Dearest, Do you know how much in love with you I am?
Did I trip? Did I stumble - lose my balance, graze my knee, graze my heart?
I know I'm in love when I see you. I know when I long to see you, I'm on fire. Not a muscle has moved. Leaves hang unruffled by any breeze. The air is still.
I have fallen in love without taking a step. You are all wrong for me and I know it, but I can no longer care for my thoughts unless they are thoughts of you.
When I am close to you, I feel your hair brush my cheek when it does not. I look away from you sometimes, then I look back.
When I tie my shoes, when I peel an orange, when I drive my car, when I lie down each night without you, I remain,
If you know the movie in which these words were spoken/written, I will admire you from afar. And please, no cheating.
Winner will be announced later tonight. The first one to guess wins.
No prize for this one. The prize lies within yourself, because I don't think this is that easy.
Or is it?
Psst . . . A giveaway is tomorrow. Enter to win a free 8x10 or 8x12 print. More to come later . . .
Huh, no idea. Old one or new one?
That picture of the orange is gorgeous. Simple and pretty. Love oranges, mostly clementines. They are so Christmas to me.
It's not very old . . .
No idea. Although I would like to hear Ralph Fiennes say it;)
I would like to hear Ralph Fiennes say "hello". I mean, when I call him. In my next life.
I believe the movie is 'The Love Letter'.
it is from a movie that i want to see but have not yet :)
Havent a clue-but what lovely words.
It *is* The Love Letter!!! Great movie!
Did not know the quote or the movie but that photo is wonderful.
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