Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow is too a texture

It’s a snow day and we have no school here in Maryland. I am home in my warm house, thankful that I have heat. The teacher I called for snow chain just after 5 this morning told me he’s had no power since yesterday. We’ve got about 7 inches of the white stuff so far and it’s beginning to blow like crazy.

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I took this shot from my front door just a short while ago. My husband says it looks weird but I’m sorta liking it. I’ve gotten rid of all my other textures, all the ones that had copyrights (of which I was unaware) and have found some free ones like these, on Deviantart. The person who created these textures offers anything in her texture stock (stock only, not her texture gallery) free to those who want it. She states that a link back is not necessary and that commercial use is fine too. Here is the [link].

UPDATE: Thanks to Delwyn, who advised me of a link she found in which SheisPrettyStock rules are a link back and credit. In one place, she isn’t asking for it and in another, she is. Just wanted you all to be aware.

For this shot, I used two different textures. The first is a snow texture she had created and the second is a border that I liked. I created a layer mask and brushed away some of the center of the border texture at about 35% opacity and 35% flow.

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This is one of the kitchen windows. There’s a birdfeeder hanging from the branch of the dogwood tree, at the bottom right of this picture. I used a swirly texture on this and brushed away much of the center.

I am so glad I can be here with my husband today. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.

Until later, my friends . . .

The credit for these beautiful textures belongs to Erin, of SheisPrettyStock (link above).



Anonymous said...

Beautiful! My daughter loves Deviantart. She puts a lot of her things up there! I am going to go over and check it out thanks!

Enjoy the day, it is still snowing here in Bel Air at 10:00am :)

Anonymous said...

For once, you have more snow that I do - sweet!

Also - love the shot your husband of the Pileated Woodpecker and few posts down. Living on the edge of a patch of woods, we see them, though usually we only hear them. Try as I might, I have never been able to get a single photo of one though.

Enjoy your day off!

Mental P Mama said...

Beautiful. Let me know when you are ready for snow-day cocktails, and I'll join you;)

Daryl said...

Nice effects .. stay in, stay warm .. I got some good - I hope - shots before heading to the office this morning .. gotta find a minute to download and look ... xo

Anonymous said...

Lovely... you little texture-holic.... is there a 12 step program? LOL

The Blue Ridge Gal

cieldequimper said...

That is a lot of snow! The view from inside is really gorgeous!

abb said...

Lovely as always. Snow day for me to. Yippee!

Frank said...

Beautiful!!! I love snow days!

The Weaver of Grass said...

Absolutely lovely photographs - snow showers are forecast here again for tomorrow in UK, so winter has not done with us yet. I just adore that photograph from your window.

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

I totally know what you are talking about with snow! I think we sent it your way after getting 2' last week.
Great pics...enjoy the day!

Woman in a Window said...

So soft and gorgeous. Even your title. And yes, happiness abounds in even the laundry on the floor.

be well,

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Your pictures are gorgeous. This end of the bay didn't get quite as much snow, but this is the first good snowfall we've had in many years, so I'm not complaining.

Thanks for stopping by my place, and again your photos are simply beautiful.

cottage farm villa said...

Oh....heard on the news that so much snow is falling in the north/east. Brrrrrrrr!!

So glad you have heat too!!

Pretty pics, Kate!


FireLight said...

Here in Alabama we had the snow all day yesterday and a welcomed snow day today! I have spent some time with a cup of tea reading and viewing my favorite blogspots! I love this picture of the window and tree branches beyond the panes...just beautiful!

Unknown said...

Snow is my favorite texture!

Lovely photos and I am a tad bit jealous...while I got some snow, you all got what I had been wishing for. Next year when I start praying for snow, I will try to be a little more specific!!

commoncents said...

Nice post and nice blog.

Would you like to exchange links?


Delwyn said...

And they are good effects too, I have been toting my camera around taking shots of all the surfaces in my home, the grass, the walls, fabrics, my postcard backgrounds , rusty metal etc and making my own and experimenting to get different effects. Now I am going to try with enlargening flowers to make a mist monet !

Delwyn said...

Kate I checked your link to 'she is pretty' for textures and recognise this as a source I have used, but you may want to know that she requires you to credit her tex, with a link back to her. - a nuisance isn't it...

Debra (a/k/a Doris, Mimi) said...

How is it possible that your photography keeps getting better and better? Just when I think I've seen it all, you surprise me. The kitchen window view is beautiful! You've captured the coziness of your kitchen and the amazing view outdoors all in one shot. Lovely, Kate! Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

Chere said...

Yesterday afternoon was a winter wonderland in the Atlanta area. Huge flakes came in a down pour for about five hours. We also had snow and thunder at the same time. I have never heard that one before.

You photos are beautiful and the textures are great. Enjoy your warm cozy house today and drink a hot cup of hot chocolate for me.

I am in the warm state of Fla. today. Had to travel down and check up on some items at our house.

Does George like the snow? Some of mine do and some hate it. Our lab is in heaven. Dixie looks at and says okay I will potty but back inside. Have a good one.

Annie said...

Another lovely shot are so clever!

Take care in the bad weather. Pity you have to wake at 5am when you are going to have the day off, eh? Oh well.

Hilary said...

More wonderful combos.. you have such a knack for everything you attempt.

Tess Kincaid said...

Gorgeous snowy pix, Kate! Enjoy the white stuff and your day off.

Anonymous said...

oh, i do envy you. today we had cool and thunder and wind and rain. the roads were so scary. this all in sunny california. i tried to catch a bit of it but sadly i think my camera is just to simple..i see it in my eye but it does not come out in the pic....i love yours.

Treasia Stepp said...

Those are beautiful pictures. I really really like the second one a lot. Stay warm and cozy with your hubby by the fireplace. Light some candles and open your wine. Aww nice.

Egghead said...

I love these textures. You are so creative. I think the snow scene looks really cool.

e.o.w. said...

I'm just LOVING these photos! And your writing, of course... I skip a week and miss so much. Cheers!