Tuesday, March 24, 2009

An unwilling subject

It was a cool spring day with bright sunny skies here in Maryland. After dinner and before Jeopardy came on (when did we become our parents?) my husband told me that he’d taken lots of photos of George today. I think he wanted to help me with my book project.

When I opened them up, I told him I liked the series that you see here. “Oh,” said my husband, “I couldn’t get him to pose properly.” He went on to tell me that he was talking to George and trying to get him to look at the camera. “George,” he was saying, “look here.” But George wasn’t having any of it. He was too concerned with the small rustlings of what could have been (be still his heart) a squirrel.

George adores chasing squirrels.

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Did I hear a squirrel? There’s another one.

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I thought this one was funny.

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I think he was having the last laugh here at my husband. What do you think?

How was your day today?

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .


Anonymous said...

awesome photos, very professional looking! hoping your issues with the trespassers have diminished. so far we have been lucky this winter...those voss signs i commented about earlier are really nice and look professional. good luck!

Leenie said...

I ALWAYS like the George photos. The first two show his dark and light side. Kind of like Braveheart only not blue and tan ;D. He has a fun smile too. Tell your hubby --Nice work!

Mental P Mama said...

Does your husband spend the day lying on the ground with the camera? I am going to do this myself. Great shots. Oh, and I just heard my mother say something to my rowdy kids. Jeopardy is nothing;)

Shelley said...

George was definitely laughing in that last photo! You are really getting me addicted to these photos of George! I will be first in line to buy your book!

Maria said...

they are all adorable

Ellen said...

I think the transition from being parents to being our parents happens sometime around when our first child turns two. Then it's all down hill from there.

I love the pictures of George - what expression he has. I especially like the photo of him with his tongue sticking out - nah, nah, nah. Your husband is quite the man with the camera.

Shawn said...

Oh, I love those pictures! Tell him that we all think he did a great job!

Anonymous said...

Squirls are very big here at our house too. All I have to do is say "Sadie were are the squirls?" and she she runs over to the door and whins and when I open the door she shoots outside and barks and runs around in the woods looking up into the trees.

Woman in a Window said...

Those are great photos of George. I like the first two side by side, white cheek, black cheek.

Kathie Truitt said...

My day was good. It was a beautiful day, so on my lunch hour I took a walk past the National Museum of Women in the Arts, down by the White House, and back up 13 street to my office.

I love George, and I love your blog, too. Keep up the good work

Hillbilly Debutante

cottage farm villa said...

So excited that you are writing a book starring George!!!

I love George posts!! Each and everyone...he is Mr. Gorgeous!

Molly said...

does George do autographs? one, please!

Char said...

he totally looks as if he's laughing

Hilary said...

I had a border collie years ago, named Zoe.........George brings back memories of her. She was a pip.

Jill of All Trades said...

That is so cool. I love the pic's of George mucho!

Hilary said...

Bennie wants to chase squirrels out of the yard. He goes nuts jumping half the height of the glass door trying to get out. George sure is a beauty.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

George looked beautiful in those pictures!Awesome looking dog!!

Anonymous said...

You know I love Riley the best, but George comes in a close second. And your husband's photos are getting better, aren't they?

Debra Kay said...

George is absolutely gorgeous. I loves me my splitface BC's...

Pony Girl said...

I love the first two as well because they really show that splitface coloring... he is such a lovely Border Collie, one of the prettiest I've seen!

Flea said...

He's so sleek and glossy! I love George.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

I just love that open laughing dog face! Did you happen to read Pioneer Woman's March 15 post about her new border collie? What special dogs!

Treasia Stepp said...

George is just the cutest thing. It does my heart good to hear that your husband seems to be enjoying his days more and more and filling them with things like this.

BTW, yeah when did we become our parents? I heard Trucker listening to streaming music on the computer the other night and it was old songs, I mean old songs, our parents listened to. LOL.

Delwyn said...

Hello Kate
I was showing my son (who really owned Kealia) George's photos and we were remembering how much Kealia hated having her photo taken. She would run away if she saw the camera in your hands. Maybe it was the flash...

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful pictures.  George has the most gorgeous shiny coat, he is terribly handsome!

And wanted to say thank you for coming by my blog, I notice you have been catching up on posts and like my Clarks Clogs! 

I should have a new picture to post later, this one has four legs....

Thanks again, CJ xx

Daryl said...

I am killing time before heading to the dentist ... so I popped in to see what's up and its George .. Kate, please tell the husband how good these are ... and please tell George that he made me smile .. no small feat given the tooth ache I have ..

Skogkjerring said...

Getting a dog to pose is tricky...sometimes I think we feel like idiots trying to get ours to look at the camera- glad we live so private!!! In the one photo he looks like he's sticking his tounge out at your hubby- FUNNY!!!! I love George- he has such character even in a still photo!!! Have a super duper day!!

Mary said...

Well, these photos just bring a smile to my face! George is such a character. :)

And I don't watch Jeopardy yet, but does going to bed at nine thirty count as getting old? lol

Anonymous said...

I'm in love with George!

Anonymous said...

LOL, it does look like George is laughing, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Don't you love it when our pets laugh at us? Our rottie, Max, (rest his soul) used to laugh at me all the time... Handsome does not laugh.... her prefers just to smile.

Great photos of George today.
The Blue Ridge Gal

Chere said...

Way to go George, it reminds me of my children. They never look when you want them to. Even at 26 and 22.

Deb said...

George is having fun with your husband. And...by the way...please tell Andrew that I think he is a great photographer.

Krystina said...

George was having fun playing quite the game there wasn't he! How cute. What a lovely dog you have! He always makes me smile.

Anonymous said...

Wow 33 comments allready. I am so glad you are writing a book and George is awonderful subject. I love the picture of him laughing. I am always trying to take pictures of my cats but everytime they look at me it looks like their eyes are flashlights. I am no photographer and I only have an ordinary camera but I wish I could get a picture of them without their eyes glowing.

Michael said...

What a wonderful border collie George is and what a smile.
Thank you for your ever so dry blogs and comments and the wonderful photos.
You gotta get down to photograph dogs and grandchildren - something I'm finding it increasingly harder to do !!!
Canine greetings also from Bodie da Lab......despatcher of tennis balls to to tennis ball heaven.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Lovely photographs of the handsome George. That photo of him laughing needs an earth chuckle on sound - what a lovely dog.

GailO said...

I want one of those!...and I don't just mean the book...I'm in love with George:)

I used to laugh when my mother used to say she thought Alex Trebeck was handsome...now I'm agreeing with her...He has aged well! My husband and I tape Jeopardy in case we miss it...so yes we have become our parents! LOL

ELK said...

b e a u t i f u l
happy George!

Frank Baron said...

Great shots of a fine-looking pooch.

Ben, my JRT, also feels it's his sworn duty to keep the yard -- in fact, anybody's yard/park/forest -- free of those darn tree rats too.

Just Jules said...

Coming in from bylerpf's blog. I like the feeling here - you have a cozy blog. George is definitely laughing ;)

Brenda Pruitt said...

I love the one with his tongue sticking out. Charlie Ross has been at the French doors all day, shaking in feverish anger when a squirrel comes into his yard. He's not much bigger than they are, so I don't know what he thinks he'd do with one if he caught it. Be still MY heart, if he does!

FireLight said...

Don't these furry characters always have the last laugh? Really great photos. Sharp shootin' by the Hubadub!

Unknown said...

I wanted to let you know that I linked to your blog today with a "lemonade award" for showing great blogging attitude! Stop by and claim your prize.