I'm looking out my kitchen window on a beautiful day. I know I'm lucky to have a nice view. I can see George in the backyard underneath the window. He's playing with his cat friend, SC. That's short for Stray Cat.
I can see my husband over in the garden, and my son is out there somewhere mowing. Hope everyone has a good week.
You consistently take the most beautiful photos.. another beaut! Thanks for sharing.
What a beautiful view. The photos just get better and better!
Oh my goodness, I could do dishes all day if I had a view like that! Beautiful picture, Kate. :)
A heavenly view Kate!
Beautiful as always!
beautiful view! Love it!
What a beautiful view you have Kate. Loving the sun catchers as well.
Oh Look! What a novel idea. An kitchen window you can SEE out of...
What a gorgeous view!
That's it, I'm moving to a horse farm.
This is lovely. I especially like the blurred effect of the sun catchers in the window.
Oh, I love this photo, too.....the clearly focused background with the less focused suncatchers......unique effect!
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