Sunday, December 20, 2009

Slideshow of the Big Snow

Hello, my friends. We’ve been busy today, trying to dig out from the major snowstorm that dumped 17” on us yesterday. Combined with winds over 35 mph, we have some drifts here at the manor house that I’d love to just jump in. But we had work to do this morning.

Yesterday it snowed from 3 am to 6 pm and we’ve broken records here in Maryland.

First order of the day was to get all the exit doors open. Check.

Dig a path all around the house. And around the car. Check. Check.

Another path to the birdfeeders. Check.

Clean all the bathrooms. And the living room, dining room, and lots of other rooms. Um. Do I get points for starting?

I don’t have time to do a YouTube video and I like looking at pictures when there’s some music, don’t you? So let’s try this. What I’ll have you do is open the link below that will take you to YouTube and begin playing a holiday favorite of mine. It’s a Charlie Brown classic. So let’s see if this works, shall we?

First, right click on {this link} and open it up in another window. Then come back here.

Are you back yet? Sorry to do it this way. Now, with the music playing in the other window, click the play button on the slide show above. There’s 21 photos. Hope you enjoy.

Back to cleaning for me. Gah!

Until next time, then . . .


Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

You have some fabulous shots there and what a load of snow!! George seems to be very happy.

I especially liked the shot of the birds in silhouette and that lovely cardinal.

Hope you aren't too stiff from shovelling and hope you have an easy lead into Christmas and a very merry one.

Betty said...

Oh my!! That is so beautiful.
~~Love Hug and Goog Thoughts~~

Gail said...

If it snows anymore, you will have to use that clothes line to find your way back to your house.

Beautiful photos is an understatement. These are awesome.

Wishing you warmth and success in your endeavors today.

RURAL said...

Such peace and beauty. Hope that you enjoy the snow.


Sweetpea said...

Well, CG, that music/slide show setup worked perfectly and I would call this making the absolute MOST of a snowstorm...I enjoyed every moment!

Hi George, those squirrels hid'in from ya?!

Deb said...

I'm curious about the clothes pins on the line. What's that all about??
Lovely photos, Kate!

Country Girl said...

The clothes pins? Well, we actually use the clothes line. And yes, even in winter on a sunny day we use the clothesline. Why suck up electricity when you can use the sun to dry your clothes? Then we pop them in the dryer for a few moments and voila! Fluffy clothes.

We still don't have the driveway plowed. So we remain snowbound. Secretly, I am glad.

~ C.G.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Kate! I think we got 20 inches. Can't believe it wahat a snow storm! Enjoy!

CarlaHR said...

Kate, thank you so much for the lovely slide show - we watched it with the music - what a treat, especially since we did not have to do any shoveling - the storm missed up - it's been too cold for snow here. Hope you don't have to go to work tomorrow. May I use one of the photos as my desktop background?

S. Etole said...

The cardinals are beautiful and the dog and the touches of red ... thank you.

Country Girl said...

Yes, Carla you certainly may. Thank you for asking. So many don't, I'm sure.
Work is finished for the year! Our last day of school until January 4 was on Friday. Yay!!

~ C.G.

Skogkjerring said...

Oh I adore the cardinals!! Wish we had this bird in Norway! It's been snowing all day here also, I LOVE IT!!! Looks like we are both lucky enough to have a WHITE CHRISTMAS this year!! WOOO HOOOO!!!

BB said...

Kate that was divine WITHOUT music (I don't have sound on my computer!). Some of those shots should be Christmas cards... *sigh*

Jeanne Walker said...

Love the pictures of George!
Love the pictures of the birds!
Love the pictures of the snow shovel!
Love the pictures of the clothes line!
Love the pictures of the trees!
Love the picture of the wreath!
Love the picture of the Christmas tree!
Love the pictures of the snow!

Does that mean I love all of the pictures???!!!

Blessings and hugs, Jeanne

Deb said...

That's a ton of snow and it is SO pretty. Sorry you had to dig out. The pictures are beautiful.

Hilary said...

I know you guys are not used to all that snow.......that is what we expect all the time in the does make for some nice pictures doesn't it?
I bet George loved it.

alphabet soup said...

Wonderful slide show - I don't have sound on the computer I use but that didn't matter at all. Such fresh new snow, hardly any foot marks and the red cardinal. I missed the clothesline (??) but I'm delighted to hear you use it often. I'm with you - why use electricity when you can use the wind and the sun!!
Ms Soup

Woman in a Window said...

Gorgeous! The most revealing shot is that shovel, I think. That made appreciate just how fast that fell, that and the fact that you still have leaves on your trees. That's just plain crazy!

Happy Holidays, you.

Julie Harward said...

Oh, you are having too much fun! I wish we could get snow like is beyond beautiful. The little birds are so pretty..and I love your home and your dog! Well, stay warm in that "Secret Snow Garden" you are in and enjoy it to the fullest! Thanks for sharing all the beauty! :D

Michelle said...

You have an excellent eye for photography. Love the pictures of the cardinals against the backdrop of the snow. We used to live in Anne Arundel County and weathered a couple of snowstorms while we lived there.

beth said...

love the photos....the area you live in is so magical !
and your, I love your birds !

my b-i-l is in maryland and oh yes, snowed in like we were a week and a half ago....

it does grown on you though, once the paths are shoveled and the roads are safe :)

Glen Hartjes said...

Really nice shots of the cardinals,
oh and tell George he is looking good also...

Pony Girl said...

Just lovely.....the birds are very precious, and George is striking in the snow! Thanks for sharing, I've really been wanting snow and we're getting nothing but rain....sigh. Not very holiday-weatherish, but at least I can drive around and get my Xmas shopping done! :)

Jo said...

I absolutely love that red bird. Is that a cardinal? We don't have them here. It looks astonishingly beautiful against the white snow. My goodness!

Guess who's going to have a white Christmas? *heh*

tainterturtles said...

I love your slide show...good idea to show your snow pictures.

I rode my bike in the snow today!

Jen from PA said...

Amazing photos as usual! I especially love the ones of the female cardinals.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

The bird photos are stunning. I am in love with the cardinals! We had 25 inches and are also still snowed in, but how wonderful an adventure at home for a change. Thanks for the great show and Charlie Brown music welcome anytime. Jeanne

Golden West said...

Thank you for sharing your winter wonderland - it sets just the right mood for Christmas week.

Dagmar said...

Ohhhhh this is beautiful Kate. My son just watched it togethere with me and he's loving George...this is such an amazing dog.

We will be going outside into our wonderful snow too today...need to borrow a camera mine is at the doctors...grrr. Hope to shoot nice pics too.

Country Girl said...

Thanks, everyone. And Erin, we don't have leaves on the trees here. That's the big holly in the front yard. I have a chair under it where I was sitting for a few minutes during the snowstorm. I like to sit under trees when it's snowing like that.

~ C.G.

Daryl said...

That was fun ... what a lot of birds visit your feeder

Anonymous said...

THese are beautiful... the cardinals are my favorite...and love the textures.. .must learn how to do that, I've been too lazy, even though I've paid for some from a past recommendation by you... thanks for sharing...

Happy Holidays!

Talia said...

Absolutely beautiful! Best eye candy I've had in an a very long time.

You have a great talend and I appreciate you sharing it!!

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

I enjoyed the trip through your winter wonderland.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Nicely done Kate!

Carolynn Anctil said...

Gorgeous! Those are incredible photos of the birds all plumped up. I've always wondered how they keep their little feet warm in this weather.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, love George all curled up in the chair. He knows he's loved.

The Blue Ridge Gal

abb said...

Such a wonderful stately place you reside in. So very glad you share it!

RoseMary King said...

Dear Kate,

Love~Love~ Love~ the pictures. It is just too beautiful for words. Oh, did I say I LOVED the pictures. Well, I do LOVE the pictures.

Have a Merry Merry Christmas


Jill of All Trades said...

Just stunning. I love the red cardinal against the white and of course the ones of George are some of my fav's.

Americana Lady said...

I love your pictures and I just received a Canon Rebel XSi 450D for Christmas. I wondered what kind of lens you used to get the cardinal on the bird feeder and how far away you were when you took the picture. I really love it!

Country Girl said...

I used the 70-300 mm lens, on the auto setting and shot through a not-so-clean window. I used a holiday texture on it that was free from Joy St. Claire's blog.