Thursday, October 29, 2009

A rooftop view in autumn

First, I’d like to thank everyone who leaves a comment and visits this blog. When I began writing and sharing my photos (two years ago this Christmas), my goal was to have a place where people could come and feel peace and maybe share a laugh or two.

And from your comments, I realize that I have done that and it makes me glad. So thank you for your visits, your concern, your advice, your just plain wonderful comments, but most of all for your friendship.

Today I got home late. I promise I am not overdoing it, either. This afternoon, there came a point when I actually stopped what I was doing and realized, “hey, I feel better!” You said it would happen and it did. Then I went to the ladies room, washed my hands (again, because I had just handled money) and looked in the mirror. Damn, my roots needed help and my hair sure needed a cut. So back to my desk where I called my favorite salon (in Hoity-toity-ville, according to my co-worker, Rich) and tried to schedule an appointment for next week some time.

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They didn’t have any appointments next week, and my stylist was booked through mid-November. But she DID have a cancellation at 5 PM today. So I grabbed it, hoping I could stay awake.

And I did. I felt very well. I got my hair cut and colored (sorry, no pics) and came home around 7:30 PM to a covered dinner plate that was still warm. I talked with my husband as I ate and he told me he was pretty bored today, but he did take a few photos.

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All of the beautiful photographs you see here were taken by my husband, using our Nikon D80 with the 18-55 mm lens. He took them around magic hour, late in the afternoon when the sun was beginning its descent.

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Many of you have noticed that the house has a widow’s walk on the top. When the section with the walk was built, in 1810, there was probably a pretty good view to the water. Of course, two hundred years later, there’s a lot of trees in the way now, but the view is still lovely. The original section (on the left) was built in 1769. We think that the little covered area you see where the sections meet was the original front entrance.

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These were taken from the widow’s walk on the rooftop. The sky was dancing with clouds, turning the colors of the trees yellow, then gold.

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I’m not fond of going up on the widow’s walk. It’s quite tricky getting up there, with a big step ladder on the third floor, and then placing your feet just so between the rafters of the roof. Freaks me out and I’ve only been up there once.

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I told him how beautiful his photos were and that I wanted to use them for a post tomorrow. He said fine, but he didn’t take the photos, the dog did. “So don’t tell people I took the photos.” I just looked at him. He knows I’m telling people he took the photos.

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We are truly blessed to live in this manor house on the hill with all its lovely trees. For everything that’s happened in our lives, we still have so much to be thankful for.

And we have each other.

And if that’s too mushy, well I can live with that.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


becky up the hill said...

I'm so happy you are feeling better! The pictures are just stunning! Your doggy did a wonderful job! I'm glad you were able to get your hair done too. Lovely day!

Jo Whitehurst said...

Lovely photos! Don't know how he did it, but the one of George looking back at the camera is one of my faves(taking photos of yourself must be hard). He certainly is a multi-talented dog! (And, your husband is pretty talented, too!)

He looks as if he is tolerating the photo-taking. I can almost hear him saying with a groan, "not you, too!" :)

GailO said...

He certainly caught the golden hour beautifully...The view from the widow's walk is spectacular!

Yay for the cancellation! Glad you are feeling better:)

Caroline said...

WOW! Magical. I would love to be surrounded by all that land and gorgeous trees. Lucky girl!

Jeanne Walker said...

Why is it that once we leave the hair salon we walk out into a new and happy world? I'm going Friday and it won't get here fast enough!!!

A house full of photographers...first you, then hubby and now George!!! The color is gorgeous! Thanks for the posting 'cause we hardly ever get to see anything such as this down our way! Keep 'em coming!

Glad that your world is turning around for the better. It just takes time and rest to get there!

Blessings, Jeanne

rxBambi said...

be sure to tell the dog he takes wonderful photos! I love the romance that seems to surround your house (even without all that mushy crap)

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

You are blessed in many ways and have every right to cry it out from the top of the widow's walk!
Your dear husband is one great photographer - fabulous pics!!!

Michelle said...

Truly a stunning view.

Anonymous said...

Look at that George. I wish my dogs would cooperate like that... all I ever get is a shot of their little brown butts walking away from me... lol It's true!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. YES... no editing of those photos. Not one iota. Kinda freaky when photos happen like that, but the light was just absolutely perfect from that side of the lake since we were under a canopy of tall trees. All I got from the other side of the lake was sun spots on the photos.


Mental P Mama said...

Absolutely spectacular. And my sad puppy just standing there. Waiting for me.

Donna S. said...

So glad you are feeling better.

From the Old InkWell said...

I'd say you're blessed, for sure! What a view that is!!!

Sweetpea said...


and the photos ROCK, thank you very much *George*

Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three said...

Those photos are amazing.

We didn't have much of an autumn this year. (It's been snowing off and on for a month now!) I am just insanely jealous of the beautiful colors.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Oh, he's such a good photographer! And thoughtful, very, for having dinner wrapped up for you when you came home.

If this happened tonight, I was out there about 5:30 p.m. absorbing all that beautiful sunlight but not able to capture anything remarkable with the camera. He caught quite a bit.

Tell him the dog did an OK job but that his photos were way better. Magnificent.

p.s. Keep focusing on the good.

Donalyn said...

wow. wowie. wowsers. Good pitchure takin Mr Country Girl. Glad your feeling betterr too Kate. And now I feel guilty about my roots - they are a public disgrace.

Hilary said...

It is mushy and sweet.. and lovely. I'm glad you're feeling better too. :)

That's my favourite time of day.. the hour of enchantment. Gorgeous photos.

Unknown said...

your home and land is breath taking. your dog is beautiful too. I love his face.

Annie said...

What lovely and terrific photos Kate..amazing what George gets up to while you are at work!


(and your hubby too)! So pleased he loves photography and will share with us. I didn't realize that your place was so close to a large body of water till a recent post. Wow. You are lucky!

So pleased you got that cancellation! And that you feel so much better! Good on you! Keep well.

M and M said...

Oh, GORGEOUS George looks magnificent in the foreground of the autumn trees!

Cloudia said...

Golden trees, George and you....
a lovely post.

Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... said...

LOVE this sweet blog with the GREAT photos!!!!!What wonderful shots from the Widows walk. Scary for sure but worth the attempt for the photos alone!!! The land around your home is breathtaking, especially in the fall...decided to follow and keep an eye on all your fun activities, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings...Stop over...You'll be glad to meet me! Lol !!!!...

Egghead said...

Yeah the dog did it. Ha ha he made me laugh out loud. Beautiful photos your hubby, er excuse me, George took. I love that widow's walk and if I had one I would be up there daily. After all, I am the one you will find on the roof top cleaning gutters and blowing leaves and needles off. Not because the farmer won't but because there is just something about the view that I love. Besides it is one of the few places i can be by myself...ha!

BB said...

WOW... what a gorgeous spot you live in!! And your dog/hubby takes AMAZING photos... heh.

Thanks for advice at my place... could be a calendar on the agenda.

Anonymous said...

One of the heavens will say.
Excellent location.
Thanks for sharing the tour.

Unknown said...

Glad you are feeling better. Thanks to your hubby for the beautiful photos.

A New England Life said...

Now how come my husband doesn't take pictures with my camera? Hmmm... maybe because he has no idea how to use it!

As you know Kate, I love these shots. I wish there were more reds in the foliage this year but the golds have really made a grand show, especially when the sun is setting on them. Bravo to hubby for such incredible images!

Jobove - Reus said...

very good blog, congratulations
regard from Reus Catalonia
thank you

Kathy W said...

You lucky girl. What a beautiful place to live. I bet you look forward to this time of year every year. Wonderful shots. =)

maillady said...

So glad your feeling better,. you will soon be the old kate,(no pun intended) HAHA tell mr kate. great pictures. don't think i would make more than one trip to the roof top either.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

sighs.... such a beautiful view... and such talent .. great pics george :) have loved following you ever since i stumbled onto your blog... i may not comment often but I am always here and of course i see you daily in the pics you sent me :)
Love n hugs!
Laura Peach

Hilary said...

Sometimes mushy is good. Not all the time. But sometimes.
Tell your husband that George is missing his calling as a photographer. Those shots are just lovely.
In the worst times of my life, I used to do the "gratitude alphabet"....I would go for a long walk, usually uphill, and I would think of things that I was grateful for, from a to z.
So glad you are feeling better.

Deb said...

Such a beautiful manor house you live in. The history of the house must be a fantastic read.
As always, the photos are fabulous and the first is my favorite. George did a fine job :)

So glad you are feeling better each day!

Unknown said...

Beautiful photos that George took!
Thanks for sharing them! Glad to hear you are feeling better, now you can better enjoy this wonderful fall season.

Mary said...

Oh my goodness, these are gorgeous! What a view from the widow's walk! But then I'm with you -- just hearing you describe getting up there gives me the willies... :)

I'm so glad you are feeling better!!! It would be a shame to miss such a pretty autumn. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay so glad you feel better!

Lovely photos from a great perspective. That by far is the best time of the day. The light is just so beautiful! Your husband did a very good job.

Debbie said...

Beautiful photos........I really like the ones he took from the rooftop. I was just thinking the other day I wish I had someplace elevated to take some photos of the trees in my area. Of course, I don't like heights so I guess even if I did have such a place, I would be shaking too much to get a clear image!! :)

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Mushy is perfect. I love mushy. I love the view too ;0)

Anonymous said...

Simply breathtaking!

Linda said...

Dang! George takes a decent photo! I especially like the 2nd one; from the shadows into the light. Also? Nice job on the lawn!

Daryl said...

How did George ever manage the ladder from the 3rd floor? AND not drop the camera .. way to go George!

So .. did you know the names of the movies my quotes were from yesterday?

Glad you are feeling better .. of course he's bored, he got used to having you as company for the last coupla weeks .. xoxox

suburbangranola said...

Glad you are feeling better! I love your house! It is my dream house. I can just picture my family living in a place like that *sigh

Deb said...

the colors are fabulous. brilliant colors of nature are all encompassing...

Jen said...

Beautiful pictures and I love your house! George is one talented dog! Glad you are feeling better.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

The first shot taken from the widow's walk is fabulous!

Sugar Creek Beads said...

It is wonderful you are feeling so much better and those pictures "George" took are amazing. I wonder if my cat Zoe would take a few for me. Your view is really stunning. Glad you got squeezed in to the salon, wish they had time for me today cause I sure need some color too. Have a lovely day. Jeanne

Beth said...

Your landscape is breathtaking. Such beauty must fill your heart. If I lived in such a place I would probably spend my days just staring at it. George did a wonderful job with the photos. Hope you put one or two on Etsy. I am so glad you are on your way to wellness.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

You are blessed indeed my friend.

CarlaHR said...

Hi Kate, tell George that he and his camera assistant did a great job - especially the self portrait.
So glad you are feeling better and, yes, a trip to the hairdresser is always a boost.

Anonymous said...

Mushy or not, it was a lovely post to read and incredibly beautiful photographs.

I definitely need to sort my hair out too!

CJ xx

Skogkjerring said...

Wonderful photos- especially loved the one of George against the trees...fall is absolutely my favourite season- so beautiful!! I don't think I'd go on that widow walk, not a big fan of heights..but the view sure is lovely!!! Tell "George" thanks for the great photos!! ;-))

Anonymous said...

Please tell George he's a wonderful photographer and your grounds and home are gorgeous.

The JR said...

Hubby did a great job. Love the pictures. Glad you're feeling better.


Kay on South Coast of Oregon said...

The trees are so lovely back there. WE have some gorgeous ones here on the south coast ,but as we travel more inland toward eugene is where the beauty lies.
I so enjoy your pictures,no matter if George took them or hubby. They are magnificient. I love where you live...If I should ever get back to see my niece, I would love to look you up....Who knows.. Its possible, but doubtful any time soon.

abb said...

How beautiful your world is this season. Sounds like things are going gently along for you, Kate. That is so very wonderful and so deserving for you.

Tell George I'm more impressed with his ability to climb up and down that ladder than his picture-taking skills! ;-)

Anonymous said...

those photos are breathtaking. and your home amazing!

Nurse Nancy said...

These are just beautiful. They make me feel warm and glowing like the fall. Thanks for posting such a beautiful scene.

Jo said...

I have never seen a widow's walk from "this side". It's very interesting.

Fall colors are exquisite, aren't they? Definitely my favorite season.

Glad you're feeling better!

beth said...

I'm glad you're feeling better and tell your hubby he should be proud of himself as those are GREAT photos and wow....your home and land are amazing !

Country Girl said...

You guys are amazing. Thanks, everyone. Welcome to new faces and no Daryl, I had no idea about the quotes. I will have to google them and cheat, I guess!

~ C.G.

Michelle said...

Mush, mush, mush. Have I mentioned I really like mush? That's what my mom called cooked oatmeal when I was a kid; I had it nearly every morning and still like it!

Michelle said...

P.S. In fact, she used to sing this little ditty: "Early in the morning, the bears eat mush."

Char said...

just stunning, stunning shots

MaggieGem said...

Absolutely gorgeous photos of your fall! George is getting pretty good with that camera :-). Looks like hubby has lots of fun with camera too!

Valerie said...

I am jealous! What a beautiful and restful place to live. Glad your feelin' better!

Kathleen said...

It looks like you live in an absolutely beautiful place. How wonderful it must be to live in the midst of such scenery. Beautiful photos. TFS.

cottage farm villa said...

God, he is getting good!!! These are award winning photos!! Kate, the color of your trees are magnificant.....what a beautiful property you are blessed to live on. Please tell hubby, these took my breath away! ~Cheryl