Saturday, December 19, 2009

Through my window on a snowy Saturday morning

At 8 o’clock this morning, something soft and furry came to wake me. George was so excited, he and his damp little paws jumped into bed with me. (He’s usually not allowed on the bed).

Do you remember what it felt like as a child, to awaken to a world of white? Well, that’s how I feel this morning. It’s wicked out there, though! The snow’s been coming down since around 3 am and now is blowing sideways. The birdfeeders were filled yesterday in preparation for the big storm and we’ve already refilled them once.

And when I say we, I’m using the term loosely. I’m still in my pajamas, but my husband and George have been up since around 6 and have already taken a big walk around the property.

I’ll head out later on but for now am content to just take pictures from the windows of the manor house on the hill.

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This is from the kitchen window.

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The dining room window.

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The living room window.

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The breakfast nook window. Please try to contain your excitement. It’s just that it doesn’t snow all that much where I live, so to us this is a treat.

That’s a flock of red-winged blackbirds on the dogwood tree.

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The wind is really blowing.

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And from where I sit, my world looks beautiful to me.

From where I sit in the living room, I just had a cup of fresh coffee delivered to me in one of my favorite mugs. The lights of the tree my husband created for me are glowing and the pine-scented candle is lit. George is asleep at my feet and scattered around him are a half dozen of his favorite toys.

And life is pretty ok.

Hope all is well with you out there.

I’ll announce the winner of the giveaway early this evening. Until then, my friends . . .


Jeanne Walker said...

Winter wonderland. Being that I've always lived in the South (LA, MS, TX) where snow is a rarity, I have always dreamed of a white Christmas! Looks like you may have received yours early! Thanks for posting the pictures...I especially like the one with the lone cardinal. I've always wondered how the wildlife, especially the birds, managed in this environment. I guess without the leaves on the trees, they are pretty much exposed to the elements. Thanks for feeding them!
Stay warm and cozy with DH and George! Jeanne

Annie said...

That sounds wonderful. I am still waiting here in NYC for the snow they say is coming...sitting by the window. My daughter has gone out for a walk with the baby...down to the park. Love those photos...priceless!

Country Girl said...

Oh, you're welcome, Jeanne. The animals manage and I'm sure they sense the weather coming. The deer will be out later on and we'll keep the feeders filled for the birds today and scatter seeds where it's protected from the wind.

~ C.G.

Country Girl said...

One thing I love about blogging is being able to visit so many places. Annie, it's good to see you here. The snow is coming! I loved the photos you posted on your blog of your visit to the city to see your daughter. How was the trip from Australia?

~ C.G.

Annie said...

The trip from Australia is Very Long, Kate...esp the Brisbane to LA leg...over 12 hours. Though, because we were delayed a couple of hours in Brisbane, (the entertainment system wasn't working for some people, would you believe)...they decided to load on more fuel, and make up the time...taking only 11 and a half hours. I don't know how so many people sleep through it all...I watch movies, read books , and only nap. And by the time one flies through LA airport changeover with only about half an hour to an hour to do it, the next leg LA to NYC seems like a breeze at only four or five hours..I can never remember how long it is!

I would recommend if you can afford it, making a stop in Hawaii as some people do to break the long journey...(I have never done this..can't afford it). I hope to do it one day when I am a rich lady..haha! My daughter and family pay my fare, is the only way I can get here most times!

Good to connect with you this morning, Kate. I do hope you can keep warm inside there while the snow falls! And might I say once I do love your photography, and stories! You are a very special couple!

Country Girl said...

Thanks, Annie.
I just pray that nobody loses their power. Snowstorms can be pretty dangerous and the winds have really picked up.

I usually don't comment this much but Annie, I see no other way to respond and no e-mail address. Wanted to ask where you were in the city! (But not here in the comment section).

~ C.G.

Linda said...

Beautiful as always Kate!

Mary said...

Oh boy, looks like we're in for a fun time when it gets to NJ. I've already been to the supermarket twice. Came home with three bags full, and realized I had forgotten the orange juice, which was what I went for in the first place.

Oh how I love menopause.

Stay warm, Kate! And give George a kiss for me.

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Beautiful photos of pre-Christmas chez vous. Those cardinals seem very grateful for your generosity and effort. Enjoy your winter wonderland this weekend.

Mental P Mama said...

Your world looks beautiful from where i sit!! Waiting for our wonderland to start! xoxo

Deb said...

It all looks beautiful through your windows this morning Kate...glad you are all snug as bugs and enjoying the snow.
As much as I love a good storm, I'm actually hoping this one misses Maine this time. My tractor is in the shop and I've no plow - that makes life tough on the farm with only a shovel or two :(

Stay safe and warm - we are heading down in the woods on our annual trek to get our christmas tree!

Jeanne Walker said...

Kate, the beauty of the snow aside, I know that this storm can be treacherous, causing power outages and emergency situations. I've always heard it's better that it's snow and not ice. We lived through 2 ice storms in Mississippi and it was bad. Our power was off for 3-4 days but we had no trees around our homes so we were blessed not to have a tree on our house. There are lots of pines in MS which break so easily since they are a soft wood. My husband had to go out during the storms to check pump stations (worked for a pipeline company) and had to carry a chain saw with him to get down the country roads since the facilities were always located off the beaten paths. God always went with him...he never had anything fall on him or his truck.
Again, take care! Jeanne

Jo said...

Gosh, Kate, those are wonderful photographs. It looks like a spring morning here in Vancouver, so it's lovely to see the winter snow. You will have a white Christmas. Both you and Willow live in manor houses? Holy doodle! I live in a tree house! *heh* I do have a fireplace, and it's cozy, however.

By the way, this photo of the red bird sitting in the tree is my favorite of all the photos you have taken over the past couple of years. It is beyond exquisite...!


JC said...

I like the window with the tree the best.
I know what you mean about the thrill of snow. We don't get it often & last year we got tons.
My Golden Ret loves to play in it only it gets stuck in her paws.

Enjoy your lovely white day ...

** still trying to find a home for Beau Beau & Noni Noni. please stop by my blog & post about them on yours **

Caroline said...

No need for Jerry's cardinals here! Great shots1

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Oh how I envy you! WE're having rain. Wind, wind and more cold rain. There's as chance we might get some sleet and a flurry or two later on, but I'm giving up hope.

Enjoy the snow and keep sharing these pictures, they're very soothing and beautiful.

Betty said...

Lovely snow pictures.I like the one with the Red Wing Black birds in the tree and the one with the little red bird.
~~Love Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

PS. I like them all.

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Kate, your pictures are wonderful,as always, and I fell in love with the two photos of the cardinals in the snow. Like you I also live in Maryland and we're sharing the same snow fall but I haven't seen a cardinal around yet today. It's been many years since a snow this large and it is quite exciting. Hope ya'll stay safe and cuddly warm while we are snowed in this weekend. Jeanne

Molly said...

Wow, the photos are beautiful. I remember seeing red winged blackbirds in Alabama when I was a child, but never much after that, and not here in Georgia. Have a cozy day!

becky up the hill said...

Beautiful. I love that you fill your bird feeders. We do too! Only I am sitting in Califoria and this week it's a tad foggy. Your Cardinals are so pretty! Pray your power stays on.

Treasia Stepp said...

Kate I'm so happy for you that it snowed. To me the pictures are a real treat as well. We hardly ever get snow here in our part of Arkansas.

I love the red birds. I so envy you the weather right now.

JacksDad said...

The pictures, as usual, are great! I hope you got all your wood chopped for the fire before you got snowed in!

A New England Life said...

Very pretty Kate. Thank goodness for that sweet little 4 wheel drive sitting in the driveway.

Poor Cardinals, they're tuft is about to blow off! Hang on birds!

Deb said...

Oh to have a snow view from my window.....The picture of the cardinal in the tree is wonderful!

My name is Riet said...

Very lovely pictures. The one with the red birds and the one with the cardinal are my favorites. Imagine that, a cardinal in front of your window. Not in this country alas :(((

Emmi said...

Wow, you get Cardinals?! We never see them around here. You are so lucky!

Jeanne Walker said...

Oh, and the worst thing of all....
the flight cancellations!!!!!!!!! And it's the weekend before Christmas!!! Oh my!!!! This is not a good thing!!!!

S. Etole said...

It's good to be able to be inside looking out ... that last photo of the cardinal is captivating. We rarely see them here.

Julie Harward said...

That is some snow storm...wish it would come here! I hoping for snow for Christmas..I love storms like that..I love to sit in the house, listening to music and bake and just watch it all! I love your tree too, that is wonderful! Stay warm and enjoy it all....the red birds re so pretty! Come say hi :D

Anonymous said...

I'd be jealous - except I'm so happy for you. It is beautiful... glad you are enjoying your day.

Deb said...

What is it about newly fallen snow? Is it the complete wash of the earth in the beautiful snow? All the sins are temporarily hidden.
I love your post today. Keep warm and have some hot chocolate for me!

Skogkjerring said...

Oh Kate, I don't have any recipie for the peppermint "bark" I've just bought tons of white chocolate bars and some candy canes and I'll melt the white chocolate in a bowl over steaming water, add crushed candy canes and then either pour out onto a baking sheet and let stiffen or pour into tiny candy cups and let stiffen. Easy peasy...hahahaha! I'm sure Williams Sonoma's candy is better but I can guarantee mine will be eaten by the gang here!!! :-)) Have a super evening!

tainterturtles said...

Even though we get big snow storms here in Wisconsin, there's still something exciting about seeing the beautiful new snow. Enjoy the snow, but bundle up if you need to go outside cuz the windchill does a number on your exposed skin!

I like your window pics too.

Mattenylou said...

The last photo of the cardinal in the snowy tree is gorgeous... I think you should add it to your group of holiday cards from your last post, they're all so beautiful!

Kay said...

HI Kate:
Looks beautiful. My niece in Woodbrdige, VA sent me her's this morning also...out her kitchen window... Pretty. We are dry and warm and sunny today and all week will be mild. That is good as I hate for my kid to travel down here from Sandy in terrible conditions. Merry Christmas ..
Kay in Oregon (south coast)

A Scattering said...

I'm not surprised your lone cardinal shot is such a hit - there's something special about the splash of red against the white. Stay safe and warm.

ELK said...

just stunning..felt like I was right there with you!

Marilyn said...

I just went out and measured the snow and it is 15" so far. What an amazing event this is, for this area, and it's going down in the record books I think. No one in our neighbourhood has moved an inch and it's so lovely and quiet. We have geese on the lake that are just floating quietly. Haven't seen one bird all day. They must have found someone else's feeder and are hanging out there!! I was hoping my cardinal would show up...but he hasn't yet..maybe tomorrow. Stay warm everyone...

Sharon said...

Seeing all these s ow pics makes me miss the snow. Then I realize that my blood is thinner than a super model and can stand temps below 60. So I will try to be content with just looking at you beautiful shots. Stay warm!

Hilary said...

ACK!!! Snow. You can have it all.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

We are snowed in here! I love your bird shots! My wolves are loving this snow, and I made a wonderful pot of soup today. Stay warm my friend.

Jill of All Trades said...

That is just beautiful but brrrr... I love snow, ONLY if I don't have to go out in it. It is just beautiful.

Dagmar said...

Oh my these are wonderful. And that red so stunning. You've captured him wonderful.

Hilary said...

Wow you sure got hit with the white stuff. Beautiful photos. Gotta love Cardinals. I'll be focusing on birds this week too.

Anonymous said...

I loe the bird photos! We have about 20 inches here in Harford county! Can't wait to get out there with my camera!

cottage farm villa said...

Kate, these pics are just lovely.... but the last one is ABSOLUTELY, one of my favorites EVER, that you or hubby have taken!!! Perfection in my eyes. Have a Merry Christmas. ~Cheryl

Woman in a Window said...

It is exciting when the world is transformed so dramatically, so quickly. Beautiful. And coffee. Who could want for more?

Daryl said...

It didn't snow here till noonish as I was heading back from my massage appt, And when it did, it didn't look as pretty as your snow

The JR said...

Burrr. Cold. I'll stay in too!

Great pictures.

Jeanne Frances Klaver said...

We got hit with the same storm. Beautiful photos. Got photoshop for Christmas. Can't wait to get started (it's a download so I may start early :))

Merisi said...

These images are true magic!
I always feel a little bit as if I returned to my old home when I look at your pictures. The Cardinals, I sure miss them, none here.