Really. It's not. The sun is shining and it's not bitter cold. Our youngest son has gotten his first apartment, about a half hour north of here in Delaware. He signed the lease yesterday, but had to work late so he came today to collect his bed and some things he still had here. My husband helped him and I made him lunch and collected things I thought he'd need. Actually, he moved out of our home last August but he was just staying with a friend until now.
But today, he came to collect everything. And I'm not sad one bit. If you know me, you know I'm not kidding. And isn't this what it's all about? You have children, you raise them the best that you possibly can, and then they grow up and move on. It's as it should be. Parenting is the art of letting go. I've always believed that and it's helped me when they've left. We have two sons and our eldest lives in Manhattan and is doing well.
I'm really excited for my youngest son. There he is driving down the farm road in our old Volkswagen Eurovan. Let's wish him luck, shall we?
Good for you! That is what it's all about - molding them and raising them so they can live their own life as independent adults.
I love my 18 y/o daughter dearly. However, this last year I've been collecting garage sale furnishings - enough to have a basic household. She'll move out after graduation and work full time while she goes to college.
Momma birds have to push the babies out of the nest when they're ready to fly. And like you, I wholeheartedly agree with that.
Good Luck, Shaun - those are good parents you've got there.
Thanks. Good luck to your girl, too!
my youngest leaves for college this fall. I should be sad, but I'm not either. I love to see the boys move on to new exciting stages.
good luck Shaun! And good luck brneyedgal's daughter.
Ya know I'm not sure how I will react when it's my kids' turn to move on. I remember my parents didn't have a hard time about it either - I moved out and by the next week, my bedroom was redecorated into a spare guest room. I think I was the one a bit sad that my moving out affected my parents seemingly so little.
How exciting for Shaun, though. Good luck Shaun!! May God bless you in your new chapter of your life. :D
I totally agree with you.....parenting is the art of letting go. I give hints of that truth to my brother who has several very young children at home, and he looks at me like I'm crazy.
Best wishes to your son!
Yes, and it is oh so peaceful without the noisey kids!! It took us about a week to adjust; now we have to adjust when they come back!!!
so what happens when your mother wants to always be with you and move in? I am not complaining just giving you another voice! Happenens to be Karen. I hope they turn my garage into an apartment so they can help pay the bills and i also love their company. lets have another glass of wine to that and Josie's stinky farts!
Acorn, we all know it isn't Josie's stinky farts. Yeah, you heard me!
Acorn, we all know it isn't Josie's stinky farts. Yeah, you heard me!
Acorn, we all know it isn't Josie's stinky farts. Yeah, you heard me!
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