Friday, March 6, 2009

Is that a banana in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

When I walk in the door each afternoon, George is always thrilled that I’m home. Today he was already outside and he zoomed over to the car wagging his tail and wanting his pets and the pat on the head.  I think he looks on me mainly as another person to play with.

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My husband tells me that George begins looking out the windows around 4 pm because he knows I’ll be coming home from work soon. And he knows that I get changed out of my work clothes and then we head outside. I’ll say, “Time to get changed.” And he races up the stairs ahead of me and waits patiently while I change out of my work clothes and into something comfortable.

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So imagine the pup’s surprise today when I took him somewhere other than just the usual walk around the property. I bundled him up in the car and drove about a mile down the road to a little park that’s on the edge of town.

DSC_0322 copy 2It wasn’t much of a park, believe me. But it was different and George was happy. A great blue heron rose and flew over us as we circled the main pond. I didn’t have the zoom lens with me, but it was nice seeing him. That’s the first photo up there.

And George was content with something different for a change.



And when I got home and circled the house, stomping my feet in the snow to get all the goose poop off my shoes, I found these little treats under the dogwood tree in the backyard. I had no idea they were there!

And it made me so happy.

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Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

Ghostbones textures on all photos except the one of George. I don’t remember what I used for that one.


Anonymous said...

I'm in love with George, that's all there is to it!

Love your photography too!

Country Girl said...

Thanks, imom. And welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by. I'm in love with George, too. He's asleep at my feet right now.

Shelley said...

Love the photos - love George - really want my own dog soon! We're still on a waiting list for a Bernese Mtn Dog. In the future when we have more land - I would love a border collie. Pat that George on the head for me! Thanks!

Jill of All Trades said...

Little George is just adorable. I love looking at him. Thanks

Char said...

the promise of spring is definitely there - great shots

Anonymous said...

Stumpled upon your blog and when I looked closer I found George, he is georgous. Paula

Woman in a Window said...

Simple pleasures, comforting routines. Such a nice life. George is lucky. I'm not so happy to have mine greet me but then he's 100 pounds of idiot, not a sweet and doting dog.

Anonymous said...

I love the surprise of little flowers popping up from the ground in the spring. Poof... they just show up out of nowhere... lol

The Blue Ridge Gal

abb said...

Spring hope ~springs~ eternal! Ours are up a bit, too, after tomorrow's melt I'll be able to find them!

Lori said...

Aren't dogs amazing? Our golden retriever used to go sit on the front porch about 3:15 each day and wait for the school bus to bring his boys home, then he woudl race down the lane to meet them.

Leenie said...

We have green things popping up too! Hooray! We have survived another winter. Best wishes to you, George and your hubby.

Shawn said...

Spring is my favorite time of the year!'s getting so close now!

Anonymous said...

I have always felt dogs could tell time.

Hilary said...

A great day full of wonderful surprises.. the Great Blue, a new environment for George and spring growth is always a treat. We should see ours .. oh.. any month now!

Carin said...

Are those crocus? Ahh, spring is soon. George is certainly a good, loyal dog. My mom's dog (Australian Shepherd) is 17 and I am just dreading the day he is no longer with her. He is her EVERYTHING

cottage farm villa said...

We ALL are in love with George. Funny, he doesn't even know how we all look forward to the next portrait of his perfect sweet face!

What a beautiful surprise to find your bulbs reaching to the sky feeling spring around the corner!! Love that! Great pic too!

Hugs, Cheryl

Skogkjerring said...

I can understand George's excitement at something new, I mean, dogs come from wolves who are use to covering vast areas, rarely staying in just one area- there is a huge world out there to smell and pee on!!! Plus it's just darn exciting to go somewhere new!! We all can relate to that!!

I think it's cute how you think George is really need to meet one of my lionesses in'd probably look at George in a totally different light!!! That is why Jenny will always be the WITTLE BABY in the family..20kg as an adult is NOTHING..that is like a 4 month old leo pup...hahahaha.. SO EXCITED!! And yes, I'm already having doubts as to how long she will use her kennel we bought for her....hahahahaha..
Have a super weekend and give George a belly rub from us..

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

Last Sunday was a wintery day here in Georgia. Today is a taste of spring with temps in the 70's. Weather here can fluctuate drastically from one day to the next. If you don't like today's weather, wait until tomorrow.

Ahhhh...Georgie. What a sweet face he has. My Kady has pinups of George in her crate :)

Anonymous said...

You can keep your snow. (I'm so not a winter person). But it did provide an excellent backdrop for the bulbs coming up!

We're supposed to hit almost 70 here today...weird winter.

Mental P Mama said...

{{{{Daffodil shoots}}}}

Chere said...

Your photos are to beautiful for words and I mean it. Will you please come live with me for a week and teach me everything you know. Debra is close and we could have a Camp Country Girl. You will have time of your life, I promise. George is welcome to come.

Back to George, does he have an agent. That is the most photographic dog. Got to love it. Just think George, Katie, Dixie, Deb's Kady and Dee all in one spot. We will lock Leo and Bella in a closet. They are not the most socialable.

Anonymous said...

I love that Photo of George! He has such expression in his eyes!

It's coming, spring is really coming!

Mary said...

NOthing like some daffodil shoots to cheer a girl up! :) Give George a great big hug for me.
btw, I think you did great with the heron pic, even without the zoom lens. I'm always trying to get a shot of one who lives nearby, but am never able to do it. :(

Jeannelle said...

Your post title drew me right over. Amazing how dogs have a sense for time of day and what should occur then. Lovely scenes from your outing.

Deb said...

Catchy title...definetely a must click!

George is so adorable and makes me wish I had a dog again. I miss my Heidi girl.

Daryl said...

Smart George .. Rose waits at the window for me too ... Husband says she goes to the window as soon as I call to say I am on my way home ... he says she knows it me, and even if someone else calls around the time I usually do, she only reacts to my call ... maybe its the way Husband talks when its me .. no idea ...

She only wants me to feed her ... because she hasnt been fed since the morning .. yeah right ... as if Husband hadnt been feeding her (and her pal Gus) all day ..

The Bramble Patch said...

Love this post! George is a delight to watch via blog.

Shimmy Mom said...

You know that I love George. Give him an extra hug from me today. Sorry it's been a while. I had some internet issues and couldn't get around as much and couldn't leave comments where I did get to. Now that all is well again, I wanted to let you know, I still think you rock!

Ellen said...

George rocks - and chases birds too.