Monday, November 2, 2009

One of my favorite scents of Autumn

I had a very relaxing weekend. It was rainy and gray for most of it, but finally this afternoon, the sun made an appearance. I would love to relate all the wonderful cleaning I did, but I’m afraid that nothing got done other than some ironing and putting away of laundry. Very lazy on my part, but the cleaning can wait.

My husband is on his final round of chemo and I rarely post about this, but it’s been a year since his second brain surgery and the treatment is finally coming to an end (for now). So this is momentous for him. And because it’s Sunday and because it was crapola outside, I wanted the house to smell heavenly for a little while.

So this afternoon, much to my husband’s surprise, I made one of our favorite desserts. It’s Dlyn’s Apple Cheese Crisp [recipe here] and I must tell you that I haven’t had anything remotely fattening for so long now and this evening, I could not wait to get my dinner done so I could have my dessert. (And eat it, too).

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I love the combination of apples and cheese and my blogger friend Dlyn’s recipe incorporates cream cheese. I happened to have all the ingredients in the house, and we even found some Redi Whip in the frig that my husband had bought awhile ago (it’s still good).

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My husband prefers to make his own designs on his dessert.

And he pronounced this one “really good” which is saying a lot as he’s a man of few words.

And he had seconds.

Peace, love and rock ‘n roll, baybee.

Until tomorrow, then my friends?


Annie said...

ymmm..that looks delicious Kate...good on you. I love your husband's take on things. Good on him too...and may the next 12 months be much kinder for you all! Peace and love from Annie down under!

Mental P Mama said...

I think her cheese apple crisp may the the best thing. Ever. So glad this annus horribilis is behind you both. Onward and upward! xoxo, me

Gail said...

Mmmmmm! Nothing completes a wonderful day like a good dessert.

Anonymous said...

What a great recipe, I love apples and this looks like the perfect combination of ingredients!

noble pig said...

Funny I made and posted this recipe a year ago tomorrow, I think we were all enjoying it then!

Maria said...

That looks sooo decadent good. Everything on DLYN's looks like that. Okay, I made a recipe (which got lost of course) from someone on your bloglist. I think it was DYLN but I can't find it on her site. It's a super decadent corn chowder with bacon and potatoes and sour cream and probably cheese. I think the Superbowl was attached to the description but I forget. It was insanely good. If this sounds familiar to anyone can you let me know?

Kate-your husband is such a goofball. Love that peace sign.

Mary said...

Well good heavens, you probably shouldn't be doing any cleaning yet anyway. Hope you and your husband have a much better year to come, starting today! :)

Oh, and the apple crisp looks divine!

Leenie said...

Best wishes of good health to you and your husband.

Ellen said...

I must agree, there's nothing better than the smell of apples cooking no matter what they are in!

Here's hoping that the next year is one of good health for both of you.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Oh how I wish I'd seen this earlier today when I was scouring cookbooks for a good apple dessert recipe. Growing frustrated, I gave up and had a strawberry ice cream cone.

Your weekend sounds perfect. Some days must be declared days of rest otherwise we'd never get any with all there is to do all the time.

What's this Mental Mamma is referencing, somebody has a horrible anus? Should we be talking about such things in a post about apple cheese crisp?

Magnolia Street Style said...

I haven't visited all summer and I'm catching up reading everyones' posts. I'm glad you have recovered from your surgery, glad that your husband's treatments are winding down, and love the embarrassing rocking in the car story.

tj said...

...*giggle* @CBW's comment...

...And Holy Moly does that ever look good! That dlyn is one bad mammajamma in the kitchen I'm tellin' ya! :op

...Yeah, I think you and dear hubby have been thru enough already. I say 2010 shall be annus mirabilis...(uh huh MPM, how do ya like those apples? ;o)

...Glad to hear you're feeling better Kate! That makes me feel better too... :o)

...Many blessings you two...

Jeanne Walker said...

Let's just say that the Youngs' New Year is starting NOW! All things good and prosperous and healthy are wished for you guys!

Started the South Beach diet thanks so much for the Apple Crisp post! Just kidding! Found a recipe for SB Vanilla Ricotta Cheesecake...guess what I'm making tomorrow!

Glad that God arranged for a gray,rainy weekend for you so that you wouldn't overdo it! Have a wonderfully blessed week coming up, Jeanne

Jill of All Trades said...

That sounds so good. I may have to attempt something like that. I've never made a crisp! I'm so ready for fall food and Thanksgiving.

Stickhorsecowgirls said...

Looks yummy and comforting. Hooray for do-almost-nothing weekends! Had one myself. C

ELK said...

oh right back to you and yours Kate...peace love and apples get my vote every time!

Deb said...

looks so yummy...and now..I'm back on my diet...too much Halloween candy...just tell me how delish it is and I'll believe you one hundred percent!!!

Hilary said...

So glad to hear that he's on his final round. You must both feel so relieved.

Love how that pie looks.. a piece of peace pie. ;)

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Looks delish, Kate! Hugs to your husband - sending healing thoughts your way.

FireLight said...

My Gawd...what a year you have had! God bless that man, you, & Sweet George!
I think you all deserve your just desserts!
Peace be with you!

Char said...


that looks delish - plus, yay for the end of the treatments!!!

GailO said...

Love the peace sign:) ...and that recipe sounds decadently yummy!

Sugar Creek Beads said...

Oh how wonderful and delish that looks. I went over to her post and wrote down that recipe so I can do it next weekend for company. Blessings to you both, your photos and his have given me a smile everyday. Jeanne

Robin said...

That looks and sounds delicious, and the occasion it marks sounds even better. Congratulations to your husband and to you on reaching this important milestone.

I'm off to go poke around your blog now. I'm just beginning to play around with textures and Daryl suggested that you would be a great source of inspiration. She's absolutely right, I'm loving what I've seen so far!

Anonymous said...

If I could dive through this computer my face would soooo be in that whipped cream! Sorry... but gosh I love whipped cream and in fact will be making some today for pumpkin pie that awaits me downstairs in the kitchen...


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Oh happy day!

Anonymous said...

Oh that looks absolutely heavenly! I baked this weekend too. Made an apple spice cake, Yummy!

Tess Kincaid said...

Gosh, that looks devine!! Love the creamy peace symbol. Peace and prayers for your hubby and you!!

The JR said...

Wishing you and your husband well. A man that worked here had a brain tumor. They operated and a year later it came back. They operated again.

This has been over 10 years ago. I recently saw him and he made a bee line across the parking lot to hug me.

I was so proud that he was doing so well. So I hope your husband does as well as David is doing.


Daryl said...

Here's to whatever lies ahead .. may it be a good one. But no matter, the friendships will survive and sustain

The Weaver of Grass said...

Looks yummy - am just off the find the recipe.

Twincerely,Olga said...

that looks yummy! stoppin in from SItS!!!Glad to hear about your hubby!stop by

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh Yum! A dessert like that is good for the soul!

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh Yum! A dessert like that is good for the soul!

cottage farm villa said...

That looks absolutely scrumptious!