This is one of the busiest times of the year at the school where I work, and the students are finished on May 29. Graduation is the first Sunday in June, and the stress levels are at a high, with exams, grades, end-of-the-year activities. I've been so busy printing the hundreds and hundreds of award certificates that the students will receive on two separate prize nights, the first of which is mid-week. I do them in a mail merge, but still, it's very time-consuming. And today, something happened with my report card system that had me in a near-panic. Luckily, we have a good IT guy at school, and disaster was averted. I was so involved in getting everything finished, that when I looked up from my desk, I saw that it was 4:30. And my day ends at 4.
I know I try not to post about my work, but I'm not really revealing too much here.

So I'm driving home, my hands tense on the wheel, and I'm thinking that what I really wanted was a drink. But, you see, I make it a point not to drink during the week. I have all these stupid rules, and this is one of them. And, for me, it seems to work. So unless I'm celebrating something, or at a nice restaurant that warrants a glass of wine, I don't drink to calm myself down. Well, not during the week, ok? Well, it makes sense to me, and that's what matters.
Anyway, I'm thinking I need to calm down, calm down. And I start to think about getting home, and seeing that dog of mine and how happy he will be just to see me come through the door. And then we'd go out for a walk, and suddenly I started feeling quieter. And calmer. And then I looked up and that's when I noticed the clouds. The sky was full of them. Driving over the canal bridge was simply beautiful. It was a crisp afternoon with bright skies and many well-defined clouds.

By the time I drove down the main driveway of the farm, I was even more relaxed, because it's just so darn pretty here.
And then I came in the front door and there was that beautiful dog, who was so happy to see me. I quickly got changed and grabbed the camera and headed out to get pictures of the amazing clouds. The wind has been blowing at a good clip most of the day, and by the time I got outside, the skies were clearing. So I didn't get the cloud-filled skies that I wanted, but I'm ok with these. I sat down by the pond after our walk, and marveled at how much better I felt.
Ok. All is well now. So, until tomorrow, my friends . . .
I'm feeling the end of the school year stress too...by the end of last week my neck was red and I started to twitch! (Just kidding) I'm stressing about writing my science exam and I have a bad head cold on top of that. The house was quiet tonight, Courtney was at dance, Chris was at the batting cage with Steven and it was just Grace and I at the house. I was busy writing my exam and blowing my nose...when Grace invited me in to have a bite of ice cream with her. We sat down infront of the fire. (Chris built one for me when we got home from school because he knew I was cold and didn't feel well...he's such a thoughtful 10 year old!) We ate our ice cream and talked for about 30 minutes. It was so wonderful to talk to my 8 year old about her friends, what's important to her and a little boy she seems to like!! I think I'm beginning to get red again and start to twitch!! (Ha ha) Now I'm going to go put my Grace to bed and continue to work on my exam...a lot happier and less stressed I might add!
Hey, I thought you looked a little under the weather today. Sorry I didn't take the time to ask after you. So sweet of Chris to build that fire. And you've gotta tell me who little Gracie has a crush on! Just thinking of you sitting in front of your fire with your youngest and your ice cream, and dishing about all things important to an 8-year old just makes me happy, Alisa!
It's also good to know that Steven's home from Iraq and for now, even though you're feeling bad and stressed, things are as they should be. Take care, friend!
Hi Kate, sorry I haven't been over for a while, but last week was h*ll because of back pain and then I've been helping my daughter make arrangements for her beach bbq birthday party today. Unfortunately, it rained so the party is at my house. I'm going to start putting your name on my calendar every Friday, because I'm always missing it!
Try to relax at school - I know it's hard but the time will fly by faster than you know. But, I must admit to being very HAPPY not being there anymore! :D
You've changed your blog header since I last visited. Lovely ducks a-swimming.
I'm so glad your home-coming is a stress reducer. I've been told that animals are natural stress reducers and good for our blood pressure and general health. Walking with George is a good thing!
The foals are beautiful; great photos!
Hope the rest of your week is smooth and less stressful.
Uh... geese, geese! I really can tell the difference between ducks and geese. Just need to adjust my trifocals!
I'm so glad you're feeling better now. Here's hoping for a better day tomorrow. Beautiful pictures though.
Only two more weeks to go and it all over!!
Dog greetings are great for helping let go of the day, aren't they?
I enjoyed your photos.
I know how you feel! I'm a teacher and this time of the year can be so busy and stressful and I have summer fever.... ;) lol! I love how your home calmed your stress. What a beautiful place, beautiful dog, beautiful clouds...have a BIG drink this weekend!!
Nothing can cheer me up and lift my spirits quicker than seeing how glad my dogs are to see me when I've been away..if only a few minutes walk to the mailbox!!
Hi -
I'm a fellow Marylander (Frederick) and followed you over from Leslie's place (The Pedalogue). You have a very nice blog here, with some gorgeous photos! I'll put you on my BlogLines list.
Peace - D
I am stressed too. Those pictures you posted here are calming and soothing for me. Thanks!
Your beautiful pictures are a respite from my busy day, too. Hope you don't get too crazy at work. It will all get done, and you will still have your wonderful farm to come home to. Take a deep breath...
Congratulations on knowing yourself so well!! Who was that guy - Socrates perhaps? - who said the greatest advice is "Know Thyself." True, true...
The idea of being able to return to a beautiful home and take a nice walk -- well, that beats having a drink any day!!! I suppose an argument could be made for having a glass of wine as you sit in a lawn chair looking over the scenery... but, yes, yes, than can be done on the weekend, too!!
Take care.
PS I notice your fence - I notice things like that.. Just looking at those wood posts fairly close together and the wood rail above the fencing, wow -- that is a LOT of work!!! AND you have to maintain such a fence, too! But it looks great!!
There is nothing like a walk with a good [or in my case, not so good] dog to calm you down. And the clouds are lovely. Only a photographer would mourn the clouds going away, LOL!
Love your new header!
Love the new header! And, beautiful shots as always...
ohhhhhhhh stress.
There's nothing like our loving pups to make things right in the world again! :)
You do truly live in a beautiful part of the world. I think just living there, and being able to get out doors, and going for a walk with wonderful George, well, that would be better than any drink!
I find drinking stresses me more. I have no idea why. I don't like how drinking makes me feel. Give me a big bowl of Vanilla Bean ice cream any day!
Sky Watch Friday on Tuesday! They're beautiful photos no matter what. I loved your old masthead, but must admit that new one is beautiful.
BTW, thanks for telling me about the cairns. I didn't know it and that's the kind of thing I love to learn. Think I'm going to do a favorite word post with that and then borrow some photos off the www. There are some pretty amazing cairns around the world!
Those are beautiful cloud pictures.
You have a great dog.
The blue sky is simply gorgeous!!
Oh, May gets SO busy with end of school activities. Hope all goes well.
Beautiful, the clouds are very calming aren't they? Glad it helped you take a deep breath!
My son is a Spanish teacher at Gilman School in Baltimore and I hear the same things from him. I admire all the time and effort teachers put in and certainly know they are not appreciated as much as they should be. You deserve a fantastic summer. I agree...how beautiful your area is.
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