Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Kaunila Cottage in Milbridge, Maine

Last week, my husband and I rented the Kaunila Cottage, a new listing being offered by a rental agency that we’ve used in the past. The cottage is located on Bar Island, just outside of the town of Milbridge, Maine. It boasts wonderful views and sits directly at the southern tip of the island on several wooded acres along the rocky shore.

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The views from the deck are incredible, as was the wonderful cool air coming off the water.

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The rental agency also provides kayaks and these two were waiting for us when we arrived. This is a perfect place to kayak, by the way.

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A short stroll through one of several different paths leads you to the rocky shore.

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We’ll take the path directly in front of the house. Come on, I’ll show you.

The scent of the sea is strong here, and the woods and the damp earth smell glorious.

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Isn’t this beautiful?

Many of the rocks here are large and smooth making it very comfortable to hang out and enjoy listening to the sounds of nature and the occasional lobster boat. This was shot at almost high tide.

But you probably want to see the inside of the house as well, don’t you? Let’s head back up there, then.

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This art work on the side of the cottage greeted us when we arrived. A neighbor told us that a prominent Maine artist owns the property. I wonder if this is one of her works.

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The inside of this basic Maine cottage is light and airy, with lightly stained pine throughout. Expansive windows allow you to feel as if you’re outside. A small kitchen includes all the necessities, and there is a simple bedroom in the back. There is also a tiny sitting room that has a pull down ladder which leads to a nice little loft.

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The cottage states that it only sleeps two, but if the owners were to utilize the loft area, a small family of four might be comfortable here.

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Comfortable is a relative term, however. And although I loved the simplicity of the cottage and its vintage furniture, I found it lacking in comfort. The double bed is very old and needs replacing.

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But hey, it sure wasn’t anything we couldn’t live with. Because with a view like this, affordable rates for the week in high season, combined with the fact that pets are accepted, the Kaunila Cottage is definitely one I would recommend.

With a small investment on the owner’s part in a more comfortable bed and seating conditions, I would highly recommend it.

Coming up tomorrow: some local hikes.

Until then, my friends . . .

PS – Thank you for all the wonderful comments. You guys really are the best. And although I’d love to respond to every one of you, please know that I read each comment with fondness, and I so appreciate your visits and good thoughts.


becky up the hill said...

Tell it like it is Kate! The older I get, the lack of a comfortable bed can be a deal breaker. Meanwhile, I am so in love with your beautiful views, description of the lovely sea soaked earthy scents. So happy you had this time.

Chesapeake Bay Woman said...

This looks fabulous. Cannot wait to see more.

Karen said...

I can smell the sea air, and feel the effervescent cool water while gliding along in the kayak. (I know that word is spelled wrong, too lazy to google it).

And YES, the bedding and seating are very important.

Mary said...

Wow, those views are amazing!!!

abb said...

It really is a magical place. You captured it wonderfully!

BTW - BLOGGER, not ME erased your comment I was trying to publish - the one on the "here and here and here..." post. Sorry! It wasn't me!

Hilary said...

It reminds me very much of the house I rented when I lived in China, Maine......eons ago......the location is are making me antsy for my own vacay to Me!

Andi said...

I would sleep on a lumpy bed for those views! Wow. :) Can't wait to see the hikes. That is one of my favorite pastimes. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

Unknown said...

I am so very glad that the three of you had a good time.....sounds like perfect Maine weather....smiles.

Molly said...

Good to have you back, Kate! A couple book related things: here is a link to the casting for the male character in Girl w Dragon Tattoo

and I went on to read the second book, and didn't find it as jarring - just a really good read.

Thanks for sharing your Maine vacations - a Maine vacation is on my bucket list!

mrs mediocrity said...

Looks wonderful, but yes, a comfortable bed is a must...
Great photos, as always.

deborah said...

What lovely views! I'm so glad you had a good week but hate you weren't able to rest well due to the bed.
I love the wooded area going right down to the 'beach' of both worlds!

Marla said...

It looks like an absolute dream.

Marla @

GailO said...

I love to peek inside other people's houses! This one Looks comfy even if it isn't...and what a view! The house we stay in each year does not have comfortable seating either:(

Mental P Mama said...

What a cute spot! Well, except for the bad bed...

Cloudia said...

The Best!

I can hear the fresh water lapping, smell the pines, hear the night sounds.

Lucky You

Aloha from Honolulu :)

Comfort Spiral

DAnna said...

Having never been there myself, I'm enjoying vicariously your trip to Maine! What a lovely spot. Anxiously awaiting more photos.

Anonymous said...

The owner should give a commission on your referrals :)

I'm wondering if the people of Maine are so artistic because of the natural beauty with which they live.

Linda (GillLink)

Jeanne Walker said...

Maybe besides donuts, if you were to rent this cottage again, you might want to bring an air mattress!

Your Maine is my Colorado! I miss the clear mountain streams, the scent of blue spruce, and the coolness of the night air...along with roasting marshmallows on an open fire and watching shooting stars traveling across the clear night sky! Awwwwwww! Wish I was there!

Cannot wait for the continuing story and photos tomorrow night.

Sweet dreams of Maine to you!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

I am jealous - it is very hot here in Georgia. What a beautiful location!!

Brynwood Needleworks said...

It really is a beautiful place to get away from it all. (I guess, including a comfy bed!) I'm so glad that you had a good time while you were there. We'll be heading to Nantucket for husband's brother's second wedding. Husband will be the officiant! October on Nantucket will make up for the stinkin' hot weather we're enduring now in FL.

Nurse Nancy said...

Looks wonderful and I cannot wait to see more pics and hear more stories!

From the Old InkWell said...

WOW! What a place! One of our most enjoyable trips was up the coast of Maine. Love Ogunquit (Beautiful city by the sea)!

Daryl said...

Did you let the rental agent know about the bed? If not, you should ...

Love this place and the gorgeous scenery .. was that your tripod or was it a telescope?

Deb said...

absolutely beautiful...I bet you hated to leave...

The JR said...

What a great place. Very nice.

mom x 2 said...

Wow! Those views!!!!

I've always wondered why people rent a place with out a comfortable bed.... but those views!

Can't wait to see more!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I love the way George is sniffing the country air in that photograph - do hope he had a few swims in the sea too.

Lili said...

Just read the general questions for that cottage and cracked up. One of the questions was "Where did the ocean water go?" They should add one in there for "Why is the bed so uncomfortable?" Nice spot though, very Maine. ~Lili

foolery said...

Looked at all of your photos (which are great, of course) but my two favorites are the seagull and the one of you and George in the car window. It may be cool in Maine but there's a lot of warmth coming from your pictures. Miss you, Miss Kate!

Anonymous said...

Oh, an uncomfortable bed just ruins a vacay for me. Guess I'd have to take a foam mattress along to add some cushiness to it. But, wow.. the view from that place are killer.


Tiggeriffic said...

Oh my ~ Maine is so beautiful..Do you ever find sea glass along the waters edge?

Jill of All Trades said...

How beautiful and peaceful that place looks. Wonderful.

Carolynn Anctil said...

What a wonderfully peaceful, relaxing place. Looks a little like the west coast of B.C. actually.

Anonymous said...

Mow I want to go to Maine!