Friday, March 20, 2009

Coming to a theatre near you

It’s a rags to riches story, featuring a border collie from the wrong side of the tracks who finds love, happiness and all the frisbees he can carry when he wins a game show designed for dogs only.

George in the movies

Or maybe it’s just a fake movie poster from Big Huge Labs.

Either way, it sounds fun to me. And no, I am not smoking anything crazy! It’s just good clean fun. Plus, see who it's directed by? Yeah. George Clooney.

Other border collies I’ve seen lately include some cute puppies here and a puppy from Norway. I’ve also made the acquaintance just today, in fact, of this border collie owner. If you know of any more border collies that you’d like to share, let me know in the comment section.

Have a great day, all. Until tomorrow, then . . .


Woman in a Window said...

So, is making a movie poster like building a baseball field? You know, if you build it they will come? So, if you make it George Clooney will show up to direct? I'm just wondering if you need an assistant?

Anonymous said...

Hi there
Just a note. Another Border Collie lives with Far Side of Fifty and her husband. She has a great blog. So visit some time. Have to go pull weeds now Yay!!! It´s 70+ here in Calif today. Like your blog. Keep up the good work Love the photos Mary

Anonymous said...

Nice poster! May have to head over there and put Handsome's face on one as well. heh heh

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

I thing George is better looking then George Cloony!

lejardengirl said... crack me up...where does all this come from...and don't tell me george, i personally think you want to be a producer of some show...your dog is wonderful!!!

Country Girl said...

Oh no, lejardengirl, I could not produce a show. I would be a wonderful stage mother, however. For my dog. ha!

~ C.G.

Mental P Mama said...

And don't forget the cherry chapstick. We want hi to look his best;)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

George you are the TOP DOG!
Shhh dont tell Squirt I said that :)
thanks for the visit and comment I am happy with the new ride and thrilled with the warrenties!

Char said...

so cute!!! it made me smile

ELK said...

and you are the stage mom!! tee hee what a wonderful post and smile maker~ELK

Anonymous said...

Does George give autographs? I assume your husband is in charge of the makeup. And speaking border collies, did you see that P-dub's family has a new one too?

Delwyn said...

Hello Kate this is Delwyn.

I am saddened to tell you that my border collie- of paddle board fame, was hit by the garbage truck yesterday.
She was only seven and had given us much joy.
It is a quiet house today.

Michelle said...

I don't have a border collie, but my tri-color Aussie is sometimes mistaken for one! I am going to post some new photos of him soon, right after I find some time and brain power to apply some texture to the one photo that seems to be screaming for it. Thanks for the search tips; I found several sites. Unfortunately, the only free ones I could find on Michelle Black's site (GREAT textures!) come with an order.

Skogkjerring said...

George's movie will be right up there on my list of "to see" next to Marley and Me which I'm still waiting on to come out in Norway!!! Have you seen that film yet?? I just crack up everytime I see the previews on You Tube for it, especially where he is hanging outside the window and Owen is holding on to him so he won't get away and Jennifer is driving the car and the dog has his front paws out on the road walking...hahahahaha....I get serious belly laughs from that! I think it's cause Marley reminds me of some of the rascals I've lived with!!
Very cool that you mentioned my blog in your posting today- Humble thanks too you!!! I have to make one small correction, baby J.E.N.N.Y. isn't a border collie- she is a lovely tri-coloured Aussie girl!! Doesn't really matter though, I confuse the two myself sometimes!! And she didn't sleep with me last night..tried..I honestly tried but she started looking like she was going to leap from my since she didn't settle I just put her back in her kennel to serious protests!!! I felt bad..
Have a super weekend!!!

Daryl said...

Big Huge LABS .. did you know how PUNNY that is?

Did he work for scale or scraps .. :::rimshot:::

Mary said...

Awwww, how cute is that?! I'm thinking he's a shoo-in for an Academy Award... ;)

abb said...

My brother and his family is owned by Janis Joplin. She's 10 years old and one of the smartest dogs I've ever met. Yup, she's a Border Collie. Here's a photo of her:

abb said...

And here:

Tess Kincaid said...

Teehee! At first I thought "labs" the dog breed, since we always had labs here at the manor. I thought, wait, George isn't a lab. It took me a minute to get it. ;^)

Deb said...

I love it! Your post brought me a big smile today.
I would definetely stand in line for this new release!

The Weaver of Grass said...

My friend has a border collie called Jem. She rescued her from a farm in Shetland Islands, where she was going to be put down because she didn't like working with sheep. She is a very shy gentle dog and has made the most marvellous pet - I wonder if she has any idea how lucky she is.

Anonymous said...

Too cute!
I love putting my dogs on the blog! If they only knew!

Brenda Pruitt said...

My kind of movie. Dogs are a hot topic right now. They've always been with me anyway!

FireLight said...

I am still laughing at this! Indeed our beloved pets are the stars of our daily dramas: We do adore them!

Rosezilla (Tracie Walker) said...

My uncle used to have border collies. I have a cute pic of the dog on the back of my cousin's pony. We had an Australian Shepherd, which is very similar - my favorite dog ever!

Donna Boucher said...

What a funny and clever play on words!!!

LOVE it!