This is one of my favorite trees on the property and it's beautiful when it snows.
The first thing I did when it began snowing was to fill the feeders.
Hello there.
I was a gifted this new feeder for my birthday.
It's supposed to be squirrel-proof.
This isn't that great a photo but I liked how this male cardinal was perched on the hanger.
The squirrels are ruining this feeder.
I have a baked potato and a yam in the oven and the house smells of them cooking.
I just thought you needed to know that.
I just thought you needed to know that.
About an hour ago, I looked out the breakfast nook window to see these three mourning doves huddled on the snow-laden branches. They're all fluffed up, keeping warm.
It's near dark as I write this and the snow has stopped, leaving us with about 3 inches.

Today reminds me of a story that was written a long time ago. I found it online and it's about snow falling.
This is a small excerpt from it:
Look up at the miracle of the falling snow, ~ the air a dizzy maze of whirling flakes, noiselessly transforming the world, the exquisite crystals dropping in ditch and gutter, and disguising in the same suit of spotless livery all objects upon which they fall.
~ John Burroughs
from "The Snow Walkers" 1896
Until next time, my friends . . .

Good to see a post from to have a bit of snow....we had masses of hail yesterday x
Yes Kate, so nice to hear from you. It does look beautiful. Take care.
Good luck with the squirrel proof feeder, they tend to learn how to beat just about all feeders, which I suspect you know all about.
So nice to hear from you Kate. Snow's been falling here too, so beautiful.
I can see why that tree is a favorite! Your photos always make me sigh :) We got about an inch of snow here in upstate South Carolina. It was so pretty while it lasted.
Oh, how I appreciate you posting your snow photos. They are gorgeous. We only had an inch of snow but it is makes my Sheltie happy. I think I've let him out into the yard at least ten times today. :-)
I see your post pop up and a little spiral of delight spins up - every time. This shifts to that “ohhhhh...” feeling when I get to the first picture and your words. Beautiful tree, the cardinals are beautiful, and squirrel-proof?! Baked yams are the best. Thank you so much for a touch of calm and beauty in a crazy world.
How companionable and sweet! Thank You, Dear <3
Beautiful photos, you have more snow than us in the Finger Lake! We did get a trace of snow last week!
so much prettier than the view from my front window .. steps away from the park but it was too cold to venture out once i got home and began thinking about printing my holiday cards ....
The Doves... beautiful. I am lucky to have one of your best cardinals in the snow pictures here at This Old House.
So lovely to read you again and to see your superb bird photographs.
Your posts always make me feel so calm :)
Love your photos and your narrative. Makes me feel like sitting by the fire and have some hot cider. (Except I have neither so I'll just enjoy the feeling I get reading your post :-) )
Such a beautiful post Kate! Thank you!!
Merry Christmas to you and George!
We got a surprise snow here in Texas! I was so excited that I took over 1,000 photos and video. :p
I actually wish I had walked down the road a bit to see the snow on the treetops. You are so right about how pretty it is on the trees. The trees looked gorgeous on our neighbor's acreage next to us.
I guess I'll get my chance to see it again in at least... 10 years??? :/
Loved seeing your post pop up on my blog list! What a treat--- the pretty birds, the snow, and learning that, for now annyway, you're still at the beautiful, history-filled manse! Hope you're doing well, and will keep posting! Are you all ready for Christmas, Kate? The dove were so beautiful. All of them were and always are.
Merry Christmas, Kate!
Beautiful photos . Life gets busy so if we dont pass each other in FB or here in blog land in the next week or so Miggs and I Hope you and George have Merry Christmas .
Nice to see you back, missed you. And we'll always have 'Outlander'.
I enjoy seeing the snow,too. This " desert rat" doesn't get much snow. We did actually get some about w weeks ago,but bythe the time I woke up-to-date it wasa all melted. It actually barely hit the ground before melting. Enjoy your birds. It is Hannukah- 2nd night,so I will be seeing those lit shortly. Hey- can I do a watercolor of George from your pic"s? Well blessings on your holidays~~~Yvette
Mesmerizing Photos!! Thanx For Sharing.
Happy to see you are posting again! I hadn't checked in awhile as it's been quiet for so long. Take care and happy holidays
Bless you dear
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