Thursday, June 11, 2009

Looking up

I’ve been terribly busy and haven’t been able to post. The academic office at school, where I work, is closing for a week after tomorrow and there’s so much to be done.

So forgive me for being remiss in daily posting, please. Things are looking up, though. And on that note, I’d like to leave you with a photograph to that effect.

DSC_0292Vintage Mod copy

This was taken in NYC about a month ago, on the Upper West Side. I loved the beautiful architectural details on this building.

Until later, my friends . . .


Sharon said...

Wonderful perspective!

Mental P Mama said...

We'll be here when you get back;) Don't work too hard....

Anonymous said...

we'll wait for you.....
take care.

Unknown said...

Hang in there kiddo...we'll see you when you are done and then you can breathe!!

Mary said...

That is so cool! No need to apologize, don't work too hard, and we'll catch you on the flip side. :)

Daryl said...

See ya when we see ya ....

That building never looked so good, what sort of effect did you use on that one?

imom said...

I love everything about that picture! Thanks for sharing.

Egghead said...

I am loving the photo. I am finding it hard to post as well but not for the exact same reasons.

Deb said...

don't be gone too long, I miss you when you aren't blogging.

Heather said...

I would have been bonkers having to wait on sharing this photo. There are some of my favorite views.

Glad you took the time to find it, capture it and share it!

JC said...

Cool shot ...

~~~ Stuey having her Pay It Forward ... if you want any cool items ... go visit your blog ~~~

abb said...

Hmmmm...I took that very same photo. Perhaps we were together??
End of year here too - and SO much to do in a school, I know!

Dan Felstead said...

Country Girl...
Great the perspective. So many people would have taken the picture straight on and it would just been another snapshot. You have made it unique.


olivia said...

Perfect photo for your post. :) Don't worry about us -- we'll be here waiting. Take care and don't work too hard.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Beautiful photograph - did you lie on the floor to take it?

Char said...

gorgeous details and POV

Anonymous said...

I love the perspective in the photograph.

Aimz said...

awesome building detail, how old is it?

Ellen said...

Cool photo. Hope all goes well as your school year closes. See you soon.

Woman in a Window said...

is a very cool shot.
One more week! Click your heels.

Lins said...

As usual, you've provided another fantastic picture for our viewing pleasure. Atta girl! :)

High Desert Diva said... I love this shot!