Monday, June 17, 2013

A good weekend

It was a good weekend here at the Casa de George. Saturday was gorgeous and I spent the morning doing household chores. My arms are still tired from trimming bushes with the hedge shears. (And I hardly made a dent). We really need some electric hedge trimmers . . .


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I rewarded myself Saturday afternoon with a cocktail and a snack.

I love me some guacamole.



That evening, George and I went to the bus stop in Newark, DE to pick up my son who was coming from NYC for Father’s Day. (No, George. That’s the wrong bus. We’re waiting for the Megabus).

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Father’s Day was pretty good. Our sons rode with us to visit my husband’s folks in NJ for lunch. The food was delicious, and we had a nice time. For the record, I love mimosas.

Each time the thought of work would creep into my head this weekend, I banished it immediately. Will. Not. Think. About. Work. And it worked. The not-thinking-about-work thing, I mean. So by the time Monday morning rolled around, I hit the ground running. You know how you have days when you cannot believe all that you have accomplished? Well, today was one of those for me. I got so much done at work, then kept at it through dinner and the dishes, too.



I made this tonight, after seeing it on Pinterest this weekend. Unfortunately, I can’t embed the photo directly to my blog anymore as they’ve updated their website. Here’s the link, though. When you get there, click on the photo to get the recipe.  Super easy, and super delicious. I served mine with Yukon gold potato wedges in butter & parsley, and freshly steamed green beans although it does look pretty on this bed of arugula and peas.

Pan Fried Chicken Paillard


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Whenever we have lightning and thunder, George sticks very close to me. This is where he lies if we happen to have a storm while I’m in the kitchen cooking. He sure doesn’t leave much room for me to get to the stove, does he? (Please don’t be too jealous of my pink countertops. And the fact that I have to use a desk lamp for light. It makes me feel very retro, thank you).

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I’ve been trying to figure out how to get (afford) an anti-seizure medication for my husband. This has been sort of an on-going thing since he was hospitalized a few weeks ago. We tried a med that I could afford, only it had horrible side effects, so that was off the table. I tried applying to receive the expensive med for free (laughably, I make too much, which I really don’t). Finally, the business manager at work sat down with me and we figured a way to do it through my insurance company’s Express Script. I was ready to give up, especially since I had to call the insurance company no less than three times today. Ordering through the pharmacy at Johns Hopkins would have cost me $1000 for a month’s supply of pills, out of pocket. This way will cost just over $150. I mean, if it all works correctly. (Fingers crossed).

I keep this photo at my desk, taken at the beach when my husband was in his mid 30’s. He is blonde and tan and beautiful and best of all, he is laughing. This photo helps me keep my resolve when it comes to dealing with medical issues.

The script has been sent and once they call to set it up with me, it will be on its way.

I hope that means it will be a good week ~

Hope it is for you!

123 Signature[5]


Ellen said...

So good to see those famous (infamous) pink countertops. They always make me happy since I love pink!

Thinking about you often and saying a prayer for all of you.

Donna S. said...

Prayers the medicine works out!! Glad it was a good Father's Day.

Stella said...

I am glad to hear you are doing well. Unfortunately in this country you have to be very poor or very wealthy in order to have healthcare. Everyone in between is out of luck. If he was on medicare disability it might cover the medication. Thinking of you. Stella

JC said...

If I liked pink, I'd say you had a marvelous kitchen but I don't so George is what makes it. We've had a few thunder storms and my Rough Collie is close to me too. She doesn't like any big noises.

Meds and pharmacy prices. I deal with that myself and I do hope you get the lower price.

They make it so hard to get what you need to take.


Low Tide High Style said...

I hope the med situation works out, crazy how much things cost isn't it?! I'm glad you had a wonderful and productive weekend and start to the week! The pic of your husband doesn't show up for me?! :(


jinxxxygirl said...

My husband is on alot of meds for high blood pressure...cholestrol, acid reflux...asthma... Thank goodness his VA benefits covers it or i don't know how we'd do it....thinking of you often...I can't imagine walking in your shoes... Hugs! deb

Em Parkinson said...

I feel very lucky to have our National Health Service here in the UK. I'm so pleased you managed to sort out the medication - fingers crossed it does the job. x

The JR said...

Keeping my fingers crossed that the medical issue will work out.

Love me some Georgie.

Nellie said...

I actually love the kitchen, Kate!

How wonderful that the week-end was a good one for you and the family. I'm hoping the medicine issue will be solved, and that your husband will show an improvement with it.

Hugs and prayers!

WPgirl said...

I understand completely about trying to afford medicine. My husband's Multiple Sclerosis drug is around $4000 a month. Thank God my health insurance pays for it. To get through the $4000 deductible we do receive help from the drug manufacturer. (We used to receive help from the chronic disease fund.) My husband is on diability but Medicare,along with the prescription Part D and supplement insurance cost more than it does to have him on my insurance. I hope the meds help your husband.
Lynda in Michigan

Jeanne Walker said...

Thanking God that your business manager helped to make this new med affordable for Andrew and praying that it works without any of those side effects. Glad the boys could be with their dad this Father's Day and that y'all had a great weekend! So far our new puppy isn't 'reacting' to thunder and lightening...hope that continues! Thinking about you and praying for you all always!

Cindy said...
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Carolynn Anctil said...

Wow, good for you for persevering with the insurance company to get the medications a less expensive way.

Poor George. I love a good thunderstorm, but they make my dog a bit nervous, too.

I can relate with the noodle arms. I was using a manual shears to trim the grass husband finally took pity on me and brought home a gas powered weed eater. And, he does the work. :o))


Connie in Hartwood said...

Managing mess is an issue for us, too ... Balancing mess vs. cost vs. insurance is practically a full time job. Thank heaven that it looks like the is a way for your husband to get the mess he NEEDS at a reasonable cost.

Now I'm hungry for chicken.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Hope the medication thing works out for you. Here in the UK, where we have a National Health Service (which we do moan about sometimes), such a thing as having to pay for medication seems impossible to contemplate.

I am glad the Father's Day worked out well for you all. Hang on to the memory.

sharon said...

okay, I'm so coming over to your house for dinner. The chicken looked really good! Kind of reminds me of pork chops. Pork chops sounds good. Anywho, it Hawaiian haystacks for us tonight.
I'm digging the gauc too. Girl now I drooling for some nachos at Fuzzys.

Have a good appetizing evening. :)

Kay said...

I am glad the med costs were lowered. You know, my friend (who does have money) got her Lyrica down to $2.00 for 3 months , instead of 429.00 a month. Her doctor's office worked with her Part D plan. Drugs are such a rip off. So always check and see if the doctor's office can work with you and insurance companies. Even if they say "you make too much." That is just crap........Good luck, and hope it will work for him.

mkd said...

Express Scripts has always been good to me. I take more than one med that I need monthly, and if you use the "Worry Free Refills" you don't even need to remember to reorder it. I am glad that other things seem to be working out for you too. All of it together can certainly be stressful.

On a lighter note - what is that delicious cocktail you made?

JaneK said...

Glad it was a good weekend and glad it looks like the med situation is going to work, and not glad that eye candy picture of your hubby is not visible to me. Did you put it up or is my iPad just stupid?

Annie said...

Hoping that medication arrives all OK for your husband Kate.

Have to take anti seizure stuff myself. Not much fun, but luckily it works.

Caroline said...

Hi old friend...sorry I have been absent. I have rarely blogged in the past month...I am trying to be more present in life. Sigh. I am hopeful the meds work out...our system is crazy...don't even get me started. The chicken looks delicious and something I will make (mmmm could you imagine it with a creamy lemon butter sauce?). I hope you are enjoying the summer and getting some down time. ((Hugs)).

beth said...

checking in to see if it has been a good week.....xo

ps....i love george so much !!

Sabrina Steyling said...

I love your pink countertops! I think they're cute. And what's also cute is George lying there, though I feel bad that he got spooked by the storm. Give him an extra hug for me!

Praying the medication issue works out for you!

Karen said...

I am coveting the really cool rug at your feet below those funky pink counter tops!

Glad you've had a good week, and that your husband will have the better med choice.

Bluebird49 said...

I actually like the retro kitchen you have--of course, you'd have to see mine to really appreciate that statement! I love in a GI house--and the kitchen here is, well, more than retro! And it's no Manor House, either. ;)
I se ExpressScrips, too--maybe this will be my last year, 'case I'll turn 65 next November '14, but I'm so lucky to get my meds for 90 days and for so much cheaper than without that option. I couldn't believe how much I would have had to pay out of pocket at our local pharmacy--it was just un-doable! Thankful you will get it--and praying it will help! <3

mrs mediocrity said...

Fingers crossed that it goes through. Sheesh. It just shouldn't be this way. So glad you had a nice weekend. My dog does the same thing when it thunders, can't even get out of his own way. xo

Unknown said...
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Andi said...

Haven't read the blog in forever. Darn Facebook. Miss your writing. Wish there was something I could do to help with your situation. *hugz* Love your kitchen by the way!

Gail said...

May you be blessed with many more good weekend and people willing to help.

Unknown said...

Hope that things works out on the medication front, Kate- love your story of the photo inspiration. Very cool and very touching.
Love ya - Donalyn@

audrey B said...

I just stumbled upon your blog. If I have learned any thing in this life it is that we must let those who are important to us know. Grab the people you love, hold them close, say the words, "I love you!" right out loud.
I pray for peace for you and your family.

Tug said...

I have also heard that some call the maker of the drug directly, and they have helped. I've not tried it, but may yet for my dad; everything's worth a shot!

Gail said...

You are on my mind.

GailO said...

Yummy lookin chicken there!

I am so happy you have found a way to get that needed just shouldn't be that hard! A special yay! for your business manager at work!

Lisa Gordon said...

You make the most yummy sounding/looking dinners! Good thing you're not next door or you'd be setting an extra plate! :-)

Love, love, love that George!