Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I am so stylin’

I took these photos last year at this time. They were both taken in Delaware, and the great blue herons were taken at Bombay Hook Nat’l. Wildlife Refuge.

I’m posting them because of the colors; not that I feel blue. Well, maybe washed out a tad. I started back to work today and all went well. And I was very very tired by 2 PM. But I had a cup of tea waiting for me when I came home and yay! the caffeine didn’t do a number on my stomach.

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I saw that Pioneer Woman is giving away a Kitchen Aid mixer today, a very special one, and when I last looked, the post had over 28,000 comments on it.

28,000 comments. It’s insane. I get nervous when I get 50 comments. If I thought that many people were reading my blog, I’d probably really freak. Wouldn’t you?

Speaking of freaky things, I came home today to see that the candles had been moved out of the fireplace and they were replaced with . . . well, with . . . are you ready for this?

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They were replaced with a lava lamp.

I kid you not.

My husband likes to kick things up a notch every now and then. And when he plugged it in, I actually laughed out loud, harder than I have in a little while now. To see a blue lava lamp in the fireplace just strikes me as hilarious. (And a little hillbilly at the same time.)

I am so stylin’. I’m looking at it and giggling right now.

And giggling is good.

Hope you giggled today?

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Leyla said...

Hi Kate! Thanks so much for visiting my blog, and for entering the Giveaway! It's a pleasure to meet you =)

I am just as freaked out about PW's 28,000!! Comments as you are!!! I can even imagine, that many people reading and commenting.. It's just mind boggling... It's like a population of a small town! LOL

Anyhow, your photos are so lovely and I'm bookmarking your blog, so I will be back soon =)

Happy Monday!

Unknown said...

i giggled a little. lava lamps, very

Alli said...

Your photos are lovely! I'm glad your first day back went well.

GailO said...

...I'm giggling now for sure!

So glad you are feeling well enough to get back to work..Don't overdo it!

Love the pics from yesterday's hike!

Cloudia said...

Thank you for making me giggle today.

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Love that first photo! Just pulls me in . . . so want to be there.

BB said...

Yeah... 31,255 comments now at PW. Are they all serious? (I admit it, I entered anyway!)

I live happy in the knowledge that I will NEVER have the problem of thousands of comments on a blog post... you stand a MUCH better chance of winning something at my place!!

Speaking of which... I need your help here:

You can win. But its not a mixmaster.

PS These photos are just divine... peaceful.

A New England Life said...

I can't say that I've giggled today but your post certainly brought a smile to my face : )

It seems to me that Pioneer Woman was just on the Martha Stewart show, if I'm correct. That would certainly bump her blog up a bit! If I get 20 comments I think,'Wow! That was a good post!' LOL!

Glad you're feeling better Kate!

Mary said...

A good cup of tea makes everything better. So does a good giggle. So glad you are on the road to recovery. :)

LOVE the photos, btw!

Reddirt Woman said...

31,000 plus just a couple of minutes ago... you are so right... if I thought I had one tenth of those reading my blog I'd faint and fall in it.

The lava lamp in the fire place...

L.O.V.E. I.T.

Hilary said...

I was hoping to see a picture of the lava lamp.....geesh.
Glad you are feeling better.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

We should all be so lucky to have hillbilly lava lamps adorning our fireplaces..even the word "hillbilly"makes me laugh.

31,000 comments is simply insane, mind boggling. 31 readers is a good day for me.

Any day coming home to hot tea and a lava lamp is also a good day. Hope you continue to feel better.

Char said...

PW is a rock star for sure - I can't even imagine. I'm always stoked if I get over 20 comments.

beautiful shots and I love lava lamps - so fun.

Megs said...

I just returned from my book group - where I giggled for a good two hours. Now, I just read about your lava lamp - and giggled even more! It's been a good day - thanks for the fun!

Stacey J. Warner said...

Glad to hear your first day back went the picture and your husband sounds like a gem.

I can't imagine 28,000 comments. I honestly wouldn't know what to do.

much love

Carol E. said...

Yes, I would freak out with a ton of comments. 28,000??? OMG. Have never seen that many. I did a lot of laughing today. Ahhh... so healing.

Caroline said...

That Pioneer Woman is an empire of her own...holy cow! 28,000 comments! better take a picture of that lamp! LOL...lava lamps are great!

Sarah Anne said...

Oh, gosh. That top one is so beautiful. I could look at it for hours. Would you mind if I wrote something about it?

bv said...

don't you love when husband loves to nest also!..i embrace our sweet additions. not one's that i would have chosen but how lucky am i that he loves to nest as much as i do. (some are harder to love than others! much giggle! zip the lip)) remember, slow and, ,amazing as always.

JC said...

I'm glad you made it through the day at work.

Love your crane photos.

Barb T. said...

Kate--Happy to hear you had a good day back at work. No relapses, please!!
28,000 or 50,000, the first blog I look at in the morning is yours!!! I find so much peace and tranquility, humor and like-spiritedness (yikes, is that even close to a word?) at your blog and that of Donna Booshay at Quiet Life.
And, no, I did not enter PW's contest.
Hang in there, and please, don't overdo it. It is easy to do things like that.

maillady said...

silly husband

Sally said...

I'm giggling now about the lava lamp. That's so cool!! :)

Kacey said...

Cracking up about the Lava lamp!! LOL. Glad you're back at work and feeling better. Oh, and 28,000 comments in insane...

Daryl said...

Now the real question is: How many commenters know what a lava lamp is?

If I had 28 bazillion commenters I would freak because I reply to every comment that has an email attached ...

ToonMan has a lava lamp ... its somewhere ... now I am wondering where .. would you like a mate for the one you have?

Jeanne Walker said...

34,798 at 7:37 a.m. CST!

Lava lamp!!! That's hysterical!!!
I didn't giggle yesterday, but I did this morning when I read your post!

Love the serenity of the first can kind of get lost in it. Blue herons are such stately creatures...we have lakes where I live and I often see them on the banks 'fishing' or flying overhead...we also have the purity of the white heron.

Hope today is better than yesterday! Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good day. Love the lava lamps in the fire place! Too funny.

28,000 comments is crazy! I would like to get 20! My comments are lacking lately :(

Flea said...

That is too funny! My kids love our lava lamp, but it's in the man cave. Thank you for the giggle!

I adore that first photo. :)

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Next thing you know, there'll be an artistic grouping of lava lamps in the fireplace...oh my heavens.

The photos are so serene.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

It's so good to hear you're laughing again. And thank you—I'll pull that lava lamp out of the basement and stick in which ever fireplace we're not using in the moment!

CarlaHR said...

Thanks for the herons - my favourite birds. PW's commentators outnumber the population of my town.
So glad you're feeling better, as others have said don't overdo.

Debra from Bungalow said...

Hello Kate,
Your photos are absolutely beautiful!

I read your post about Shady Maple in Amish country...we live about an hour from there too, near Hershey, and occasionally get over there for a visit. My husband always has to go to the smorgasbord, which I've renamed the feedin trough!
Cute story about the lave lamp and how creative!

Tess Kincaid said...

That refuge shot is STUN-ing!!!

Staci said...

I would really love to see a picture of the lava lamp in the fireplace!

Linda said...

I think your husband is the sweetest man! Makes you tea and searves it in your favorite cup, runs an umbreslla out to you in the rain so you can complete your walk and makes you laugh with blue lava! I love my man dearly but oh if he were only as thoughtful and pro-active. Ya gotcha a goodin' there!

noble pig said...

Maybe you'll come home to a disco ball today! LOL!

mom x 2 said...

haha! I am giggling too :) Lava lamps are great!!

Mattenylou said...

I love the photos of the heron. We have our lava lamp on all the time, ever since we found it at a tag sale a few months ago... so mesmerizing to watch those red blobs moving all around. Happy to hear you're back to work, try to still get some rest, tho.

Mental P Mama said...

Oh A is such a duuuuude! I love a little lava lamp action on a rainy day;) Giggling here!

Anonymous said...

I made a comment on Pioneer Woman's site about how insane that she's getting 28 THOUSAND comments! Crazy! I would like to hit double digits! I'm loving your husbands sense of humor! Lava lamp = classic! Tell him thanks for making me giggle too! Have a great day.

Maria said...

Oh that top photo is so pretty. Everything is soft and fuzzy, even the parts that are in focus.

Lava lamp in the fireplace. I LIKE that. Ha ha ha.

Anonymous said...

28,000 hits? I guess that's why I don't read the big bloggers blogs. They'll never even know I was there. I may only get 10 hits a day, but I do read every single comment left and I like to know that when I leave a comment it is being read at the receiving end.

So glad you are feeling better. It just takes time, doesn't it.


cottage farm villa said...

First of all, the first photo is amazing Kate! Second, A BLUE LAVA LAMP in the fireplace???? Can't picture that one. You two are crazy nuts! And third, PW's comment section IS insane... I haven't ever even commented because where on earth does she find the time to read them. I know she does, right?