Monday, October 26, 2009

Mosaic Monday: Autumn at my place

All of the photos here were taken on the property with the exception of the bottom right two. The pain au chocolate was taken in my former kitchen and I’ve got the recipe on PW’s Tasty Kitchen site, as well as [here]. They are scrumptious. The glass pumpkin next to it, in the bottom right corner, was taken in New Orleans this summer.

Mosaic: Autumn hues

I’ve got another mosaic offering over at my Picture A Day blog, as well. Sometimes I just feel like making a nice mosaic, so there you go. This one was made using the Mosaic Maker at Big Huge Labs. I find it easier having a Flickr account when using this template, but it’s not necessary.

To view many different offerings from all over the country and beyond, please visit my friend Mary at Little Red House where she hosts a weekly theme featuring mosaics.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


msdewberry said...

I'm the first to leave a comment!! Hope you are feeling better.
Love the fall colours of your mosaic. You have some beautiful pictures here.

Betty said...

Very lovely mosaic.Nice fall colors. I think they are fun to make too.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

Kerri Farley said...

Oh so lovely! What a great time of year! Hope you are feeling well today!

Sarah Anne said...

That is a beautiful mosaic! I totally want to put it on my wall. It's breathtaking. I love the colors and the way you've arranged it.

Annie said...

I love all your photos Kate, but I do especially love your mosaics.

Have also loved your last few posts. I don't always comment, but I am always visiting!

[I was just wondering whether you could point me to a mosaic maker that doesn't want to scoop up all my photos out of every corner of my computer into it's clutches before it will help me? That is, I can just enter the photos I want and need at the time]?

I love mosaics but don't seem to have a lot of time to spend on them unfortunately!

Hope you have all had a relatively good weekend there, Kate, and that you are feeling slightly stronger every day! God Bless.

ps Some flowers for you again on my blog! My prettiest trees are in flower at the moment.

cottage farm villa said...

Don't cha just love mosaics? I do!! .... oh and speaking of PW, I hadn't visited in a while and I am totally bummed that I missed here being on Bonnie Hunt!!! Or was it taped and not yet aired? If you know, please let me know...I would love to record it!

Thank you always Kate...for your friendship :)xo

Anonymous said...

I love this mosaic, Kate. I'm just in love with all the fall colors this year. Now, if it would just quit raining so I could get out and shoot them!

cottage farm villa said...

OMG, sorry for the typo "her" not "here". ooops

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Spectacular - especially that brilliant yellow tree.

Glad you're feeling better.

Cloudia said...

Such a nice tribute to temperate-zone Autumn. I do miss it here in the sands of Waikiki..till I'm distracted by the glorious weather. You have made me nostalgic. Also very inspiring re: mosaics. I just downloaded googles picasa and it also helps to make them! Hope to produce some as nice as yours. Feel well, and scratch George behind the ear for me.
Aloha, Friend!

Comfort Spiral

RURAL said...

A wonderful grouping of color, and texture. It makes me want to just relax, and gaze at it all day.


Anonymous said...

Love that mosaic!

GailO said...

Lovely, Kate! These colors are scrumptious!


Hilary said...

It exudes such warmth.. much as you do. Keep on getting better. :)

From the Old InkWell said...

WOW! Beautiful photos. I love the close up of the pumpkin and the lady bug especially!

Linda said...

Lovely mosaic, Kate!

ellen b said...

Oh my goodness. Autumn is truly an amazing site where you live! Love it...

Joyce said...

Oh my but this certainly is Autumn at its best.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Glorious autumn mosaic. I must learn how to do a mosaic sometime, but I'm sure it won't be as lovely as yours! Hope you're feeling stronger and stronger! V.

Char said...

all are gorgeous shots but I love the squiggles on the pumpkin especially

Carol said...

Your place is gorgeous! Love your mosaic!

Rebekah@Red's Nest said...

Wow, wow, wow. I need to hang out with you and learn how to take gorgeous pictures. So pretty.

Leslie: said...

Beautiful photos, Kate. I really must try to get over here more often, but it appears you've been out and about enjoying leisurely drives in the area. Wish I could see your neck of the woods - we're deep in rain now. :(

Flea said...

This mosaic is fantastic. You have such a good eye. I'm sure both your eyes are good, actually.

Caroline said...

So beautiful Kate! Every mosaic you make is so special!

Merisi said...

A veritable Autumn Symphony, thank you for collecting and sharing it with us! I miss the brilliant autumn colors of the East Coast, We used to drive out to Poolsville with the children, to pick apples at Homestead Farm and eat ministrone in the soup kitchen there.

Diann @ The Thrifty Groove said...

Hi Kate,

What a beautiful mosaic! Loved it.

Have a great day!

Laura @ 52 FLEA said...

Such a lovely composition...beautiful property...soft side of fall colors...fabulous photos!

beth said...

this is one of the best mosaics EVER !!!!

Heather said...

Busy woman, sharing two with us today :)

These are beautiful shots, always. They look wonderful together in this way.

mom x 2 said...

Beautiful!! Love it!

Daryl said...

Super .. another mosiac/collage template source is

The JR said...

Thanks for the recipe. Love anything made with cresant rolls.

Great mosiac.


Anonymous said...

Love the emphasis of brown - everything pops next to it. Makes me want to go out and play in the leaves. And eat pain au chocolate.



Jeanne Walker said...

It's stormy here this morning and the browns and golds in the mosaic warm up the room! We don't have this kind of fall offerings down here in southeast TX. So you didn't buy the pumpkin you photographed in N'Awlins?

I watched PW on BH this morning and she was wonderful and so very funny and very quick on her feet...but we didn't get to see her!

Hope this week brings continued recovery and good spirits and thoughts! Prayers and blessings, Jeanne

Little Ms Blogger said...

Great shots.

I have to admit, the colors this Fall in Connecticut have been breathtaking.

Thanks for sharing.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Wow, how I love fall and your mosaic really shows so much of the best of it. Wonderful! That glass pumpkin is fabulous. Hope you are feeling much better today. Jeanne

The Weaver of Grass said...

Very pretty mosaic Kate. Do hope you are back to normal, health-wise.

g.suzie said...

Really nice images, Fall is such a colorful time of the year, in your area too! Even though I'm not really excited about what lies ahead for us, I do love Fall!!!

Tamara Jansen said...

That is a most GORGEOUS mosaic. I just love Autumn!

jeanne said...

Gorgeous! Love them all but that pumpkin shot in the upper left just calls me in.

Stacey J. Warner said...

I love your photos and your cute little pictures...just popped by from Willow's...I love you blog.

Come by the respite sometime...the more the merrier.

much love

abb said...

That is Autumn! How beautiful!

Swetha said...

thats really cool.. you autumn is superb! i envy you .. you have such a October!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Loving all the fall colors!

suburbangranola said...

I love your photos. Keep up the beautiful work!