Friday, November 27, 2009

All I wanted on this day

Long-time readers of this blog know that I rarely, if ever, post photos of myself. But when I downloaded my Thanksgiving shots after getting home tonight, well I couldn’t help it just this once.

DSC_0494 copy 4

I think that my joy in being with my sons is quite apparent. It’s all I wanted today. That’s Matt on the left and Shaun on the right, who I hadn’t seen for awhile.

The food was great, the company was a pleasure, but seeing my sons and listening to Shaun play the piano meant the world to me.

I think I need a frame for this one.

Next month, I celebrate my two year blogging anniversary. For two years, I’ve been writing a post nearly every day and I can’t believe how much I enjoy it. In July of 2008, I began my other blog, A Picture A Day. It’s been wonderful getting to know you, my readers, and visiting all the wonderful blogs out there. To celebrate, I’m going to be holding a giveaway later in December. I’ll keep you posted on that.

Until tomorrow, then . . .


JacksDad said...

You can tell how happy you are. It shows in the picture!

The Bramble Patch said...

Oh Kate - what a wonderful picture. Your boys are so handsome and you are positively glowing! Your boys have a look on their faces of being so happy also; I can just tell that they enjoyed being together and with their Mom.

I am so glad that you had a "good for the heart" Thanksgiving. That indeed makes it a happy one!

Hugs - Vanessa

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Kate...This is a great photo. You can see how proud you are of your boys. I agree that you should frame this one!
Have a great weekend.

Skogkjerring said...

They say a picture is worth a 1000 words and this picture is definitely saying in a 1000 ways how proud and happy and loved you are with your boys! Framing it goes without saying! So glad you had a great day and very excited to see what you will be giving away on your blog in December!! I'm off to a Christms show with the kiddos at work today! Have a super Friday!!

Hilary said...

Kate, that's a beautiful photo. Your mom pride just shines through. They're fine-looking boys with a very beautiful Mom. :)

Jo said...

Aw, Kate, that's wonderful. What a gorgeous family. (You have beautiful hair...!)

That indeed needs a silver frame. Maybe you can put it on your Christmas wish list. :-)

Sweetpea said...

ahhhhh, I do believe your spirit is bursting right out of the edges of this image, CG...soaring.

Caroline said...

You look absolutely radiant! What a wonderful day indeed!

Reddirt Woman said...

That photo just makes my heart smile for your joy.

Thank you for sharing "just this once".


Scriptor Senex said...

Really pleased for you, Kate. The smaile says it all.

Leslie: said...

What a wonderful moment captured in time forever! Indeed, do get a special frame for that photo and place it where you can see it every day. Hugs...

My name is Riet said...

What a wonderful happy mother and sons photo this is. It definitely needs a frame so you can proudly see it every day.
Have a nice after thanksgiving day

Kerri Farley said...

Oh Happy Day!

Bonnie Zieman, M.Ed. said...

Look at you glow . . . how lovely. So glad you received exactly what you needed.

Congrats on nearly two years of blogging. Thank you, too, for responding to my inquiry about Photoshop Elements.

Jo Whitehurst said...

So, glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Having your children home is such a blessing! Thanks for sharing your life with us for almost 2 years. What an accomplishment! The blogosphere is much more beautiful and interesting with you in it!

Gail said...

Isn't it wonderful when dreams come true?

Golden West said...

Really what the day is all about - time with those who mean the most. Glad to hear you had such a wonderful day and thanks for sharing the charming photograph of you with your sons.

Hilary said...

Handsome boys, nice looking Mom, lots of JOY, camaraderie, all good stuff.
Beautiful picture, I am so glad you shared it.

BB said...

Barely restrained joy.
A wonderful shot... your husband behind the lens?

Congrats on two years - I started (properly) just a month later... it's fun isn't it? And just LOOK at the people you meet!

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

Beautiful boys -- beautiful Mom!

tainterturtles said...

Thanksgiving....they say it's about food, but I say it's all about our families. It's a time to give thanks for everything in our lives.

Love the photo of the boys. I know the feeling well. My son and daughter are here to visit and we feel like a family once again! Oh how I love that feeling.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

*gasp* You are beautiful! Your boys are handsome too ;0) I can see the joy ooze from your pores. Glad it was a good one for you. You deserve it!

Anonymous said...

Such a great photo. You clearly are very proud and happy to be with your sons. A true keeper Frame it!

CarlaHR said...

Kate, I am sure that those two sons being with you made it a true "Thanksgiving" day. I want to thank you for your wonderful blog - it is the first one I read in the morning and it always leaves me feeling just a little better as I go about my day. Enjoy the rest of the long weekend.

Heather said...

Why don't you post photos of yourself, beautiful Lady with wisdom in her eyes?? Why? Look at you!!

I understand your thoughts of being with the boys, even though mine consume me with their energy right now - I know that there will be days to come where I only hope to see them at my door.

{lump in my throat}

Aaaaggghhh....okay done.

You are beautiful, Kate.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful, priceless photo of you with your boys! So happy you were able to share that time with them and capture it on the camera!

Daryl said...

Having met Matt I knew he looked just like his dad but I had no idea that Shaun too was a ringer for his pop ... this is such a lovely photo .. the love shines right through you, my friend, yes that needs a frame xo

Pat - Arkansas said...

All you wanted -- and more! Indeed, that photo is a keeper, and should be framed and placed where you can see it every day!

You have very handsome sons, and their mother is beautiful, in person and in spirit.

Deb said...

One proud mama! You are lucky to get a photo of yourself because when you are the photo taker, you are always behind the camera. I have lovely photos of the fam, but according to the photo ensemble, I was never there!

Mental P Mama said...

Beautiful. The most beautiful picture of you I've ever seen. ♥♥♥♥♥

Mary said...

Aw Kate, that is so wonderful! I can just feel the happiness of this moment. Definitely frame-worthy. :) And isn't it cute that you have one son who looks like your husband, and one who looks like you. And you, btw, look gorgeous!

Need A Latte Mom said...

Absolutely wonderful!
A beautiful photo of you and your boys! Thanksgiving is about family.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

This really is a great photo, and you are beaming. Sounds like your day was as special as you are.

Flat Creek Farm said...

Kate, I love this picture of you and your boys. As a mama whose (one) offspring once lived far far away, I totally get your happy glow! :) So glad your boys could be there. -Tammy

noble pig said...

Beautiful, beautiful photo, what a joy for you!

Unknown said...

What a great picture! You look so happy to be with your family.

BTW, I love the new photo/header on the blog!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful picture...the happy look on your face makes me happy too! I am so glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


Chocolate Cat said...

What a beautiful photo, the 3 of you look so happy.

GailO said...

I can feel the joy and happiness beaming right through the monitor...oh yes joy...A beautiful portrait of a mother and sons...frameable for sure....

tj said...

...Oh for cryin' out loud, cute overload! ;o) And may I say, I adore your hair!

...Yes, I remember when I found you. Your profile photo was of you sitting on a swing or a bench on the porch of an old log home. I remember thinkin' to myself with the Country girl name and the profile photo that you were a kindred spirit and I was right. You were then and still are today... :o)

...Lovely photo and thanks for sharing... :o)


Laura said...

Obviously you felt the fullness of Thanksgiving. And it shows in all of your faces. Great photo.

Brenda Pruitt said...

You look so truly happy and content there with your boys on either side of you! Yes, I'd frame that one for sure.

Anonymous said...

You are sooo lovely. AND, your pride is showing just as a mother's pride should.

Handsome boys!

The Blue Ridge Gal
Just Vignettes

Betty said...

That is a very wonderful picture of you and your boys they are very good looking and it so nice to see your lovely face and curley hair.
~~Love,Hugs and Good Thoughts~~

beth said...

I think this photo needs to be blown up and put into an extra large's just wonderful !.....and you look especially happy and filled with love ~

A New England Life said...

You can't ask for any more than that Kate ... time with the ones you love.

So glad it was a special day for you. Hopefully for the boys as well.


Anonymous said...

You do look like a happy Mum. time spent with grown kids is so special. Glad you had a good day.

FireLight said...

I just love seeing you so happy!

Dagmar said...

Oh Kate it's lovely to see you almost in total and not sneaked back behind a camera. You look stunningly beautiful. And so do your boys. I can tell your heart is full with love and pride for them.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo! Well worth framing!

Another Sister said...

Nice, Kate.

Jill of All Trades said...

LOVE it!

Donna S. said...

Handsome guys....definitely need a frame!! Happy memory!!

Char said...

a beautiful shot and happy memories

i'm so glad it was a good day

ELK said...

what a very special family look simply beautiful ! This is what it is all about my friend!!

cottage farm villa said...

Dear Kate, soooooo happy to see that your boys were home for Thanksgiving!!! The perfect day. What a great photo!

Woman in a Window said...

There you are! I swear, you can barely keep your mouth closed, you are pure joy. And those boys. I can see why. I'm glad your Thanksgiving was full.

Staci said...

You look so proud, and rightfully so!

I also am jealous of your wonderful hair!

abb said...

You have a lot to be pround of my friend.