Thursday, July 16, 2009

Midsummer escape

Everybody's talking at me.

I don't hear a word they're saying,

Only the echoes of my mind.

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I'm going where the sun keeps shining

Thru' the pouring rain,

Going where the weather suits my clothes.

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Backing off of the North East wind,

Sailing on summer breeze

And skipping over the ocean like a stone . . .

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I’ll be back Monday, my friends. Hopefully I’ll have some good photos to share with you. I need to be near the water, to feel the sand in between my toes, and perhaps have an adventure or two. I’ve auto-posted until then on A Picture A Day, my photo blog.

See you then,

Harry Nilsson lyrics, from Midnight Cowboy. [Florabella] textures. See my [Flickr page] for texture recipes.


Deb said...

Have a wonderful "midsummer escape" :-)Time away at the beach sounds ideal ♥

Mental P Mama said...

Such a beautiful song.....and the beach always beckons me....

Maria said...

these photos are beautiful, peaceful
Have a great refreshing weekend

Ellen said...

I wish I was going to beach too!!!! Have a blast.

~from my front porch in the mountains~ said...

Have a much deserved weekend at the beach!

If you want to hang the shingle on your blog for 'award free", it's fine! We will just say you crossed the finish line before I did!

woof to george :)

Char said...

have a wonderful time - glad you resolved the issues and are getting to go.

plus - this is my favorite GC song

Reddirt Woman said...

One of my all-time favorite songs.

Soak up the peace and re-charge.


Anonymous said...

You guys have so much fun!! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

Have a safe trip. I am leaving Friday for a week, so I will catch you on the other side. BTW, I thank you on my post on Friday for sending me CoffeeShop's way. Love the Golden Vintage action ;0)

Mary said...

Have fun, Kate! :)

Hilary said...

Great song and pice. And have a wonderful time with those fantastic people. I know you will. :)

Donna S. said...

Have a great vacation!! Nothing like sand between the toes.

Donalyn said...

Have a great time - and a glass of wine for me, ok?

Anonymous said...

Have fun at the Fest!

Sue said...

I love Nilsson songs...all of them..they were real classics..Have a great time in the sun and sand...

Cloudia said...

Wonderful Spiral Shell!
Aloha beautiful person...

Comfort Spiral

Jo said...

Have a wonderful time squishing the sand between your toes.

Anonymous said...

Stunning!!! Have a nice day kate


Anonymous said...

beautiful photos, and equally lovely words. enjoy your time away.

Deb said...

Music, photography, the ocean are all things special to you. I forgot George. How did I forget him! I love how you tie music into your posts.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Love that song.
Enjoy the break - and husband and George too.

GailO said...

Have fun Kate....the beach is so restorative...and such a great place to take pictures! Love these pics and the textures:)

Sarah Anne said...

So jealous. Find a pretty shell for me! ;) <3

Flat Creek Farm said...

Have a wonderful time. We will miss you, but you deserve this getaway! I love it here, but there are times I wish we didn't live SO far from the ocean...

Suzanne said...

May favorite song and beautiful pictures, Thank you

Anonymous said...

Have a great time! Lovely pictures, hope you find some great shells on your get away!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous pictures and a great song.

CJ xx