Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A visit to the lighthouse

As I write this, it’s Monday night. The Survivor Dancing Show (as my husband calls it) has just begun, my lunch is packed for tomorrow, my favorite white blouse is ironed and I am very tired. Tomorrow is my first day back at work and today, after my morning doctor’s appointment, my husband drove me to school where I surprised my co-workers with a visit.

It was so good to see everyone. And I do miss laughing.

Afterwards, we took a quick little trip to the Turkey Point Lighthouse. It’s about a 1 1/2 mile hike to the lighthouse and then we return by a different route. It was way too much for me, I must admit and I didn’t realize it until much later.

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But it was worth it. I came home and fooled around with this photo, adding a few textures from Flypaper.

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At the beginning of the hike by the parking lot, are these incredible views. The erosion along the top is quite pronounced and we noticed today that there have been new trees put in certain areas. This is the North East River we’re looking upon.

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Another view of the cliffs, with a warning sign. We continued along the path towards the lighthouse.

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The North East and the Elk Rivers converge at this point. This is the headwaters of the Chesapeake Bay and the view in front of the lighthouse.

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Looking east towards the Elk River.

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We return along a path that leads slowly down along the shoreline and brings you to a little beach. It was at this point that I realized that this walk was way too much for me to handle. So I took it very slowly all the way back to the car, resting at every bench I came to.

Elderly couples were passing me by, but I know I won’t always feel this way. As I watched them walk by, I thought to myself that when I am older, I still want to be taking walks just like this.

After coming home and having lunch, my husband suggested I take a nap and I surprised myself by sleeping for nearly 3 hours.

Wish me luck tomorrow, k?

Until then, my friends . . . and hope you enjoyed the stroll today.


Jeanne Walker said...

Am I the first...that's a first!!!

Good night sleep tonight so that you can awake refreshed. Pray that your day will go well tomorrow! I know that everyone will be delighted to have you back!

As usual, love the photos, especially of the lighthouse!

Blessings, Jeanne

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Hope your day goes well tomorrow.

Please conserve yourself a bit, and don't work too hard. Literally!

Flea said...

Oh I LOVE the texture on the lighthouse shot! Be well, and enjoy your time back at work!

Deb said...

You are on the mend. I'm glad. Too bad you have to go back to work so soon.
If I won the lottery, I would make your dreams come true!

abb said...

Just don't push yourself my dear friend! Welcome back!

Donna S. said...

Um Um Um.....u should not have done so much!!!! (Yes, I am a mother & grandmother). Hope you have a good first day back!!

Debra Howard said...

You never fail to please with your beautiful pictures.

Stacey J. Warner said...

Loved taking the stroll with you, be well and enjoy your first day back to work...

much love

Sweetpea said...

Thank you for that eversolovely walk to the lighthouse, CG!

I can hear the difficulty in your words, of doing so much, walking so far...and it made me think back to times in my own life where, for one reason or another, I was s-l-o-w-e-d to a pace well past my years. What those experiences gave me - the gift - was more patience...patience now for those whose paths I cross who are slowed down by life.

You are an optimist. You WILL find the gift in all this - heck, you probably already know what it is :>}}

And when you go back to work, SOAK THAT LOVE IN cuz everyone will be so jazzed you are back, I know it!!!!


Beth said...

Enjoy your day tomorrow. Then come home say "hey" to your husband and George and take a nap.

I think that you will have a blast being back w/your friends at work but you need to get rest when you can even if it's just for 30 minutes or so.

Just take care of you. And let those you care for you do the same.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

I won't pretend to tell you that getting up and going to work will be great, so I won't.

But do take care of yourself and don't push to do things too quickly.

Enjoy the reason to slow down and not HAVE to keep up with the manic pace of life that has become the norm.

Have a great, unhurried day.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Loved your photos this evening, the lighthouse is striking with the textures. Hope you have a great first day back at work. Jeanne

Tess Kincaid said...

Your post made me think of this little poem from my childhood by Rachel Field. Do you know it?

I'd like to be a lighthouse
All scrubbed and painted white.
I'd like to be a lighthouse
And stay awake all night
To keep my eye on everything
That sails my patch of sea;
I'd like to be a lighthouse
With the ships all watching me.

Kerri Farley said...

Lovely stroll with you Katy! Hope your day goes well...don't OVERDO it!

maillady said...

have a great day katie,
just remember to rest when needed. i love your pictures.it is so nice to look at right before i go off to work in this rain..... enjoy your night... love,peg

ELK said...

thinking of you as you transition back,,,the scenery you share is as always so wonderful!

Golden West said...

Wishing you a smooth transition back to work and a full recovery soon!

The JR said...

Good Luck. Have a great day.

Love your photos.


mom x 2 said...

I hope you have a good day back.... don't over do it :)

Love the photos, as I always do because they are always amazing!

Daryl said...

I love the names of the rivers on the MD/VA areas .. so to the point... and if you feel tired, there's nothing wrong with going home after lunch ... baby steps. Remember your mind thinks your well, so let your body guide you ..

Shutting up now.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

I am a fan of lighthouses. This one is lovely.
Missed ya!

JC said...

I love that tree trunk ..
Looks like a gorgeous place to take a walk.
My family always walks ahead of me with me bringing up the end but I still enjoy the sights & sounds of nature.

You'll feel better each week ...

Hope your first week back goes better than you think ...

Donalyn said...

Hope the day is going well for you Kate!

Katie Aiken Ritter said...
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Mental P Mama said...

Have a wonderful day today!

Anonymous said...

Taki it easy Kate! Hope your day goes well! :)

Hilary said...

Best of luck to you. Don't overdo and rest when needed. Your photos are incredibly gorgeous. Love those exposed roots!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely photographs as usual Kate - what a beautiful place. Do hope you are not going back too early. There comes a time when you feel you have to get stuck in again, doesn't there - best of luck anyway.

Dagmar said...

Oh my Kate, I'm so sorry I've been missing out on so much. I changed lots on my blog and things went missing. During the time being I was thinking...I am missing peoples blog but who? And today it sunck in, it was you still missing in my list. I'll fixed it right away.

Now I'm reading you had surgery. Hope things are fine again soon. I'll be sending out positive sweet thoughts to you. Gladd I've found you back. Dagmar

Char said...

gorgeous shots