Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Views out the car window

When your destination is a 2-day drive away, and you only have so much to keep you busy, the road can become quite monotonous. In between reading a book, perusing magazines or napping until it was my turn to drive, I found myself gazing for long periods at a time out the front window.

So here are a few things I saw along the road. And then I’ll stop harping about my big road trip.

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For agonizingly long stretches of time, I saw nothing but interstate, trees (a lot covered in kudzu) and sky. But every now and then, we’d come upon something really interesting, like this bridge we came to after passing through Montgomery, AL. At least, I think we were past Montgomery.

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I’m not sure what river we’re crossing here. On the way back home again, I saw a sign for Lizard Creek. I was driving and my husband took these two photos. I just remember feeling elated while driving over this bridge (wherever it is) with its long-ranging view and momentary escape from the sheer boredom.

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I took this photo when we were driving over Lake Pontchartrain on the Interstate 10 bridge span. During Hurricane Katrina, the storm surge rendered this bridge completely unusable. The twin spans reopened in early January 2006.

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Here’s another view going over the 5-mile bridge.

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My first view of of the city of New Orleans, from I-10.

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Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waiting for a train.

Name that artist.

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Riding along Beach Boulevard (Route 90) in Biloxi on our way to the casino. I won over a hundred dollars that night.

So I wasn’t busted flat anymore.

I used to be flat busted.

But that’s neither here nor there.

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I was actually out of the car when I took this photo but I’m throwing it in here because I think it’s real purdy. I found it in a tub planter in Fairhope, AL where we’d stopped for lunch one day with our friends.

Hope you enjoyed the ride with me. And please, don’t think I’m whining when I said it was boring. I mean, it was. But it was also worth going the distance.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

Welcome to new faces I’m seeing all the time and to my faithful readers who visit daily. A shout out to Peggy. Hey, girl! Thanks for the tip to bring something real pretty to wear on the visit to see your brother.


Woman in a Window said...

HA! Janis Joplin. HA! I thought it would be old but I'm first. I better get out of here before I get tossed.

Woman in a Window said...

Whew! Ok, got that in. Loved the pictures and yes, me too, overwhelmed with keeping up but don't worry. We do what we can do. And I love come here, silly! (Silly sounds pretty dumb. Sorry. But I do love coming here.)

FireLight said...

From "Me & Bobby McGhee" ...what a song.
Looks like ya'll had a blast!

Country Girl said...

You're right. It's Janis Joplin and it's a great song.

~ C.G.

Char said...

:) the first bridge is not in Montgomery. I'm trying to figure out where it is...if it's on I-85 then it can't be our river bridge. You probably came down through Montgomery to hit I-65, right? the second bridge looks like the I-65 bridge going into Mobile (I think I remember Lizard Creek near there).

I love looking out the window as I drive - always scouting for shots and wishing I could stop.

Anonymous said...

Your photography just continues to get better and better!

Flat Creek Farm said...

Great pictures... as always :) I'm enjoying the 'ride along' on your trip. Makes me long for a road trip too! Anything, anything... to escape this heat in the midwest right now! -Tammy

GailO said...

Janis sang it best but Kris Kristofferson wrote it...

it is amazing how road trips can be boring and exciting at the same time:)

bv said...

ok...i am wayyy out west and just checked your post. Bobby McGhee and Me...Rodger Miller!!! wrote it, sang it and had a hit..Janis sang it and made it makes me tear up everytime i hear it. good song for traveling over a bridge...anywhere. happy to read you.

bv said...

opps! husband just told me kris kristofferson and fred foster wrote it and rodger sang it...who knew. i am not the picky song girl but this is so much part of my history...just

Maria said...

I love those pictures looking out the car window. I wouldn't mind seeing more. :-)

Hilary said...

Great post.. the photos.. the music.. the best.

Aimz said...

Cool photos - that's one mighty long bridge!

Laura said...

When I saw you photo of New Orleans I wanted to hop out of your car!

Enjoyed visiting,


Anonymous said...

as always kate i love looking at your pictures. makes me want to go back. maybe after the summer. new orleans is the best though. glad you got to see so much with W and S

Country Girl said...

Char, I sent you an e-mail last night. Yes, I think it's the bridge to Mobile! And yes, it's a long one because of all the wetlands it goes over. I knew about Kris K. writing the song but Janis made it famous by performing it. And surprisingly, bv, I've never heard the Rodger Miller version.
Yeah, Peggy. You need to go back!

~ C.G.

Anonymous said...

I'm so late to guessing the name of the song. Love your bridge theme photos! Sigh, I miss New Orleans. Well, and Mississippi and the slower life style there.

Lyn said...

Thanks for sharing. Glad you got some down time.

Mary said...

All I can say about bridges is better you than me. I'm not a real big fan. The low ones are OK, but the high ones scare the devil out of me. There's an overpass coming out of Philly on 636 that really freaks me out -- I always feel like I'm going to shoot off into space...

Hey, maybe I really do need to tweak my meds! ;)

Cindy said...

Great photos. Long trips can be boring, but once we get where we're going it's all worth it.

Deb said...

"Sing it, Janice!"

Golden West said...

Looks like a great trip!

Daryl said...

I was trying to get the name of the painter .. duh.. I am so slllloooowwww

Cant wait to spend 5 hrs in a car with you .. counting the days ... I cant read in a car ... in fact I need to sit shotgun or I get very sick ...

Pudge450 said...

The bridge is on I65, just north of Mobile, Al. It is referred to as "the Dolly Parton Bridge" by many local people. I don't know if it has and official name.

Michelle said...

Have you considered taking up knitting? It's my favorite passenger pastime! Keeps my fingers busy (and resportedly is protective against Alzheimer's!), but I can still chat and look out the window at will. And you produce something beautiful and/or useful at the same time!

Dirt Princess said...

How funny....I KNEW that brighe the MINUTE I saw it. You were actually closer to Mobile. That bridge is 5 minutes from my house. It is most notable known around here as The Dolly Parton bridge due to the two huge lumps....LOL!!! You were crossing the Mobile River and its various tributaries

Sarah Anne said...

Pretty flower. And a five mile bridge for reals? Scary!

Country Girl said...

Thanks, Pudge450 and Dirt Princess! Hilarious, the local's name for that bridge, too.
Michelle, that's a great idea. I have knit scarves before but have never done a bigger project. The stitches confuse me . . .

~ C.G.

Country Girl said...

Oops. Missed your question, Georgie Buttons. This is the small bridge from Slidell to New Orleans. There's actually another set of parallel bridges called The Causeway that crosses Lake Pontchatrain to north shore. It's the longest bridge in the US to go completely over water and is about 24 miles long. That's freaky. But it was that one that held up to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

~ C.G.

Michelle said...

Ah, come on, if you can figure out all that PhotoShop stuff you can handle the stitches! There's really only two, you know, knit and purl. Everything is based on those!

Country Girl said...

You are so right, Michelle. I should be able to figure this out. You are very motivating, you know.

~ C.G.

Michelle said...

Not half as motivating as YOU are!

Lori said...

Your pictures always say so much and have so much feeling. I love eyour posts but this time I especially liked the New Orleans shots, especially the skyline. We spend a couple of weeks every year there helping with re-building and have commented how far it has come. Looking at the skyline shot...our first year down there, January after Katrina everything was dark in that view without a light in sight as most did not have electricity yet. Every year since when we come over that bridge at night we marvel at how many more lights are in view. It's been fun to watch the progress. Thanks again for sharing such wonderful pictures.

Country Girl said...

And thanks to you above, for helping the city come back. Without volunteers such as yourself, where would we be in this world? Cheers!

~ C.G.

A Scattering said...

Thanks for the drive-by tour - it's fun and sometimes yields wonderful surprises.

Erin said...

missed this
beautiful captures from the car.