Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chin up

People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built.                                                        ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

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I don’t have very much to say today other than how wonderful it is to have you all visit. I just wanted you to know that. If I could get around to every single one of your beautiful blogs, I would.

So here’s a picture of a crocus for you, taken last March. It’s probably blooming right now at the house we used to live on the horse farm. But I’m not going to think about that. What is IS. And we really don’t know how courageous we can be until we need to be.

Here’s to all the courageous people out there. Yes, you. You know who you are. Chin up.


Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

Just gorgeous. It is nice to have reminders of just how beautiful life really is. Thanks, Kate.

Ellen said...

Lovely thoughts from a lovely blog friend.

Life is good!

Anonymous said...

Springtime and crocus... how lovely... my post for tomorrow is about spring..... hope you can come see it tomorrow and smile. The crocus certainly made me smile!

The Blue Ridge Gal

cottage farm villa said...

Beautiful photo! Yes, what is IS. This journey of life gives us up and downs but we have the chance to grow with both and see what we really are made of!

You really got everybody going yesterday with your "hoary nights" and "jewel"!!! lol sorry to say but her hubby "ty" can dance! But he can really ride a bull!

Woman in a Window said...

Be good. Float in that awesome purple cloudiness. Nice photo.

Shelley said...

This flower you posted is so beautiful and dreamy! Thank you for sharing! You have such a lovely blog!

ELK said...

yours words and image make my heart sing the new header too ELK

Michelle said...

If that photo could be blown up to "wallpaper" a wall in my (home) office, I would be very happy.

Can I just say I really appreciate the attitude you exhibit to all that is going on in your life (most of which I am unaware of)? Eleanor has you pegged. Reminds me of how I was raised; if I complained about ANYthing, my mom would likely respond, "It builds character." I sometimes still complain, but her voice is ringing in my inner ear and I can't escape the reality that I will grow if I meet whatever it is with the right attitude.

Maria said...

Nice quote, beautiful flower

Anonymous said...

Thanks Kate...I needed that, my chin has been rather low lately.

Deedee said...

Just what I needed today :)

Char said...

thank you - you know how much I needed that. you too sweetie, you too.

this shot is simply stunning.

Mental P Mama said...

Kate, that is beautiful.

The Bramble Patch said...


Absolutely beautiful and timely in so many ways. God is working through you my friend.


Vanessa (formerly Lawsy Mercy)

lejardengirl said...

thank you my dear...

lejardengirl said...

thank you my dear...

KathyB. said...

Thank-you, kind and encouraging words accompanied by a beautiful photograph and reminder of what you have come through, isn't life an amazing and unpredictable adventure?

Tess Kincaid said...

Stunning photo, Kate! My chin's up...I'm propping it a little, but it's up!

Deb said...

Our mojo and muses are off having a grand time. Without US! How rude?
Your post was very poignant today. My chin has been propped up for a good year and a half now and my neck is killing me. Thanks for reminding me "What is IS". I needed that my friend.

Leenie said...

Wow! 19 comments so far! Your positive spirit has quite an effecton the blogisphere. Keep posting!

Anonymous said...

I think you're courageous. Thanks for the uplifting photo.

BB said...

My chin is well and truly up... specially after seeing my double chin in my latest post (pic courtesy of my 4-year-old - not a great angle!).

Gorgeous flower image... natch.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Beautiful. Remember that you always have that lovely George.

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

Lovely crocus, Kate! The bright color is cheerful. I have been home for the past two days with a bout of stomach virus, probably given to me by Doughboy :( The bright dash of color in my yucky day is appreciated. Off to bed...

Mary said...

A perfect image of strength in adversity... Lovely!

Deb said...

Beautiful words & image. Thank you Kate!

Anonymous said...

There is something so soothing about that picture... I think it's the color. Thanks so much for sharing it with us today!

Daryl said...

LOVE the new header .. Once again I am wishing I had a new one .. now to find the right photo

And I love that flower ... and you .. you are very brave

Ellen said...

Do you have a spring break coming up? If so, do you want to meet a Winterteur?

Shimmy Mom said...

Just wanted to say Hi.

How did your hubby take Jewell's being hurt? I'm not sure what I thought of her replacement. I thought she did well considering how long she had to learn it, until Melissa came out with even less time and was amazing.


Kerri Farley said...

Oh Kate....this takes my breath away! Absolutely stunning!

Thank you for the beautiful quote as well!

Anonymous said...

They are my favorites! But I do not have any, don't know why.

Skogkjerring said...

THANK YOU for sharing your life with us through your words and your beautiful photos which give us a chance to see the world as you do..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the happy words. That was very inspirational. :D

Chocolate Cat said...

and to you too! Love the crocus!

Torsdag 1952 said...

Good to have your blog, two day form now I will drive to Southgermany to to bring "Brigitte" back home, will be a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture and sentiment.

Stuffbymichele said...

I LOVE the photo!!!

Lyn said...

What an incredibly uplifting and comforting image and post Kate. Thank you, and hugs back at you.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Blog in terms of presentation and content.. Exploring & will return

“Beauty is simply reality seen with the eyes of love”

Leif: A Voyage said...

You are so cool.

Country Girl said...

No, Leif. I am really really not. I am a dork. In a dweeb suit.

Hey, welcome to Entropy. Glad you stopped by.

Thanks, all. I'm glad you found it inspiring.