Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sometimes it’s better to have an empty plate

This post goes to all the people who are having a rough time of it out there.

You know who you are.

Life has handed you a plateful of trouble, and you're doing your best to deal with it and maybe praying for a bigger plate.

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Holidays are difficult, and I want you to know that I’m thinking of you today.

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I want you to know that I hope what's been put on your plate becomes more bearable soon.

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But for now, I want to say that it won’t always be like this. It will get better and it will get easier.

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All of the photos in this post were taken last Thanksgiving. This year my plate seems so much lighter.

Thanks to everyone who visits this little blog of mine, for your comments, for your support and for the absolutely incredible things you say sometimes. You rock my world.



becky up the hill said...

This is lovely and hopeful, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

maria from nj said...

And you rock mine. Thanks for sharing your visual talent and your great stories. I read blogs on my Crackberry before bedtime and yours sends me off with a smile.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

wishing there was a like button :)
(face crack humor) love ya and hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving and everyday!
special ear scratches for George :D

cottage farm villa said...

Kate, what a beautiful post! I wanted to stop by and wish you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get to spend the time with your boys!

I LOVE your new banner!!!!!

Kisses for George, the prettiest boy in the world!

suzanna said...


Hilary said...

Ah.. a bigger plate. Sounds very familiar. ;)

Lovely post, Kate. Have a great one.

Skogkjerring said...

Beautifully said Kate. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Hugs to you and your family (Including of course George!)

Sugar Creek Beads said...

How beautiful the photos and your words. Wishing you and your family a very safe and blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy you holiday. Jeanne

BB said...

What a lovely post Kate... despite not having an official Thanksgiving Day in Oz, I am thankful for many things. Among them: meeting wonderful blog buddies, some faintly green grass, and the arrival of my calendars, safe and sound!!

Thanks for creating such a lovely place to stop during the day.

Caroline said...

Beautiful heartfelt post...thank you Kate and Happy Thanksgiving :)

Mary said...

What a beautiful post! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, my friend. :)

FireLight said...

Dear, dear Kate, I have to say these are the most exquisite images...and YOU are such a treasure. I am up in the middle of the night, because -- on top of the horrendous events of the past week -- last evening I had to rush my big baby girl Gracie the Wonder Dog (our Bernese Mountain Dog) out to the vet school accompanied by her vet!! A bleeding ulcer brought on by a reaction to somes meds!! I am having a cup of tea and miss her not lying on my feet! I know you understand when I say she TAKES CARE OF US! I think she is going to be ok and know she is in good hands.
I have so much to be thankful for, including your beautiful artwork here..everyday...your spirit always shinging through!!!
God bless you & hubby & George!

Deb said...

A beautiful post Kate - your images are stunning.

Reflection is a wonderful thing and I know this family has so much to be Thankful for everyday.

Wishing you and your family a peaceful, feastful Thanksgiving :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post, and as usual, beautiful photos. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours..

The Curious Cat said...

Travelling through the blogosphere and came across you via another site...I think I like it here so I'm going to follow you for a bit and see what your about...I already like this entry and your photos! Hello! :) xxx

Scriptor Senex said...

What a lovely post, thank you.

Michelle said...

Beautiful, heartfelt post that is so true. The holidays can be so difficult. Hoping you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Hilary said...

Ah, here's to 'rough' times. Let's drink a toast, and get on with it!
Have a great holiday, Kate.

Jo Whitehurst said...


And, thanks for posting the encouragement and the lovely photos!

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

Gorgeous photos to accompany a wonderful sentiment.

It's true that things improve. Sometimes the things that bring you down don't necessarily change, but time and distance allow you to build up strength to cope with them better.

Have a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family, take lots of good pictures and eat lots of good food. Kiss and hug everybody and most important of all: laugh.

Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Beautiful just like you.
Happy Thanksgiving Kate.

Anonymous said...

Hapy Thanksgiving Kate! Lovely words and photos!

Deb said...

Your post is so beautiful today. Sensitive. Hopeful. Endearing.
Happy Thanksgiving, Kate and family.

Need A Latte Mom said...

Enjoy a peaceful Thanksgiving.
Blessings to you and your husband and a pat on the head for George.

Russell said...

Very nice words and thoughts! I always enjoy stopping by your blog and seeing a bit of your world.

Have a restful and peaceful Thanksgiving today. And keep taking photos for the rest of us to enjoy!!

PS Be sure to give George some of the Thanksgiving dinner today!! Bailey is already anticipating a feast later today!

CarlaHR said...

Thank you Kate for the lovely photos and text - you do have a talent for putting things into context. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of everyday life we forget to take the time to be grateful for what we have. Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving before you, but we will raise a glass to you and yours at Dinner to wish you and yours a very happy one. Enjoy the day

Marilyn said...

You have a way with words. I wish you the same, for today and all the days to come.

noble pig said...

Happy Thanksgiving friend!!

Unknown said...

Inspiring post with beautiful pictures. Have a lovely day.

Daryl said...

You are such a class act for someone who snores .. xoxo

Country Girl said...

Who, me? Methinks you are mistaken, Daryl.

I'm watching the Macy's Day Parade and now it's time for a walk. Can't take George because he's just had his Thanksgiving bath. And besides, he's napping right now. We leave in a couple hours for family in NJ.

Blessings to all.

~ C.G.

CHummelKornell said...


You have a way of always posting things of importance to me. Today, along with your encouraging posted Bittersweet. This was a special plant that my Mother and I shared. She passed away unexpectedly on Mother's Day in her 62nd year. Just prior she had sent me my last box of Bittersweet, that she and Daddy had gathered from the woods of Southwest Iowa. I cherished those vines, painted those vines (the first oil I ever sold), moved those vines and finally had to dispose of them. I do so miss her and I miss the Bittersweet which reminds me of her. Thanks for bringing them both back to me today, if only in my mind. Happiest of Thanksgivings to YOU and Yours.


Beth said...

Thank you for the beautiful post. I'm thankful for so many things this year. And your blog is one of those things.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

The Weaver of Grass said...

We may, as you say, rock your world, Kate - but I can assure you that you add sunshine to mine too. Have a Happy Thanksgiving - and here is wishing you and your husband better health in the coming year.

Chocolate Cat said...

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving filled with hope and joy xx

JacksDad said...

Your pictures are truly amazing. Happy Thanksgiving!

(I just joined your blog today - now I've got a lot of catching up to do!)

Cindy said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!! Love the photos as always.

Brenda Pruitt said...

And you have a phenomenal blog with spectacular photos to go along with it! Happy Thanksgiving!

tainterturtles said...

Very nice....a heart of compassion. Blessings to you and your family.

Debbie said...

What a wonderful post. I hope you and yours had a wonderful day.

Kathy's Klothesline said...

You know, it is easy to be thankful when our plates and bellies are full..... but those lean times, those are the times to be truly thankful for all that you have. Wishing a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

Char said...

and thank you for being the beautiful you that you are.


tj said...

...Ditto there sister... :o)

...Happy Thanksgiving Country Girl, Country Boy & George! Many blessings to you all...

RURAL said...

I think that we all needed to hear this today. Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving to you, and yours.


Kerri Farley said...

Beautiful Kate! Happy Thanksgiving!

GailO said...

...of all the Thankgiving Day posts I have belatedly read this has touched my heart the most Kate...My thoughts of Thanksgiving this year were bittersweet and I was looking for some to photograph...but it would never have been as beautiful as the first one here...Thanks for this beautiful post


ELK said...

here I am back from my Thanksgiving visit catching up and brought to tears at the beauty of the images and the thoughts...goodness Kate I so know that you touched may folks out there!!

Skeletalmess said...

Simply gorgeous captures, and heartfelt words my dear, you have a wonderful gift.