Monday, October 12, 2009

Just a quick hello

It’s the middle of the night as I write this and everyone is asleep. George is on the big couch in the living room and I am about to go back to bed.

I wanted to thank all of you for the well wishes. I can’t believe how supportive the blogging community is and as I read some of your comments to my friend Karen yesterday, she couldn’t get over the fact that I actually “know” people who live in such faraway places.

And that they are so nice.

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I took several walks around my house (in my bedroom slippers) yesterday, snapping a few photos as I went along. The petunias in the wall planter are doing quite well still. One of my sisters wrote me and admonished me for not taking my damn pain meds. They just slow everything down so much and make me feel un-real.

But it’s difficult to move without them.

I also can’t believe how many people have had their gallbladders removed! Amazing.

Again, thanks to all of you for your visits, your kind words, and your support. Have a beautiful Monday, all!

Your friend,


Skogkjerring said...

Good morning Kate- it's 9:40AM here in Norway, the sun is shining and the kids are at school. Soon we'll be heading out to take the dogs for a walk in the woods- it's chilly but beautiful, a perfect autum day! Hope you sleep well and have a great Monday when you wake up!! :-))

Anonymous said...

Wishing health & peace.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, thank you for such a warm and real perspective. I will be praying for you to recover quickly!
Who needs a stinkin' gallbladder anyhow!
BTW, it's 2:31am here.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog, and seeing you photos. Take care of yourself!

Kerri Farley said...

Good Morning Katy! Love the shot and hope that recovery get better each day!

Laura ~Peach~ said...

was thinking of you ... i was having comment issues and unable to comment for a spell... I have my gall bladder still but have had other parts removed all open surgeries but, surgery is surgery and they HURT. Glad you are feeling better and give george a rub behind the ears from Georgia. :)
Love and hugs and prayers for quick recovery.

Gayle said...

I am sending good healing thoughts. Hope you mend well and soon. A teensy note..........I agree with you, the pain meds seem to slow one down.......I was told that when I skipped them (in the early days after) I did not breathe deeply. I guarded myself against coughing ('cause it hurt). The nurse said take pain pills, then you cough and keep your lungs clear, no pneumonia. So, there ya go, take your meds! :)
San Diego(4:54 AM here :>)

Gail said...

Don't overdo your walking, I know you are difficult to keep still.

You shall heal soon and be your normal energetic self.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Holy cow - I had no idea you were going through all this. That's what I get for not being able to read for a few days. Anyway, hope you are feeling better, take your time and don't rush it. Enjoy the week off--as much as you can enjoy recovering from surgery.

If you need any help, let me now, I'm not that far away.

Swetha said...

Have a beautiful week!!
your blog is inspiring in a funny way:)
And the picture is amazing

Mental P Mama said...

You need to stay ahead of the pain. So take those meds! And now get back to bed! Mama's orders!

JC said...

Oh that's the one thing ... take your pain meds on time.

The pain will catch up on you.

(I had mine out when my son was 6 weeks old. I tried not to take mine due to having two kids under 4 to take care of...didn't work. Had to take them & get a sitter.)

abb said...

I'm with MPM - stay ahead of the pain. Believe it or not, you'll also heal faster.
Good thoughts and hugs coming your way.

Hilary said...

I sure do get how you're feeling about the pain meds. Two possible options. Ask your doctor to prescribe something different which might not give you the sluggish, spacey effect. Or if they're tablets, maybe you can reduce your dose to take the edge off of the pain but have less of the side effects. Just a couple of thoughts.. hopefully by now you won't even need them.

Daryl said...

the gall of those meds to make you wonky .. try half the dose supplemented by extra strength tylenol... xo

Betty said...

I hope you are feeling better. You need your sleep,so please take your meds.Do ask the Dr. if you may take half a dose or if there is another one that won't make you feel so out of it.
Prayers and good thoughts and hugs.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Sending get well wishes Kate!
Rest to heal.

Anonymous said...

Hoping you make a quick recovery! Take it easy andread a good book! I am sure George will help wih lots of snuggles!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Take lots of rest and lots of short walks, soak up any sun that comes your way and take care.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

They say having the gall bladder removed is more painful than childbirth. Sending you great healing vibes from PA.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Well all the ladies are very right, lots of rest makes you heal quicker and staying on the pain meds for a few days keeps your brain from getting stuck in a pain cycle that is real hell to get out of. Experience talking. Have a Blessed day and feel better soon. Jeanne

maillady said...

glad to hear your feeling better my friend. remember what i said about not over doing it. i know from expierence that you feel great, do something silly and next thing you know, your worse off than the day before. every picture you take is beautiful and i hope to visit one day. say hello to karen for me . hahaha

Jeanne Walker said...

All good advice! Pamper yourself, enjoy the quite moments, read a wonderful book, take time to smell the petunias, and snuggle with George! and hopefully you're getting those loving hugs from hubby! You'll be back to your wonderful self soon enough! Jeanne

Char said...

glad you're feeling some better

I agree about the meds - always

Kacey said...

You should put this week to good use and go out and take Fall photos for the Photo of the Month contest. And I promise I'll remind you a bunch this month. go take your pain meds!!

Caroline said...

My SIL had her Gallbladder removed...not fun. Hope you are back to your old self soon. Your photos are beautiful...and I bet that being creative will help in the recovery process!

Anonymous said...

Thinking about you, Kate.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Glad you are healing and that this little episode of pain will eventually give you long lasting relief. Rest...

noble pig said...

Wish I knew...I had my gallbladder out three years ago, best thing I ever did. I suffered with it for so long thinking, Oh I'll be fine. The recovery wasn't too bad, 1st 2 days were the worst. Enjoy some good couch time and you'll be back to yourself soon!

Donalyn said...

Praying you feel better real quick, so you get to enjoy more of your week off!

The JR said...

Get well soon.


Anonymous said...

Lots of love for a speedy recovery. And beautiful photograph as always.

CJ xx

GailO said...

Hope you continue to mend well:)...I never liked how pain meds made me feel either...just listen to your body telling you what you need or don't need...that usually works...

tea4too said...

I come to your blog often and always come away refreshed, and thank you for it.
Also, wanted to let you know, I am thinking of you and yours. Mend well and try not to overdo too soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh no. I hadn't stopped by your blog in a while and did not realize you had had surgery. I do hope that you are healing nicely and getting your energy back post surgery. Too bad we have to be born with parts we don't really need.


Sarah Anne said...

Feel better! And, just saying, middle of the night posts are the best.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

well wishes and a speedy recovery ms. kate. my friend in upstate ny had her gall bladder removed last friday. she is on the mend too.
many hugs to you.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

So good to hear you are doing well. I've been playing catch-up 'cause I've been offline due to lightning strikes and flooding. You take care and I will pray for swift and complete recovery.

Have a wonderful day just filled with blessings!!!