But I missed it here. And I thank you for the kind comments you've made over the past year since I've blogged. Well, nearly a year anyway.

George is still here (thank heavens). And we're still living at the old manor house on the hill. This evening after work, I spent some time in the yard with my buddy, throwing his favorite frisbee. The weather has been surprisingly lovely for February and we've hardly had any snow at all here in Maryland. I'll stop now before I jinx it.
Rather than posting here, I've been uploading photos to my FB page and occasionally on IG. I was actually going to post George's photos on FB tonight but I remembered a co-worker who is going through an illness with her beloved Great Dane and I thought it would be unkind of me to post photos of a happy dog, just in case she's browsing Facebook tonight and it comes up in her feed. So rather than the possibility of hurting her feelings, I decided to come here and try this.
I guess not a whole lot has changed in the past ten months since I've written. I can't remember the last time was that I visited a blog . . . and I don't understand that.
Sometimes when I look at this tree, especially from this angle, I remember [this].
It's a good memory. And who doesn't like a good memory, eh?
The owner is planning on (eventually) selling the house. And last fall, had someone come cut all the bushes down to nothing so that they could sandblast and paint this spring.
George and I will find somewhere else to live . . . eventually.
He looks like a crazy boy going after that frisbee, doesn't he?!
He's still sweet as ever.
A bit lonely while I'm away all day at work, I'm sure.
But I thank God he's still in my life.
Until next time,

That is one handsome pup!
So nice to hear from you! George is looking healthy. Thank God for the memories, eh? Our son would have been 40 today, but we do have those wonderful memories.
Great to see you here, Kate. I've wondered about you. I understand the break from blogging, I haven't posted forever and don't feel the urge too Anymore. Widowhood has taken its toll and my life is much quieter. George is such a pretty boy, good company too, I suspect. Our cats passed away, I've moved house and don't have a pet. I've considered one but daughter lives in OZ and I'd have to leave him for months when visiting her. Take good care.
It's always good to see George. FB has been the destruction of many a blogs I'm sure. Mine included.
So glad to see you back and get an update. That George is just beautiful and still looks like a puppy! I wish they lived as long as elephants.
Take care and wishing you the best as far as the farmhouse.
Jane x
I imagine I'm one of many who have drooled over that lovely manor house on the hill from afar. You've shared magical pictures from inside and out, and I will miss it when you must move. But maybe there is a cabin in Maine with your name on it? ;-)
Oh Kate...good to hear you're ok...and sweet George...keep in touch!! x
George is adorable, funny, cute...simply amazing. You can't post enough images of him when I'm concerned ;)
Mersad Donko Photography
Nice to see you make a post here. I follow you on facebook so I've kept up with you there but I've missed seeing your photography on the blog. It's a much prettier format for photography, especially if you want to say something about the photo. It's also a lot easier to look back through it.
Anyway, I've always thought your blog was really lovely.
What a pleasant surprise to get an email notification that you had posted. It's great to hear from you! George looks great. Do you still have the cat?
what a lovely surprise to find your blog updated in my feed AND photos of GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear from you and George.
What a lovely morning surprise!
What a breath of fresh air to find your blog this morning. Nothing should ever replace a good blog!
I was thinking about y'all last night. So good to know you're still here, as is George.
Keep blogging .....
Well, a new chapter for you! I'm sure leaving will be bittersweet - lovely place, so many memories...and a new adventure for you ahead. George is still the handsomest dog I have ever seen.
Lovely to see your post come up in my feed........good to hear from you. I have also been blogging less......but geesh...doesn't it feel nice when you blog and realize that all your old friends are out there reading it....and glad to have you back.
Life changes....yep......but you've survived, and you will continue to.
George looks great...
Roy is still here as well.......pretty rickety, but here. Loving him while I can.
How nice to see your post and, of course, George as well.
I was so excited to see a blog post from you!!! Thanks for popping out and saying hello. Your pictures and narrative are as wonderful as always.
It's so good to have you back. For the first several months I checked for a new post every day. I'm glad you and George are both well and happy. Please don't leave again!
Lovely to get this latest peek into your life with George in your manor on the hill. Life moves on, situations change, and blogging sometimes goes by the wayside. Whenever you are here, we are here with you.
I just love you both so much! All the best Dear
could you face book friend me?
Oh I am so glad to see you and George are still doing well! I've thought often about you both over the last year and would check to see if you'd posted. It does my heart good to see this. :) I'll be sure to look for you on Instagram!
So happy to find a recent post from you and an update. I have missed all your beautiful pictures and love hearing how you and George are doing. My best to you as you deal with a possible move. Take care.
So good to see this blog post. I have thought of you and George often. Glad to see all is going well. Missed your posts.
So happy to see this posting! I'm happy for you that you took a little break. Glad to hear that you and George are doing well. Thank you for the update, Kate.
So nice to hear things are going well. George does look very healthy! My sweet pup died last year... now I am in the midst of training my new (3 yr. old) german shepherd! Things are always changing and there are adventures around every corner!
Good luck on your next adventure!
So good to hear from you! Happy to hear all is well and that George is handsome as ever. Take care and let us all know if you move (eventually).
A pleasant surprise this morning when I decided to see if you had posted here. About 3 years ago I stumbled upon your blog, and became captivated by your story and creativity. I've missed your updates and photos. George is still a beautiful spirit inside and out!
You remembered well, my friend!! I haven't opened up my Blog Feed in months until today and was so delighted to see a post from you there. Glad to see you and George are doing well. I follow you on IG too. I hope you will continue to blog now and then ... when your soul calls you back to this space. Until next time!
Oh no!! I nearly fell off my chair when I saw a post!!
And George does look crazy doesn't he?
Good to hear from you again.
Ms Soup
Missed you and your blog posts. And George too.
All the best in your home hunting.
It's so nice to read your very nice post!!! George is such a handsome dog!!! Love all his beautiful pictures:)
Nice to see this post. I love that boy George. Such a sweet puppy.
This is first time I have looked at any blogs in a looong time. Good to hear from you. Life marches on & I hope you are having a good one.
Gosh I've missed you both... am missing you both...
boy life has been a crazy one but a good one. Too busy sometimes. Good seeing you and George. I need to visit more often. life needs to slow down a little sometimes. have a good summer. :)
Good morning, my long time blogger friend!
Today, I saw a Neulasta commercial and there was a split faced border collie who instantly reminded me of George. Then I went on a half hour long hunt to find you again.
I am so happy that George is still with you. I haven't blogged in a long time, I always hope to get back to it. But life happens. I deactivated my facebook account last night to try and simplify my life, I should have more time now!
May God bless you and George. Love ya, girl.
Hello out there. I'm wondering how you and George are doing? Did you move? Miss your blogging. Be Well. Stella
Hello, how are you? It"s been too long since the last time I visited your blog. I'm not been active these past few months also because I've been busy moving from Philippines to Alabama. But like you I also miss writing some stuff about life in general. I will try to be more active now and just enjoy writing about something that inspire me. By the way, I always love the pictures you capture especially if it's about George. Have a wonderful day 🤗
I'm from lizappleoftheeye.blogspot.com
Have a great weekend folks!
I love your blog. I have read it in doses. Like some people binge on certain t.v. shows. Wish you were blogging again some new things. I enjoy your life (& reading about it). I enjoyed your blog so much that I started my own! purplepaints.Blogspot.com. so stop by sometime and visit a while.!m
Well, I will just add my missed you and George with all of the others. Did you move? Where are you?
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