unless I add an image (or two or six). I took these this evening while hosting a shoot-out between the Nikon 60mm 2.8 and the Nikon 105mm 2.8 macro lenses. And they’re both borrowed. But not begged or stolen.

(More on all that later).

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Last weekend, I posted one of my Q&A’s which I often find fascinating. I don’t know if you read some of the comments that are left by others, but there always seems to be at least one question that bears the most interesting replies. This last time, it was a Fill-in-the-Blank and I’d like to share with you the reader’s answers to the following statement.

One of the best feelings in the world is __________________ .

. . . getting a card that your child has written, saying you are the best mom EVER! .

. . . splitting a gut laughing with my family. They are all so very, very funny. I'm no slouch either (she said humbly).

. . . when both my girls are home together and we are all four under the same roof.

. . . having my children and husband home together sharing a home-cooked meal.

. . . that cool snap in the air that says Autumn is coming. . . it gives me excited goosebumps!

. . . receiving big hugs from my children without having to ask!

. . . my partially deaf grandson saying umma for the first time!

. . . waking up to a glorious morning and going for a walk. :)

. . . having a grandchild's face light up when they see you.

. . . having my grandson call for me....Mimi...where r r r you?

. . . to have a child reach for and want to be held by you.

(I was actually getting emotional reading some of these).

. . . love. Being in love, sharing love, being loved, giving love.

. . . knowing after I die, I'll be with my beloved dogs again.

. . . watching my family smile. . . especially my grandson

. . . finally getting to bed when you're really, really tired.

. . . sleeping in with my hubby and the morning hugs!

. . . a sleeping baby in my arms.. child or animal.

. . . being truly in love and having it reciprocated.

. . . laughing with my husband and children.

. . . enjoying the company of my husband ; )

. . . having my husband tell me he loves me!

(If any husbands are reading, please take note that sometimes it really doesn’t take much to make us the happiest person in the world).

. . . hearing my Show # being called out!

. . . watching my children laugh with each other.

. . . for my children to tell me they love me :)

. . . knowing you can truly trust someone.

. . . holding a toddler's hand in mine.

. . . wet sand between my toes.

. . . hearing' ‘ i love you grandma’.

. . . learning you are cancer free.

. . . knowing you did your best.

. . . having a dream come true.

. . . knowing you are loved.

. . . laughing with my mom.

. . . laughing with my kids.

. . . being understood.

. . . a meaningful hug.

. . . contentment.

. . . being in love.

. . . being loved.

. . . hugs.

And finally,

One of the best feelings in the world is awe.

~ :: ~ :: ~ :: ~ :: ~

You guys rock. You know that?

Until tomorrow, then . . .


Karen said...

You rock too :-)

Jo said...

There's nothing like the first day of school, and a fresh bouquet of pencils, is there? I would say that is one of the best feelings in the world. It's more like New Year's ... than New Year's. It's the beginning of something wonderful.

SouthernSass said...

I think that you rock Kate!

deborah said...

enjoyed reading the answers and seeing the results of the shoot-out!

Hilary said...

Oh thanks for posting them.. there are some wonderful answers there.. of course you always pose the great questions.

Gail said...

Wonderful answers, thanks for sharing them. Love seems to be the winning theme, but we knew that, didn't we?

Char said...

beautiful shots for sure.

Unknown said...

YOU ask the questions...we only answer....opportunities to contect....that's what we all crave....(thank you!)....smiles.

Low Tide High Style said...

This post made me smile...and you have no idea how much I needed that today, thank you!

Kat :)

Deb said...

great answers....

Brynwood Needleworks said...

You, dear friend, are one talented lady to draw these candid answers out of each of us. I love your weekly questionnaires. They make me think, reflect and remember wonderful things. You have a true gift.

Mary said...

loved all the answers. but tell me, which macro did you like better?

Caroline said...

Oh that was fun to read!

Anonymous said...

Such a lovely blog, some of those answers choked me up too.

CJ xx

Jayne said...

What wonderful answers to soak in...

Connie in Hartwood said...

I loved each one of these answers!! So open, and honest, and TRUE. You've inspired me to go get my SLR and take it outside ... haven't touched it since we got back from vacation. There are things outside that I KNOW need to be photographed. It's a beautiful morning.

Have a good week at school.

Mental P Mama said...

Love these! So wonderful...awe.

Anonymous said...

Love these photos Kate! Makes me want to get up and go out with my camera!

Daryl said...

So .. which lens do you love more .. and thanks for sharing the responses ..

mrs mediocrity said...

Darn, I was absent that day. can I take the questions over?
It was fun to read everyone's answers...
Love the pics, too.

GailO said...

Love these macros! Which lens won you over?

Love these answers together as a group amazing group:)

The JR said...

Good post Kate.

sharon said...

Loved the answers and the photos! Thanks for cheering up my day!

Anonymous said...

Is the borrowed, begged, or stolen comment supposed to reference Ray LaMontagne? Because I love that song!

Lili said...

OMGosh Kate, is that a new header or am I just now noticing it? (In which case just ignore me please.) But anyway, your new header is very awesome. ~Lili

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

I love reading everyone else's responses when you have the questions :)
The header is gorgeous!!

Lisa said...

Gorgeous macros. I enjoyed your blog.