I took a different route home in order to stop at the Hallmark store and I happened to drive by a pet store. I realized that I hadn't bought George a new toy for quite some time now and so many of them are getting pretty ratty, so I turned my Honda Element into the parking lot and went in. I came out a short time later with a couple of fun new toys and a new ID tag for my favorite dog.

When I came home, my husband was doing the dishes. You have no idea how much I love seeing a tall, strapping man doing the dishes. And then he started getting out pots and pans to begin cooking dinner and I had to get outa there before I just got way too excited!

I took George outside and let him choose one of the toys. I tossed it and he caught most of them and kept bringing them back for more. These pictures are not blog-worthy as far as I'm concerned, but they're all I got tonight! It is pretty difficult to toss and snap at the same time and there was no way I was going to disturb the dinner process by asking my husband to come out and toss while I snapped photos.

Then it was walk time and George decided to bring his new toy with us, dropping it just ahead of me so that I could keep picking it up and throwing it to him. By the end of the little 20-minute walk, he was tuckered out. And as I'm writing this, it's an hour and a half later and this dog is STILL playing with this toy. He loves it!

And now on to the award. Ever since I started fooling around with the little black box, I've been getting visitors from all over the globe on both this site and my
Picture A Day photography blog. And some of them are becoming regular visitors. Hello to all of you. Yes, you out there. You know who you are.
One such visitor is Suzy at
Soo's Stuff. She hails from Cornwall in the UK and has a couple of brand new puppies. I also must mention her vacuum. It truly has a personality of its own.

Suzy has bestowed the "I Love your Blog" award to me. And I am thankful. I received another one of these last month and will add this to my collection of wonderful awards. And because I've already sent this award on to three deserving other bloggers, I have decided to be lazy and not pass on, but I will say that I love all the blogs that are on my sidebar here. To me, they all deserve this award.
Until tomorrow, my friends.
I think they are greats shots but who am I?
Congrats on the award!
Congrats! What did that strapping man make for dinner?
By the way, I love the shots, and the scenery...brick walks being my favorite.
That dog looks happy! New toys, yahoo!
Aww...George looks really happy! Our Ralphy, God rest his soul, would play with those toys for about an hour and then completely shred them to bits.
Congrats on the well deserved award! :)
George is truly fortunate to have an owner who buys him a fun new toy!
Congrats on the award! Ditto.....I love your blog, too!
Love the pictures of George having fun... what was for supper? cool award I love your blog too....sniffs and a tear... my blog is NOT in your side bar :(
Awww, George is so cute with his new toy! And the farm looks like a beautiful place to take a nightly walk.
Congrats on the award. I am really behind in acknowledging mine. Forty lashes with a wet noodle.
Gotta love a man who cooks and does dishes!
What a great post...George got new toys, the fantabulous man in the kitchen, and you got a nice award...I loved the photos, by the way.
I want to be George! He looks so darn happy!
Congrats, Kate - I love your blog, too.
What was for dinner??
Ah! It's been a while since I had five minutes to think about visiting. I'm so glad I did today so I could see George. I love that dog! And all the photos look beautiful, as always!
I hope all is well. Aren't you loving this weather? Have you seen my chickens on Bumblebee?
Take care,
Ntl Gardening Examiner
(and chicken lover)
Any post with George in it is a winner - and a man doing dishes??? Over the top, girl!
Don't dogs just love new toys - but when you think - it is almost the only things they own in the whole world so they are entitled to be enthusiastic about every new one!
Hi, all. For dinner we had another veggie burger. He likes to make veggie burgers on Monday nights. With french fries to help me lose weight. And sliced pickles. The veggie burger was on a rustic bread that we've never had before and may I say that it was divine?
Don't tell him but I am going to make Pastor Ryan's Pasta Primavera this weekend. The recipe is on Pioneer Woman's site today. I think my husband will be shocked. I love shocking him!
~ C.G.
PS--George slept with his new toy last night. I couldn't believe it. Maybe he just fell asleep with it by his head, I don't know. But it was cute!
Your photos are divine, but your manners need much improvement! You should always pass your blessings on! When you receive an award, you should bless others with it. Lord knows there is no shortage of excellent blogs out there!
I love your blog too ...
George is a honey ... and his play reminds me of Gus when he gets a new catnip toy ....
Omigod Kate, you MUST stop writing about your strapping man doing the dishes and cooking dinner! It has been FAR TOO LONG for me! lol
Anyhoo, glad George loves his toy. And it sounds like all is going along quite well now that you're all settled. Does it feel like "home" now?
It does feel like home, Leslie. And I am truly blessed to have my husband still with me. I am sorry I haven't been to see you lately. Look at your smiling face! I am at work now and coming right over.
~ C.G.
As usual those photos of George are so great. I love how he is in love with his new toy. Congrats on the award!
There isn't much that's more enjoyable than watching a pup play with a new toy.. except a man cooking dinner of course. :)
Edward says that there is almost nothing better in the whole world than a new toy! Well done, George!
A man in the kitchen cooking! Is there ANYTHING sexier???
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