Monday, August 23, 2010

Hang on, little tomatoes

This evening here in Maryland was delightfully cool and after dinner I took a walk around the property.

It’s wonderful to be able to do that again. I missed walking when it was so terribly hot and humid. I know, I know – I should have bitten the bullet and Just Did It, like the Nike ad suggests. But me no likey the sticky heat.

Afterward, I came inside and saw the tomatoes my husband has on the kitchen counter. I thought they looked artistically arranged.

So I got the camera and put on the 50mm lens.

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This lens lets in a lot of light.

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My husband had the tomatoes arranged like this, which is what caught my eye in the first place.

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The cherry tomatoes from our garden taste as sweet as candy. And when I say our garden, I’m using the term loosely. It’s my husband’s garden and I get to enjoy the bounty of it without the work involved.

It’s the best.

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I will tell you something else about my husband.

Before my walk tonight, I saw him grating asiago cheese over George’s dinner. He had the dog bowl on the counter and had prepared him a lovely feast of kibble mixed with some odds and ends and was using the cheese grater to finish it off.

I stood there staring at him until he looked up and said, “What?”

I just smiled and walked away. But the mental picture will stay with me forever, of a man who adores his dog. It’s sweet.

And speaking of sweet ~

A friend turned me on to this tune. And then she sent me the CD! It’s old-fashioned goodness and I love it.

Until tomorrow, my friends . . .

PS ~ Ellen, I cannot believe you have the exact same sunflower print(from yesterday’s post) in your home! I tried to write you back, but I got the blues.


Brynwood Needleworks said...

Your photos a l m o s t made me wish I were a gardener. I can almost taste them 'maders. lol
Oh, and thanks for sharing the visual of grating cheese over the dog dish. George is one stinkin' lucky dog! ;-)

Country Girl said...

Isn't he, though? I would be jealous but my husband does sweet things for me, too.

~ C.G.

SouthernSass said...

I love your cherry tomatoes! Visit my site to see what happened to mine.... :(

Michelle said...

I am up to my nostrils in cherry tomatoes at the moment, but I love the pics of yours. How sweet for George. You know he deserves that special meal:)

wayne15575 said...

love that music !!! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

I used to put cheese in my dog's dinner too....sweet!

Deb said...

your husband sounds like mine..he spoils our boys...

Hilary said...

Just a word of caution......I know your husband probably didn't give me much cheese....but a couple of years back I gave my dog some leftover mac and cheese, home made.....and that night he started vomiting....he ended up with the vet hospital for a week, and was very, very sick. to the tune of $800 which I would have paid triple of. the vet said that dogs can't process the fat....and every thanksgiving he gets dogs with pancreatitis. So now, dear Eddie gets a 'fat free' diet....seriously.
I never knew.

Char said...

that made me smile...the cheese. so sweet.

we do crazy things for our fur babies

Country Girl said...

Good to know, Hilary.

He never uses much, just the tiny bit that's left after a pasta meal. And he's been doing it for a year or more with no ill effects.

THANK YOU for the warning, though!

~ C.G.

Anonymous said...

Yes... men and their dogs. Aren't they wonderful to watch? I sat and smiled last night as Hubby cradled our new sleeping puppy in his arms. Should have snapped a photo but the lighting was not good.

I love that your husband spoils George. :-)


JacksDad said...

All the tomatoes out here are greenhouse tomatoes and they don't seem to have the same flavor as the homegrown ones. :(

deborah said...

I need to pick the cherry tomatoes-I can't eat them, but grow them for my husband:) Love the pictures and the mental image. George likes a nice dinner, too!

Annie said...

that is so cute...the tomatoes arranged artistically,, then the cheese on the dogs dinner...he is very lovely, Kate.

Karen said...

I love that your husband grated cheese for the dog :-)

And.. there is an awesome recipe, AWESOME!!! that I know you'de love...on my friends blog..tomato pie that's delicious and easy.. a link to her blog is posted at the bottom of my latest post.

A New England Life said...

Maybe one year we'll get our act together and start a garden! Both my husband and I enjoy gardening but with kids still at home it's just one more thing to add to the list.

The other day I worked at someone's house and she took a slice of wheat bread and layered it with a thick slice of tomato (out of their garden), salt & pepper, and muenster cheese, then put it under the broiler. To die for Kate! Delicious! And then her husband brought out ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

Kerri Farley said...

LOVE the music!
Your hubby must be a master gardener!!

beth said...

a man who loves his sweet.

Mental P Mama said...

How sweet is that??? I am not telling Dora. She will be quite miffed.

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! George is a lucky boy!

Daryl said...

Aw .. sweet about the cheese on George's kibble ... and those tomatoes .. yum .. makes me think of the fabulous ones Nora gave me ... glad you are enjoying Pink Martini....xo

Diane said...

I used to give the Brute Squad a sprinkle of cheese on their kibbles, but the vet told me to knock it off... that they can't process the fat in cheese. Granted, they are probably a bit more delicate than George! We switched to boneless skinless chicken breast instead. It has cut down on "digestive upsets"!

Still, it's a sweet image you described! It warmed my heart!

The JR said...

That's a very sweet story on your hubby fixing George's supper.

Luv the tomatoes. The heat has just about croaked ours here in MS.

Carolynn Anctil said...

Very pretty indeed. I love that your husband puts that added touch to George's dinner and I especially like that he behaved as though it was nothing out of the ordinary. *smile*

GailO said...

And I thought my husband was spoiling our dog when he decided to start heating up her meals in the microwave...Does George not like Parmesan?:)

Love that Pink Martini music!

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

I'm jealous of your tomatoes...while I was able to put up quite a few pints of stewed tomatoes, mine all eventually burned up in this Mississippi heat :( Enjoy!

Jan's camera said...

First, I love your photos of the tomatoes. That arrangement would have caught my eye also. But, oh, the cheese grating! That is too sweet!! Lucky George!

Andi said...

Expensive asiago over the dog's food?? My husband loves the dog more than I expected he would, but he would never ever put that on the dog's food! I have to compliment George on his palette!

sherry said...

I almost teared up about hubs abd the dog food. That was so sweet of him.

Lili said...

Oh man, asiago cheese, now that sounds great paired with those tomatoes, which by the way are gorgeous. I love that your husband did that for George. ~Lili

Jayne said...

I used to love to snatch my Papaw's "tommytoes" off the vine and eat them. Good memories.

mrs mediocrity said...

Gorgeous tomatoes, my husband made sauce this past weekend, it was delicious. And he does the same sort of things for our dog, if he gives him a bite of bread it has to be buttered, he goes to bed sometimes just so the dog can hop up there and cuddle with him. And he will loop his way around however many animals happen to be on the bed so he won't disturb them, instead of moving them out of the way. He might be nuts. But he is an animal lover.