I think it's about connection.
For those of you who know me and have visited me here before, you know I can't have a post without photos. So there I was, perusing my deplorably scant photo files looking for something to share here. I finally came to the realization that my camera must be lonely without me. I have very few recent photos.
The one above was taken a few weeks ago during a visit to Florida to celebrate my father-in-law turning 90. You would never believe the man was this age because he doesn't look or act it. It was a good family visit and I'm so glad so many of us could come.
This photo was taken during another trip to Florida -- to St. Petersburg for an impromptu Labor Day weekend trip with friends. I've been doing more traveling than I had in the years with my husband. I am still living in the old manor house on the hill and the owner is prepping it for sale. I believe it may go on the market next Spring and then I'll be finding somewhere else to live. It's fine really. It feels like it's getting time to move on.
George is still here with me and turned 10 years old in July.
He suffers occasionally from a bit of arthritis in one of his front legs -- maybe it's his hip; I'm not sure. But he still acts like a puppy sometimes and he does love a good game of fetch be it with a stick, or a frisbee, or one of his current favorite toys.
And yes, he still knows the names of his toys. But if you don't work with him on it, he will forget over time.
I took this late this summer. I'd gone outside because the light looked so pretty and saw a hawk in one of the tall trees in the west lawn. I went back inside to get the camera and coming out again, he began to fly away, screeching while doing so.
There is a small herd of deer that visit each evening. I took the photo above late in summer when the bucks were still in velvet.
I got up early today because today's the day I'm celebrating Thanksgiving with my sister-in-law and her husband in NJ. I'm taking a brussels sprouts side dish and for dessert, an apple pie cake with brown sugar & rum sauce. I hope they're really good. This is a first for making each.
Tomorrow I'm going out to dinner with long-time friends, Jeff & Karen, in NJ. I've been spending a lot of time with them since my husband and my best guy friend, Warren, passed away in 2013. Warren was Jeff's brother. 2013 was a crappy year. My husband's brother, Richard, also passed away that year. Three deaths, all so young.
But life goes on. And it's ok.
Oh, crap. I meant to tell you but am almost embarrassed to do so but I signed up with Match.com last month. I dislike it immensely. And that's all I have to say about that.
Here's hoping that all of you in the States have a wonderful holiday. I'll try to post more in the future!

So glad to see your post. Photos as beautiful, as always! You too have a great Thanksgiving.
Thanks, Sheila! I thought no one would see this post because it's been so long. Imagine my surprise to see this comment come up right after posting. xo
It's nice to "see" you again. I understand about life moving on after loss. I also disliked Match but then tried one last time and met the first man I spoke with, the first man I had a date with, and we've been together over 9 years. You can find love again, when it's time.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Well Hello there! So good to 'see' you again. Stunning photos as always. Dating!? Ugh! but all the best to you for sure. Hope to see you here in the blogesphere again real soon!
I still check your blog every day, sometimes twice a day, to see if somethings up! I'm in the kitchen all day with food prep and just sat down for a short break. Glad to hear more from you this week sis!
Great pics as usual!
Like the photos...especially the Hawk.
Though I haven't emailed you, I too, miss your posts. Hoping you and George have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
So good to see and hear from you, beautiful lady! I'm sure your camera misses you; I know I miss what you capture with your awesome eye. (Thanks for checking in with me once in awhile on Instagram!)
I assume from your last photo and comment that the one son is no longer living with you. Wow; it's been four years? Life does go on, forever altered. I've heard much better things about eHarmony.com; that's where my sister met her husband, FWIW. Enjoy the holidays and please, keep posting!
What a delight to hear from you Kate. I was thinking of you just the other day and wondering how you were doing. Now I know! Have a Happy Thanksgiving.
Yippee!!! A Kate post :-)
So good to hear from you. I feel like I've been sitting on your front porch with a cup of coffee.
Beautiful photos as always and lovely narrative. I've considered Match but I've heard others say the same.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
It was so very nice to read your post and to hear that you are keeping ok and of course George. I stumbled across your blog few years ago and so loved seeing your pics, especially during winter - those snow pics are awesome. I love seeing your bird pics too, so many different ones to what we have here in Australia. Happy thanksgiving and look forward to many more pics.
So lovely to hear your news Kate.
I can't believe I decided to read some old blogs, haven't done so for a long while and there you had posted yesterday.
Happy Thanksgiving from Australia.
Kate, this is a pleasant surprise! I'm glad to hear that you and George are doing well. I'm up early preparing food for the big feast today. We have 37 coming. Yikes! The day will be sweet because I get to snuggle with my first Grandchild today. Wishing you all the best!
You have such a beautiful website. Would hate to see you completely give it up. So it is really nice to see you make a post every now and then. The top photo is my favorite, and George of course. Can't believe he is already 10.
Good to see you moving on in your life. Life does go on, and that's a good thing.
Happy Thanksgiving.
What a delightful surprise to find your post in my in-box! It’s wonderful to hear from you, see George, imagine your Thanksgiving dishes, and gaze upon your photos. Thank you!
So nice to know how things are going with you. I have really missed your posts and beautiful photos. I enjoy my female cardinal in winter picture so very much and look at it often and wonder how you are doing. ~chris
Thanks for posting!! It was a lovely Thanksgiving treat to hear how you and George are doing!!
It made me happy to see you today! Such nice pictures and companionable thoughts. I love George!
What a lovely Thanksgiving surprise it was to see your post today!
So happy to see your blog in my email this morning! I was just thinking of you the other day, & wondering how you and George were doing. Thanks for posting again.
Happy Thanksgiving!
the best email in my in box was your blog ... love how happy and svelte you look and how good both 'boys' look .. i wish you'd add NYC to your travels .. we'd love to see you, Ray asks after you a lot, really xox
Hi,Kate! As I said before- You made me cry! Then laugh over the match com comment! You are welcome,but I truly THANK YOU. I LOVE ALL THE PHOTOS!! but especially the ocean waves and seashore.This desert rat lives all the snow ,rain and even ice in your photos. Your sense of humor is a delight happy Thanksgiving! ~~Yvette
Of course, I am so happy to see you posting.........I also look at my blog list, and yours is always at the bottom because you haven't posted in so long. And I understand that sometimes life just happens, and I also know that your life has undergone some significant change in the past few years.
I think of you though, and hope that you are ok, and moving ahead with your life.
I met my husband on Snap.com, which is now defunct, but same as Match.com
We have been together since 1999.....it can be a very good thing.
I say go for it.........companionship in life is good.
Gosh! This post made me so happy. I have been checking in on occasion just to see if you were back. I'm so glad I checked again today to find that you and George are well. Hope we will see you a little more frequently if that's your wish.
It's so nice to see you posting again! I'm glad you are feeling like it's time and it's OK to move, as long as you will have to anyway. We viewers are going to miss that gorgeous scenery, but I'm sure you'll find beauty wherever you land.
Beautiful pictures as always Kate! I hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
Great to hear from you! I think many have missed your blogging. I have wondered what your status was with the manor house and how you felt about whether you wanted to move on from it. A very beautiful and unique place to have lived!
Lovely picture of you with your sons - and so glad to hear you've been traveling and enjoying friends.. Match.com? Well.. I don't have experience with it BUT... several of my friends are now happily remarried because of it. Not that marriage has to be the goal - but you might be pleasantly surprised eventually with a pairing of like minded souls?
George! Still the handsomest dog in the history of ever. Seems like yesterday he was just a young pup.
Happy holidays, kate -
So happy to hear from you and George! Enjoy!
We've missed you, my friend! How's the black kitty?
Lovely photos and I always love me some George.
I know you posted this back in November but I have kind of been MIA in blog land as well . I find at times there just isn't much to blog about or take photos of at certain times of the year , we have no snow and things are pretty dull looking outside lol ! Oh handsome George . Miggs is 8 years old now and also suffers from Arthritis in her shoulders and back left hip and isn't as active as she was but we still love to go for our daily walks and she to knows each and every one of her toys to such smart wonderful pooches we have . Lovely photos as always . Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year if we don't see or hear from you here before then or I may catch up with you on FB . I am not on there much either lol !
You have been missed....so many of us have gone through life changes that have caused us to change directions on our life's journey....just know you are loved and missed....and are Oh so happy when we hear from you!
I don't check my blog as much as I used to but have been making an effort to post and check on others more lately. The older I get the more I appreciate my blog friends!
Merry Christmas, Kate
Also we will miss all the photos around the old manor house, such a lovely place....but think of the adventure you have ahead of you! Any ideas yet where you might be moving?
Love George so much too! Take care!
I just went on a search for you last week to see if you'd blogged and I'd missed it. Glad to see you! Lovely photos...as always :-).
Well, Hello Kate! Just thought I would check to see if you posted for year end and lo and behold there are a few posts!! Love the picture of you & your sons!! It is very good to hear from you. I missed you!
So good to read your blog again. I had checked it a few times and nothing had changed from the last visit so I thought you most likely needed time to be on your own. Your posts are always filled with what is truly important and a reminder to see what surrounds us daily. Life is filled with transitions not only location but age. It seems we live many lives pretending to be the same person. I hope all goes well for you when it comes time to move. I have a feeling you will find a new happiness in your future.
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